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Showing posts from 2007


Tips berikut ini diberikan oleh Sir Bats (Pak Sabri) di forum ubuntu-id . All credits for him. -- Yang pengen open-office nya start lebih cepat dari microsoft office : intinya : buka openoffice (writer/calc) klik Tools>options> Pilih > memory ganti angka undo step dari default 100 ke 20 / 25 / 30 saya pikir angka 10 masih masuk akal, kita tidak akan meng-undo sampai sepuluh kali dalam penggunaan sehari-hari. tambahkan volume graphic cache dari default : 6 MB ke 128 MB (kalo anda punya 2 GB memory boleh dicoba angka 200-250 MB). ganti point Number of object ke angka 20 (boleh dicoba 5/ 10/ 15). klik quickstarter. kalo anda tidak membutuhkan fitur Java : klik item java dan jangan dicentang. (terutama pengguna x86_64/amd64 ... java bikin suck) :=)) punya saya dibikin begini : open office start dalam waktu 1 detik !! :=)) ...

UI Punya Forum Sendiri, Lho...

Salah satu wujud dari Pemberdayaan Open Source Software di Universitas Indonesia , kami implementasi sebuah forum. Forum ini ditujukan untuk dua hal: Forum komunikasi untuk sharing opensource knowledge. Ajang komunikasi anak UI di dunia maya, alias forum umum buat anak UI. Nah, siapa aja yang bisa daftar? Buat orang UI yang sudah punya password SIAK, langsung saja login di sana. Buat orang umum, silahkan daftar dengan ketentuan berlaku. Berhubung Universitas Indonesia adalah sebuah institusi legal, maka diperlukan otentifikasi. Jadi, buat orang umum yang mau tergabung dalam forum harus mengirimkan data: Nama Asli Organisasi/Tempat Beraktivitas Email Nomor Telepon/HP Jadi, kalau ada postingan aneh-aneh kita semua bisa bertanggung jawab. Tentu saja, kebijakan dari UI adalah tidak men- disclosure informasi pribadi kepada pihak ketiga, kecuali kasus khusus. Silahkan kunjungi saja langsung, deh. Klik di sini .

Peace: Understanding The Christianity

Ketika Yesus dan murid-murid-Nya berkunjung ke sebuah desa di Samaria, mereka ditolak dan diusir keluar. Dengan perasaan marah dan malu, murid-murid-Nya bertanya kepada Yesus: "Guru, maukah Engkau agar kami berdoa mengirimkan api dari langit [untuk membumihanguskan mereka]?" Namun, dengar keras Yesus menegur dan memarahi mereka. Bagi Anda yang cukup rajin membaca Alkitab, Anda tahu bahwa ada kisah di mana Yesus mengutuk sebuah pohon ara yang tidak berbuah sehingga ia menjadi kering. Ia juga pernah mengecam para ahli-ahli kitab yang hanya munafik. Bahkan, Ia pernah berbuat kerusuhan dengan meluluhlantakkan dagangan di Bait Suci. Namun, mengapa terhadap mereka yang menolak Dia, tak sedikit pun Ia marah, apalagi mengutuk? Yesus pernah memberi klaim bahwa Anak Manusia datang untuk menyelamatkan bukan untuk menghakimi. Jadi, tidak berdasar apabila penyelamat kemudian memutuskan untuk menghakimi. Seperti Yohanes yang mencatat dalam kitab Wahyu, "Lihat Aku berdiri di depan pint...

Just Another Posting Nyampah

Sang Pemilik, Julian alias Dimas alias Ij*l (deprecated interface, not recommended) menghendaki agar blog -nya tidak dibaca. Mohon jangan me-link atau membacanya. Ada seseorang yang bernama Ilham dipanggil Mahli, palindrom. Trus, ada juga angkatan di bawahnya bernama Mahli. Tetapi, hal ini bukan berarti beliau harus dipanggil Ilham. Pernah ada seorang bayi jenius yang singgah di PPSI memberikan sebuah berkah yang luar biasa: SmartCard dan Webservice. Kami sangat kehilangan dia, terutama dokumentasi, minimal javadoc. Thanks. Ada banyak orang yang pergi dari PPSI. Yang gw gak ngerti, ada seorang homok yang kerja di sebuah perusahaan yang dia beri sumpah serapah ketika di sini. Emanglah, gak ada musuh dan kawan abadi. Atau, seperti seseorang yang tidak ingin dikunjungi blog-nya pernah berkata kalau seandainya beliau diwawancara: "Your company is suck and I'm here to fix that." Yang paling seru adalah ketika seseorang pergi dari PPSI, mereka seperti Crilin dan Goku belajar sa...

What The F*?

Terkait dengan postingan Narpati di sini dan di sini , saya sungguh sangat prihatin dengan kondisi ini. Apakah kini hukum itu bisa seenaknya dibuat? Dasar hukum kita sudah jelas dan setiap orang wajib menaatinya. Akan tetapi, sebuah hukum adalah hukum jika dia menjadi suatu aturan yang jelas dan sosialisasi yang benar. Apa jadinya kalau aparat kita seenak jidatnya menerapkan aturannya sendiri? Apalagi kepala Dishub ini kenapa bisa jadi kepala, sih? Apa, sih, pendidikan terakhirnya? APA DIA TIDAK TAHU KALAU HUKUM ITU TIDAK BISA DIPAKAI BUAT MAIN-MAIN? Pertama, kata KHL tidak pernah diperkenalkan dalam ujian SIM sebagai Kecuali Hari Libur dan kata itu tidak pernah ada. Kedua, dalam hal pemasangan tersebut, Dishub tidak mengadakan sosialisasi sehingga ada jangka waktunya sebelum polisi menegakkan hukum tersebut. Sosialisasi hukum seperti ini harus berlangsung secara NASIONAL karena melibatkan perubahan perangkat hukum yang berlaku, yakni rambu. Huh, jadi ingat peraturan 3 menteri yang di...

Between Faith and Reason

There is something that bothers me when it comes in argumentation of religion. The first is about the stand point which some blatant arguers cannot comprehend and just say without ever consider on which stand point. For this type of thing is I can't say nothing but: nevermind. You must build your conclusion from the same ground or it would ended up with circular reasoning. The second problem is the people whom interpret some of the terms with their own understanding, in which the misunderstanding arise. Now, some of them actually misunderstand about the term because of their overall argumentative. For instance, people would say Christianity is not reasonable. Amusingly, when I got them on discussion some of them would say ended up like saying Christianity is to difficult to comprehend. Of course, some of them also would find another reason to break the code. That's their belief which we don't trespass. What is a reason anyway? Some may think that reason is something that yo...

It's Not Just Against Temasek, Against The Potential Monopoly

Hari ini negara lagi heboh gara-gara perusahaan Singapura punya saham signifikan (kalo kata orang, saham di atas 9% sudah dianggap termasuk major share holder). Gak tanggung-tanggung, Bo, sekitar 40an%. Bisa kebayang, khan, sejauh mana mereka bisa intervensi, apalagi pemegang saham mayoritas kedua perusahaan adalah orang sok kaya yang gak tahu putar duit [baca:pemerintah]. Imho, sebenarnya sah2 saja, sih, kalo Temasek punya saham di 2 perusahaan tersebut. Apalagi, kedua perusahaan tersebut juga terdapat pemerintah sebagai pemegang saham. Akan tetapi, hal ini sebenarnya melanggar kode etik perdagangan. Contoh yang paling ngetop, yah, kayak Visa dan MasterCard itu pemegang saham mayoritasnya dulu, tuh, dari satu grup. Langsung, deh, American Express ketar-ketir karena menghadapi koalisi begituan. Makanya keduanya langsung mendapat kecaman undang-undang anti-monopoli. Nah, sama aja, ini kalo kedua perusahaan tersebut dipegang oleh Temasek, gak usah pikirin pemerintah, pasti kebijakan kedu...

WTF With This Expiry?

OMG, I've just found out that which links to is expired and cannot be accessed. This is thanks to the PANDI that not know how IMPORTANT the site was and to DEPKOMINFO that not maintained it properly. What should I do? Should I mad and shouted with anger? Should I start to bash people? This site is the part of Indonesia's large mirror. It contains two mirror: and which the second provide the better bandwith thanks to Telkom. For the sake of Indonesian's Open Source Software movement (IGOS), we must put this domain expiration into end. Just do something and don't blame anyone for this! ARGHH..... *MAD AT NOONE* :(( UPDATE IP yang diakses salah, ternyata Pandi mengarahkan domain yang expire ke sebuah halaman statik. Jadi, IP yang bener: - FOSS-ID web: - FOSS-ID dl1: - FOSS-ID dl2: Ini dari pengurusnya langsung. Hehehe... Jadi, silahkan coba based on IP.


This is a legendary group that inspiring Elvis Presley, The Beatles, and Jimmy Hendrix. They came from Indonesia, Surabaya. :P One word for them: AWESOME, CRAZY, SIMPLY LEGENDARY. Just watch the clip and you'll see why Story: Contoh maenannya:

WTF: Kisah Mantan Pecandu Linux

Brikut ini kisah dari Forum KSL-UI yang diambil dari forum telematika. -- “Hai nama gue Asal(19), gue adalah mantan pecandu linux, gue berkenalan dengan linux pada tahun 96, gue pertama kali nyoba slackware setelah ditawari temen-temen gue, abis itu gue mulai nyoba redhat dan suse, akhirnya gue kebablasan dan gue mulai kecanduan suse di awal tahun 1999. Pokoknya hari-hari gue selalu diisi dengan nyobain suse terus mulai dari install sampai coba-coba bikin aplikasi web programming, gue mulai ngelupaain dunia sekeliling gue, ortu, tmn2 dan pelajaran sekolah. Semuanya gue tinggallin demi linux suse, badan gue menggiggil kedinginan setiap musim hujan, setiap bangun tidur gue bingung antara mau install suse, makan pagi, bikin aplikasi, ke sekolah atau minta duit ke nyokap buat beli CD linux suse terbaru, pokoknya gue tiap pagi selalu dalam keadaan bingung!. Nggak puas dengan linux suse, gue mulai kenalan dengan namanya kehidupan malam, diam-diam setiap malam gue pergi ke rumah teman gue yan...

Am I A Christian?

Ehehehe... ini sekedar refleksi buat gw. Pas lagi iseng2 gw sekedar pengen bertukar pikiran dengan seorang temen. Yah, gw sih omongan gw ringan2 aja soal Post-mo [baca:Post Modernism]. Pengen tahu, sih, pandangan dia tentang Agnostiscism dan korelasinya dengan kehidupan perkotaan. Secara, dia itu anak UI dan perasaan ud ikut PDPT pasti ud pernah icip2 filsafat. Yah, dia malah "I don't wanna talk about it". Trus, yah, namanya gw kalo ud iseng gak ketulungan, langsung aja cari cara buat ngomong, terus dia ngomong dan ternyata dia membicarakan absolutism dari agama dia. Hmm... kayaknya gw salah ajak omong orang, hehehe... Tapi, hal yang menarik dari orang tersebut adalah bagaimana dia menjunjung tinggi agamanya dan menganggap kebenaran dari agamanya itu sebagai hal yang mutlak. Sesuatu yang secara reflektif juga membuat gw berpikiran, "mungkin gw ini orang yang terlalu berpikiran liberal, yah?" Soalnya, gw menerima pendapat agama laen dan tidak menarik garis kesimp...

Install Java, Debian Way

# sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk Change jdk with plugins or jre to install Firefox plugins or just the plain Java Runtime Environment. Then, choose the preferred Java (not GNU's Java but SUN's Java), they all GPLed. # sudo update-java

Gak Tahu Judulnya Apa (Unknown Title)

Duh, hujan di luar sana dan kami bengong saja. We have walking around the Orchad road, yah, secara Lucky Hotel ada di ujung dan SMU (Singapore Management University), place where we are battling our APICTA presentation, ada di ujung jalan. DUH, gw masih kepikiran sama juri yang tadi. ADSKAJLDKWJLAKJWDLWOID{ @IE: *tarik napas, lepas napas...* Anyway, Ntar malem Edward bakalan ntaktir, yay.... :P Mo beli apa yah? Kayaknya di Indonesia sama aja. Lagian, di sini banyak banget orang Indonesia. Bedanya emang, kalo di sini koneksi internet 512 Kbps *GRATIS*. Yeah, read my lips: GRATIS. Tetap saja ada orang2 yang berani ngerokok di depan umum, yah satu-satu, sih. Trus, tetep aja ada orang yang nyebrang sebelum lampu mati, walaupun mereka tetap nyebrang di tempat penyebrangan. Kita yang masih baru, belum berani, sih. Btw, gw hari Minggu kemaren nanya sama seorang sekuriti, trus dia gak bisa jawab. Emang, sih, kayaknya gw salah nanya. Gw nanya di mana ada local church, trus dia tentu aja gak tau...

On APICTA (finale)

We have finished our presentation. One last question of the Vietnam judge really bugs me off. He asked us about the security right after the bell ringing. I surely didn't get the point. Which part of security? The webservice? Yeah, we have answered it using SSL. The applet application? Yeah, we have answered it using PIN on the Card. But, I think at the last moment he conclude that we have no security over the communication. Hmm.. WTF? Ow, he means the communication between the card and the terminal. Sh*t! We forgot to mention about the External Authentication, which GP 2.1.1 standard can do. Anyone on the smart card industry would know that. Each smart card has its own mechanism to do authentication and our product is by far using the newest Javacard solution using CPG 2.04 key derivation. Hopefully, he see the last slide of the note. I'm very confused, because whenever Adin, Dimas, and I try to rehearse, I am the one that falling to too many technical terms. I guess that what...

Justification Cost (Computer vs Women)

How do you justify a relationship? Well, if you want a good investment, you could have rigid calculation of things. Too many people harshly invest their time and money not gaining anything from it. Here's the big picture of having a women and a computer. #1 Relationship With a computer, you could extends your relationship, be it having an anynomous relationship or maybe extending your network without a comitment. With a women, you must cut some of your relations, especially with other women. Anywhere you go, you must kinda like putting a big banner warning: SOLD. Of course that would be different if you have the ability to mask yourself. But, it even you in that player. #2 Gathering With a computer, you could hang out all nite partying with all boys camp, share any Tokyo Hot collections, or just tweak the computer your computer. You cannot tweak your women that easily if it goes with women. Even, you are scheduled to have "setor muka" sessions every precious Saturday wher...

Carrefour Must Know This

According Kompas in "Pelanduk Berjuang Melawan Gajah" , traditional market people have loosing their rights in the courthouse in a trial against P.D. Pasar Jaya, the contractor, and them. At first, the sellers protesting against the new kiosk price which is not so good. According to the seller, the real value of the new kiosk only Rp 3.10 million while they sell it at the cost of Rp16 -Rp60 million. Now, the worst part is, according to the story, Carrefour will also inhabited the place within the same building. So, this would make the seller collapse, because they sell the same thing. What concern me is that they are the victims of heavy fire back in the August 2005. They are trying to build their precious living back again. How could they fight against a multinational company with great IT system and vast infrastructure? It is a hard living. They must face the "unofficial" fee and gangsters that often ask retributions from them. And now, if this is true, they must ...

Strenghtening Your Code

Okay, I think I will stop the emotional entry, three consecutive is a more than enough evidence to prove that we, "immortals", do have feeling. XD Many projects I have seen had been screwed up with various bugs and flaw. This especially got to do with the not so well designed applications. Further investigation even make it severe! Some part were even taken from example codes tempered with their own code and creating delicious Italian food, spaghetti. There is nothing wrong with example code. But you should ask yourself, have their code written with good behavior? Many vendors written their code just to make the code readable by common people so people would see the big picture of how to use their library. When it comes to real world, there are more base condition to make. I am a commoner with Java in hand, so there are some potentially misleading features of C/C++ that were not in Java, such as memory management, pointers, low levels, and many more that Java programmer would...


After attending the INAICTA, Indonesia ICT Award, I am a little upset. Yeah, I know I shouldn't, we have just been selected to become one of the grand finalists. But, still... I wish people would have Frequently Asked Question about research and development: - Cool, how do you develop that? - Can I have reference of your works? - Hmm.. the technology, can this implemented on x stuff? - I have a great idea, bla.. bla.. bla.., what do you think? - If I'm trying to develop another project, what should I do? - What problem could be solved by this? - What is the future of the project? Yet, those become Frequently [Never] Asked Question. What's wrong with you people? Why I'm suddenly feel ashamed to be an Indonesian? Isn't research about the long term investation? I know that few of them were invitation to work with us. But, why not a single quote I heard about the research? Why people always asking us about the money stuff? Am I wrong, or most of the people can't us...

My Father

I've just watched Hana Kimi, a Jap film about Japanese girl cover up as a student in all boy's high school. Well, the drama just fine but the one thing impressed me is the scenes about Kano's father. True, men's always hide his feeling. It seems forbidden for a men show his passionate love towards anything including his beloved. Have you ever had your father said that he loved you? Well... I haven't heard that, yet and I just kinda figured it out that many of us not. Fathers seems acting like they are strong and mysterious us the family. It's just like a common notion that a man must not built his affection toward things, expecting everything working with cold blooded head called stubbornness. As a men, I'm also facing problem like that. It's not a sincere matter to see a men cried. But, I know, we also can have a broken heart as women do. But, it's unwritten law that we, men, must stubbornly carry all those wounds as a trait. We call them leadershi...

Update ClamAV in Dapper

Anyone who still use Dapper as their backend server should realize that the engine is not updated. If you use Etch or Sarge, you are benefited from the Debian Volatile project. Anyway, I have follow the guide from Suares & co with slight modification. Well, here's what mainly we do: Download and extract the source from ClamAV site . Do command: # ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc/clamav --enable-dns-fix --enable-readdir_r --enable-bigstack # make; make install Restart all daemon: # /etc/init.d/clamav-daemon restart # /etc/init.d/clamav-freshclam restart Check logfiles and run freshclam to update. Btw, don't forget to install GMP, BZip2, ZLib devel library before you compile ClamAV. GMP for signature. BZip2 for support. ZLib is mandatory.

UDEV Naming Rule

UDEV have naming rule in /etc/udev/rules.d/ Name it like in based on kernel name, or based on sysfs entry. Ain't it neat? Hmm.. care to name /dev/sdN to /dev/my-disk-N?

Linux Mount Point

Every time GNU/Linux mount a filesystem, the fstab-like configuration is written in /etc/mtab. So, if you have any disk and you don't know how to mount it, let the GNOME/KDE automatically mount it and to make it permanent, you just grep the /etc/mtab and put it in /etc/fstab.

Delivering To Your User

What is the best RCP technology? Is it Adobe Flex , JavaFX , openlaszlo , or maybe heavy stuffs like Netbeans framework or maybe Eclipse framework? Yeah, there are some cool stuffs out there, but I don't like to put any server constraints or limited to an OS. The above are all good to go. Btw, what is the good response? Well, I may say the one that can make your user happy. So, choose whatever that could make you dancing, especially in theming you apps. Appealing is a must nowadays, even if your apps suck!

A NP-Problem Case

If a girl having a birthday and you have been warned before that you MUST congratulate her at least at her birthday. But, yesterday is D-Day and you haven't said a thing, even worst you don't even know about yesterday. Today is the day where she will held her birthday party. The only way out is to surprise her with present said anything to cover up things. Now, the problem goes with the present. What is the right present for her?

Oh, No....

I wish not to say goodbye to Con Kolivas. His idea of making linux desktop more responsive is so great. I know I am far too late to say this. He's been out since July... :( I've been there since the beginning 2.4 kernel patch release and very satisfied with his patch. There are many patches out there, but I know his is the one that I would not miss. Ah, how I miss the: # bzcat patch-ckN.bz2 | patch -Np1 # make clean # make menuconfig # make # make install # make modules_install Or just make-kpkg magic.

Agama Itu Hak Pribadi

Sodara2, kalo kita mau maen salah2an agama, seluruh agama di dunia akan ada cacatnya. Kenapa? Karena kebanyakan agama yang kita anut itu telah berlangsung lebih dari 1000 tahun yang lalu, di mana waktu tersebut cukup untuk mengikis benda2 artifak penting sebagai bukti. Setiap agama pasti dianggap aneh oleh orang yang tidak memeluknya, bahkan cenderung untuk dicela. Wajar aja, soalnya ini sama seperti seseorang memandang anak jalanan. Bagi orang yang melihat sambil lalu pasti mencela dan menganggap mereka sampah. Tetapi, bagi yang mau terjun di dalamnya, akan ditemukan simpati atas kerasnya hidup mereka dan cenderung untuk mau menolong dan mengayomi. Saya percaya kepada Yesus Kristus karena saya merasakan sukacita, damai sejahtera, dan kecukupan di dalam Kekristenan. Saya membayangkan diri saya akan kehilangan yang sangat apabila saya di luar Kristus. Maka, ketika subyektivitas itu sudah ada di dalam saya, saya akan menganggap yang lain itu sebagai sesuatu yang salah. Maka, secara keilm...


SOA [READ: So What?] is the best next thing for something that should be simple becoming complex. Starting with the JAX-RPC becoming obsolete, today's Java webservice has move to JAX WS 2.x. The implication? My PHP's NuSOAP WSDL cannot be integrated with Netbeans. Oh,well, I still have AXIS 1.4. Thanks for the developers, I can just generate the client with WSDL2Java. I wish Netbeans have the plugin for AXIS, just like Eclipse did. Hmm... I think I am not ready for 100% Netbeans convert. :P

An Extreme Enjoyment of Sport

[WARNING: ACTIONS WRITTEN AT THIS ENTRY IS PERFORMED BY PROS. DO NOT MAKE ANY ATTEMPT TO COPY ANY ACTION PERFORMED IN THIS ENTRY] What is life? What is a colorful life? Many people asked about it themselves, but some take it seriously. It takes courage. It takes risk. Sometimes, it takes life itself. Extreme sport. Some say it is an act of foolishness. To find danger as an ecstasy. To put life as a bet to win supreme satisfaction. Be it a mountain biker, a hiker, or even snorkel around sharks. All of them produce high adrenaline. All of them also create enjoyment of life. Another sport yet to discover is exists among us. It doesn't even mentioned in ESPN, but it has a notorious reputation. It is a sport with adrenalin. Race against time just like parachuting. To risk each second of your life just like a surfer looking for the right tube. All of them are the same. It is a perfection of life. Some even say it is a lure against all perfectionist. Only the different is, when you doing ...

Courier SSL Certificate in Debian

Courier have two protocols that provide email access: POP3 and IMAP. The two protocols provided with SSL connection. Update each of them accordingly. The format is like any form of certificate. If you are ready, you can generate the SSL certificate. Btw, don't forget to move the certificates because the application will not generate any existing certificate. IMAP The configuration: /etc/courier/imapd.cnf The application: mkimapdcert The certificate: /etc/courier/imapd.pem POP3 The configuration: /etc/courier/popd.cnf The application: mkpopdcert The certificate: /etc/courier/popd.pem REFERENCE: Installing and Configuring Courier IMAP.

Vacation Report

Everybody having a good vacation? Well, I do, in the campus! :P Yeah, I know. Gutsy Gibbon is out there. We do already download the gem, but we will wait a bit long to publish it. The oil price is increasing and many people still waste it. We can kiss goodbye soon to that hundreds of millions years in the next distant years to come. The government is in their edge of despair to have the ungrateful people of Indonesia content. Yeah, the Myanmar people still suffer under the regime. Couldn't help it. The regime itself is protected by the China Republic. To them, Myanmar is like Middle East to America. None of the international pressure will be affected. So, kiss goodbye to justice of the killed monks. How would you kill a man without a life? So, I am an immortal....


Today's application have notoriously evolve into a new shape which integrated nicely to the Internet. The word "Web 2.0", they said about the phenomenon, is a buzz word rapidly shaping into the next best thing that would change the way software interact. This type of application is developing and maturing quite fast and many enterprises already implement it. Anyway, what is "Web 2.0"? My friends joke about this quite frantically. Any website out there using the word "Under Construction" is considered as old web or "Web 1.0". But, if the website using sleek design and added the word "BETA" on the banner, it should be considered "Web 2.0". Ahem.... Actually, the "Web 2.0" is like the client server tiers several years ago. The different is, this application is using HTTP protocol as communication protocol and using standard data encapsulation such as XML or JSON for data encapsulation. There are four well known im...

My Desktop

After discover the hidden treasure of cool repositories, my desktop is full of blink-blink: - Adobe Acrobat 8 - Adobe Flash 9 - Compiz Fusion 0.5.5 - Opera 9 But, the most valuable thing goes into my account is the new Oxygen theme for KDE4. I admit, it is the best ever damn sleek theme I'd ever see. It's full of originality. Btw, the desktop is Gnome and the Oxygen theme is from the repo. Well, you could go into the and download it yourself. To get this all, just go to the and download *NixStyle-NG. Then, you could enable hidden repo from there. Or, you could just search them yourself. Well, here are the screenshots:

Prinsip Yang Dipegang

Gw bisa, tapi apakah orang lain bisa? Ini pertanyaan cukup nyeleneh, tapi contoh gampangnya adalah pas bulan puasa, gw makan es krim di tengah jalan siang bolong. Boleh, gak, gw? Menurut lo gimana? Ato gini, pas orang lagi kena bencana banjir, trus rumah gw karena di atas jadi gak kena banjir. Trus, gw tutup gerbang supaya gak dijadiin tempat pengungsian. Boleh, gak, gw? Menurut lo gimana? Itu semua, kan, punya gw semua. Boleh, dong. Gw gak rugiin orang lain, kok. Tahu, gak, membeli sebuah aplikasi komersil sekarang ini adalah sebuah kewajiban bukan sebuah pilihan. Saat ini sebagian besar orang tahunya pake doang. Abis itu, hampir semua orang (termasuk gw kali, yah) ud lupa kalo negara ini adalah negara hukum. Nah, biar tambah sip, orang-orang kebanyakan ud kemakan propaganda. Asyiknya lagi, ada orang2 yang mampu untuk memberikan sebuah pilihan. Orang-orang itu namanya praktisi ICT. Orang-orang ini mampu, namun mereka milih ikut mainstream. Toh, mereka bisa memilih mau ke mana mereka...

Annoying ttf-opensymbol Can't Be installed

This is a problem solving which based on dannieboy79 solution. This problem arise when we tries to upgrade Debian based distro. The log: #> fc-cache /usr/share/fonts: failed to write cache /usr/share/fonts/X11: failed to write cache /usr/share/fonts/X11/Type1: failed to write cache /usr/share/fonts/type1: failed to write cache /usr/local/share/fonts: failed to write cache The problem is because the font cacher refused to access there unless we touch it first. So, the problem is by touching each of the directory. There is a quick fix with command: #> touch /usr/share/fonts or if you want the fast way, use the [DAN07] link. He provide the full review. For my convinience, it said: #> cat cache_fail_folder_list.txt | xargs touch Oh, btw, you do know that we are handling system files here. So don't forget to do all the work as root. :P [DAN07] dannieboy79. Fonts TTF Opensymbol - Failed to write cache.


I still wondering about a thing. I still don't really get it. Why today's Indonesia Christian band groups known as True Worshipper, with Sidney Mohede as lead singer (like Darlene of Hillsong's), sing their song with low key. And I more surprised, in a Jakarta youth Christian meeting, they played the song also in low key. As they were introduced as one of MMI's student, I think they know better that the key is low. But, as I asked the guitarist, they intended doing so as the lead singer/music director/worship leader/whatever you would call a person that in charge of the way the songs sung. Enlighten me, please. CMIIW. I still in search and I don't think this blog entry is to mock or anything that disgrace them. I salute any of them who give their talents to God. But, isn't it now is the time where people always play where they could sing the voice in high pitch? All of every single pop song nowadays are introduced with Tenor or Sopran voices. Look, from the cryi...

Setting Up Your Locale in Debian-based System

I usually install Debian GNU/Linux system by using bootstrapping. The reason is for flexibility and the need to tunning with less time. [Believe me, seems bootstrapping more faster than network install] To set the locale that I want to use, I usually set this: # dpkg-reconfigure locales I usually prefer ID_id.utf8 . It is Indonesian and using UTF-8 format. Btw, why Jakarta uses WIT (Waktu Indonesia Timur/Eastern Indonesia Time) not WIB (Waktu Indonesia Barat/Western Indonesia Time)? Is it the the same reason with assuming my connection is from Ujung Pandang? ------- Edit: Hahaha... seems like I'm the one that not RTFM. WIT is not Waktu Indonesia Timur, but Western Indonesian Time as enlightened by anonymous reader. Hmm... I think I need another round up of LFS . Anyway, thx for the enlightenment.

Why They Say RTFM (Help in Debian)

Newbie in Debian mailing list is like a lamb waiting to be butchered. The one of the reason is because the new user is not search through the mailing list archive. But, there is one more significant reason why Debian folks have the most abusive act towards newbie. The reason is: Debian have the most documentation ever about everything they have ever package. Take a look at /usr/share/doc for example and documentation available. Take a man command to figure the command. Take a info command to (usually) more detailed version. Now, how about automatic configuration? For font configuration, Debian has Defoma for managing font. For application configuration, Debian has dpkg-reconfigure to configure some package. For some needs, Debian also packing small utilities to help people administer their computer. Search them in the repository, using Synaptic, apt-cache search, aptitude, or whatever package manager tool you fond of. Debian also has Debian Policy, a standard for packaging. With tha...

Installing Windows Driver for WiFi Device in Ubuntu Using NDiswrapper

Whoa.. quite long title. Anyway, this trick is given by Rolly Maulana Awangga on ubuntu-id , so the credit goes to him. I'm just archiving it for usage in the future. The point is: 1. Insert your WiFi driver installation CD. 2. Browse into the driver folder. 3. Find driver file (the one with .INF extension) and install it with ndiswrapper. E.g. in gnome-terminal: # sudo ndiswrapper -i namadriver.inf Caveat, there are some driver that already exist in kernel but with broken implementation. One of them is Broadcom's bcm43xx. It should be blacklisted. How to blacklist a driver is to add it into /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist This trick is applicable for any distro out there. But, you might adjust the blacklist file because each distro has different flavour. But, hey, that's another story.

Linux File Ownership (Traditional Unix ACL)

Untuk file ownership, di Linux itu ada 2 aplikasi wahid yang mengaturnya: chown dan chmod. chown berguna untuk mengubah kepemilikan file tersebut. Contoh: # chown jp:jp /tmp/file.txt # chown -R /tmp/folder/ chmod berfungsi untuk mengubah kepemilikan. Contoh: # chmod 666 /tmp/text.txt atau # chmod 0666 /tmp/text.txt # chmod 755 /tmp/text.txt atau chmod 0755 /tmp/text.txt Penjelasan Sistem *nix (GNU/Linux, *BSD, etc) memiliki field akses kontrol list tradisional sebagai berikut: - Hak akses untuk owner - Hak akses untuk user dalam satu grup yang sama dengan owner. - Hak akses untuk yang lain. Sebenarnya ada satu lagi yang mendefinisikan tipe file tersebut: dokumen, directory/folder,special device file, sticky file, etc. Tetapi biasanya ini jarang dipakai dan tak perlu dipikirkan oleh pengguna biasa. Untuk keperluan hak akses, suatu field dapat ditentukan hak aksesnya sebagai berikut: - Gak bisa ngapa-ngapain, seluruh bit bernilai 0 ( nilainya 0) - Bisa dieksekusi, ditandai ...

Firefox Campuss Edition

Introducing The Best Thing To Hit Campus Since Ramen Noodles Firefox Campus Edition (FCE) really have a catchy stuff to play with. Well, I just mention the best I do find really helps. StumbleUpon. This plugin *really* helps me find relevant search in google. OMG, I have user ratings now in my google search results. Say bye-bye to junk results. The sad thing is, I only have 3 friends already enlisted. This is why I write this article. Join! FoxyTunes This plugin is the best plugin worthy as Audioscrobler ( Now, each time I blog in blogger in Blogger or post a message in Friendster, a tiny button shows to insert song that played while I write as my signature. Neat. The other plugin is zotero a bookmark manager. Since I use webmail UI to bookmark things, I find this one rather not so useful. But, in case you don't have any bookmark manager, Zotero may find it useful to you, maybe. (I haven't use it).

Why Be A Fool?

Anybody who not sided with open source movement is a fool. But, why exist people who still consider open source is nothing? Anybody using a proper tool named search engine (e.g. GOOGLE) can search almost all information available on the Internet. But, why exist people who keep asking questions in FAQ? Blog is a knowledge tool to convert information from the head. Is there anyone still consider it junk?

Photo Manager in GNU/Linux

In Ubuntu, the default photo manager is F-Spot. But, according to [TOD], the best album manager is jBrout. Well, to give you the big picture, jBrout stores all of your data in IPTC IIM(Information Interchange Model) information of the jpeg picture. IPTC kinda like EXIF data which exists in you jpeg photo. IPTC stores information about tag and stuff, while EXIF is more about the pictograhical info like exposure, intensity, etc. So, when you tag your picture in jBrout, Flickr and any IPTC capable reader would read the comment and tag it rigth away. This is different with others which using their own database. Btw, F-Spot has IPTC in SVN. Digikam (0.9.x) has it. Unfortunately I'm a gnomish, so, I just use the jBrout, which is perfectly fine to me. The thing to settle is how am I suppose to make it integrate nicely with gnome. Well, for the time being, I'm very happy. :) To Debian/Ubuntu user, use this: deb binary/ REFERENCE: [TOD] Todd. 2006...

What's New (News Update)

Indonesia vs Malaysia Dispute Another mess in the deep water and seems like there are people trying to fish to create instability. The victim has accepted the apology, the government have receive official apology. So why bother? Instability only creates another mess. We are neighboring countries, there will be a great turmoil would happens and further people would get hurt. If you say patriotic, nationalism, etc, I would say those are bullsh*t! If you are patriotic, you would bow completely on law. You would cherish it and with all cost have it all obeyed. This country is a law country (or at least that was taught to me). If this country doesn't have a law, then this country is irrelevant. Now, tell me, who's the more patriotic? Highway Fare Increasing I wish this would only affecting the personal transportation and not for public transportation. Gosh, there are too many of people living in American dream. Consuming oil, tarnishing the earth, and without conscious polluting the...

What It Can Do

Faraday was once challenged by a lady about the goodness of studying electromagnetic. At the time, such field was absurd and not so obvious as today. It was an imagination at that time. So, how would it good for a cause? Then, Faraday asked the lady back, "what is the goodness of nurturing a baby. It can't walk, it can't do anything, yet." If you asked me, what is the goodness of an open source project. If you asked me, what is the goodness of struggling. If you asked me, what is the goodness of you. If you asked me, what is the goodness of the inferior. If you asked me, what is the meaning of life. You know the answer, right?

Not Just A Picking Choice

An article " Reasons to stick with Windows Vista and avoid Ubuntu " by Jonathan Schlaffer, one of Vista evangelist, have an interesting point: installing hassle free OS. Installing GNU/Linux Ubuntu system is sometimes not a trivial matter, especially when you want advances which differentiate GNU/Linux from another system. For example, when we try to install a composite manager, we must edit some settings and install non-standard packages. This is different from Vista which we just have to download the necessity and let Vista rocks. This is even far more different from Mac which already built-in. Why 10+ years of GNU/Linux cannot create such descent installer? Why can't we see professional user interface for idiots? Well, there are few things we must consider: Clashing Ideologies GNU/Linux is an OS with clashing ideologies. This is true due to nature that GNU framework (yes, the thing that uses linux kernel and most of your system dependent with) is created to have libera...

Vi Cheat Code

ViM manual: ViM RegEx: ViM Tips: #> Delete all empty lines :g/^$/ d

Teruntuk Para Manusia Yang Mulia

Terinspirasi oleh blog Narpati (a.k.a. Kunderemp Nardjito) . Anda mungkin sudah terbujur kaku di makam yang hanya segelintir orang tahu.Bersama dengan puluhan, ratusan, ribuan, bahkan mungkin berlaksa jasad tak bernama yang keberadaannya tidak lagi diketahui. Namun, apakah Anda tersenyum di atas sana? Apakah Anda dan mereka yang mulia lainnya senantiasa melihat? Apakah Anda puas, wahai belulang tak bernama? Apakah Anda puas ketika dengan bambu runcing Anda rela menghadapi senapan otomatis? Apakah Anda puas terbujur kaku tanpa ada penerus genetis? Apakah Anda puas ketika Anda mati sambil melihat anggota badan berserakan? Mereka bilang generasi patriotik telah lama mati di tangan revolver dan hanya tinggal generasi yang tak tahu terima kasih. Mereka bilang, Indonesia sudah tidak relevan lagi. Bahasa tak lagi dijunjung, Sang Saka tak lagi berkibar dengan megah dipenuhi kebanggaan oleh orang-orang di dalam naunganny, dan si Ibu buta telah diakali neracanya. Mereka bilang tongkat estafet it...


By default root doesn't have Bash Completion. A regular user do. To activate the Bash Completion you just run: # source /etc/bash_completion or # . /etc/bash_completion Bash Completion is a neat feature of today's Bash, a command prompt/command line/shell of GNU. If you type anything in that shell and then you press [TAB] button, it would show all the possible command corresponding to the characters typed. E.g. in a terminal I write: # ed[TAB] it would output: ed edit editcap editdiff editor editres edje_cc edje_decc edje_recc edje_viewer It means I have those applications in the path. The advance of Bash Completion can also provide any parameters available for most of the known program. E.g. I would to know what is the parameter of apt-get: # apt-get [TAB] autoclean check dist-upgrade install source upgrade build-dep clean dselect-upgrade remove update Not onl...

How to Destroy Defunct Process

I have E-17 with bling module enabled. They seems to work perfect, but recently become unstable. Fortunately I have ttyN to switch and kill. But, it seems they always become defuncts. You cannot kill already dead process. It seems they become restless souls wandering... (Spooky..) :P But, you could let them go to heaven by killing their parent. # pstree or # ps afx find any defunct process (don't forget to see their process id) and then kill all the process that not defunct. # kill -9 141411 or # killall -9 enlightenment In my case, wait for few minutes/hours, then it would be cleaned up. Reference:

OCF Non Existing Terminal Trouble!

Hooray for the long dead OCF. Just to delete the non existing card reader in Windows - of course GNU/Linux wouldn't have that kind of problem which makes me unaware of it GRRR... - you must open regedit: Start -> run -> regedit.exe And find those ghost readers in: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Cryptography/Calais/Readers Well, I just unplugged all of my card reader and delete all. Damn! hours of hard debug and the problem is this? Btw, sorry for anyone who ym me today. This is my hectic day, ever! Reference: (Of course, I'm not a plagiarist) Javacard Forum

A Hard Question.

How do you fall in love? Well, you see the goodness, something that makes you want to be with the one. Now, the damn tough question that makes me wonder: What part of the girl that makes you fall in love? It's been many years and I cannot answer this question. If I tried to ask someone else, they have two answers: smiles at me and think I only making joke around and the second one is, well, dunno if this is an answer: "Yah gitu, deh, Pe. Lo pasti bisa rasain." or the kinda answer that only Einstein could know. Well, the problem is, I'm not joking around. It's hard to me to find what part of a woman would interest me. Sure, they have a good face, but that actually wont last long. Becomes 30 and expired. I even feel strange with makeups. And even if you want to know, my skin is more soft than any ordinary woman (Hehehehe...). If you have ever have a, let's say, a high-end gaming PC or a server. It would cost you only 10% of its value to your maintenance cost. ...

Dosen Favorit?

Kalo di Fasilkom, sih, Pak Stef tentunya. Tapi, gw merasa setiap dosen memiliki kekhasannya tersendiri dan gw rasa gak ada dosen yang gak layak. Paling dosen *PEEP* yang gak bisa ngajar. Tapi, gw ada salut juga sama dia. Pas ngajar mata kuliah *PEEP*, gw salut abis. Dia menguasai bahan dan menjelaskan dengan luar biasa. Mungkin, dia dewa untuk satu mata kuliah saja. Istilahnya, kayak di RPG, dia semacam suatu tribe langka dengan trait khusus. Tapi, lucu juga adek gw, mind@adekGue # cat /etc/inittab | grep getty 1:12345:respawn:/bin/getty JP ISI SIAKNG Kok, ngisi IRS kayak bursa saham aja, cepet2an beli dan jual. Akhirnya: mind@jp # dmesg | grep SIAK [OOPS] invalid handler. Gak ngerti ngisinya. mind@jp # sudo rmmod isi_irs mind@jp # sudo apt-get install isi_irs-kernel-module-source Reading package list... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done Package isi_irs-kernel-module-source is not available but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the pack...

Ode to Mas Kumis

Mas Kumis kembali melakukan blunder dalam menerbitkan hasil temuan. Padahal, sesuai dengan kaidah ilmiah, Beliau seharusnya melakukan verifikasi dan memastikan bahwa hasil karya orang lain yang di-quote harus disebut. Trus, akhirnya banyak klaim dari orang-orang yang bikin muka si Mas memerah. Tapi,dari sisi positifnya si Mas telah membuat suatu gebrakan yang luar biasa, mengingatkan akan pentingnya suatu nilai bangsa yang luntur, yakni Lagu Kebangsaan kita. Kita tau tuh video ud nyangsang di YouTube sejak Desember 2006. Tapi, kita baru menontonnya setelah si Mas dgn beraninya menyatakan afiliasi dengan suatu tim yang gak ngerasa. Coba, sejak berapa lama kita sudah tak lagi menyanyikan lagu KEBANGSAAN kita? Sudah berapa lama kita tak lagi menghormati SANG SAKA? Semoga dengan kasus ini kita bisa bercermin untuk belajar akan diri sendiri. PS: Si Mas bole, nih, bikin polemiknya. Gw jadi tersentak waktu melihat para pemuda tersebut berjalan bangga walau topless dan senjata seadanya.