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Showing posts from 2008

Browser Incompatible?

I'm using Galeon here and it based on the Mozilla technology (Gecko). It should render any Mozilla capable websites. Apparently, Yahoo! Mail playing smart by not detecting my browser as one of her compliant browser. Ouch! Galeon is based on the Gecko. So, you know that it should be functioning well on Yahoo! Mail system. For browser based detection, why not checking by calling any ECMA's Javascript version specific functions? Or, if you want a concise, why not calling all the functional call that your script runs and depend on? Well, as any rant out there (pissing someone mode on), I'm just saying: Don't use YUI, just use jQuery.

What They Are Lacking

This post is a rant, so please don't read if you dislike ranting. :D The original idea of education is supposed to be challenging people to achieve new knowledge.  The goal of education institution are providing an environment where those people can be challenged well and having the necessary materials for them available. The materials should not be in the complete shave, it may be raws, and at some points it making the person improvised. Am I right? When challenged well, a person can develop their imagination into many recurring steps and building knowledge over it to overcome common obsticles and infer new one. The person build knowledge blocks and from the existing blocks, another block is created. The beauty of education is the process of founding the right formula to have that process of creation. The reason of formal education is to provide the right formula for such thinking process. That's why formal education endorsed inductive reasoning. The basic of this inductive re...

Taking Back Console

Having tired of the bling-bling and the mouse? Just wanna the good ol' days? Or, you just like me, need the eye-friendly green and black? Oh, yeah, for you whom just left out in a console with no gui to play with. You need to go to your terminal. Pretty BASH You can make a pretty BASH and make your console a powerful one. Don't forget to put these on the .bashrc (debian users default is on, root not): . /etc/bash_completion Create a pretty BASH from *nix-style: export black="\[\033[0;38;5;0m\]" export red="\[\033[0;38;5;1m\]" export green="\[\033[0;38;5;2m\]" export yellow="\[\03...

Hello Amarok

Sorry for the delay of making this post. I've found in my synaptic (configured for Debian Experimental), we have Amarok 2.0. Yay! In my conclusion, I'm amazed how Amarok guys (and gals) provide drastic measure against bug. I guess they splat juices on bugs. :D In Amarok 2 beta2, the annoying bug is stability. Well, now I have a stable Amarok 2.0. Crao! Here's the list of change in my experience: Alpha2: Pretty, abandoned to JuK (which I abandoned with my vast collection of over the years of albums). Crashed when using dynamic mode.  Beta1: Pretty, sometimes crashed on dynamic mode. Rebuilt takes amount of times. Lost all my album pics. Shakier grouping than the alpha, made some songs ungroup. Beta2: Pretty, stable on dynamic mode, Error when I don't connected into the Internet. 2.0: Pretty and damn rock solid! Well, it's just work for me. What is my setup? Debian Unstable/Experimental KDE 4 from Experimental Storage: NFS, local harddisk Services: Last.FM (couldn...

Peta Politik 2009

Hmm... bingung mau milih apa, tapi coba analisis sebentarlah. [PDI-P] Nilai plus dari PDI-P adalah dia menjunjung pluralisme , salah satu partai yang walk out saat pengambilan keputusan UU Pornografi. Mengapa itu penting? Kesenjangan pembangunan antara pulau Jawa dan luar pulau Jawa itu sangat tinggi. Beberapa ketidakpuasan di daerah bukannya dikomunikasikan malah dihiraukan dengan arogansi. Bangsa ini butuh konsolidasi, rekonsiliasi, dan restrukturisasi di daerah. Seperti sebuah postingan, [lupa-red.:P] orang takkan merantau ke pulau Jawa apabila di daerahnya maju. Contoh nyata kesenjangan adalah pemadaman bergilir oleh PLN. Mengapa PLN bisa lolos dengan perlakuan semena-mena seperti demikian? Karena PLN memonopoli listrik! Karena tidak ada entitas bisnis yang kuat dan berpengaruh untuk mengajukan class action /tuntutan. Jadi, "sah-sah" saja jika daerah di Pulau Jawa dianggap tidak cukup potensial. Yah, ini hal yang lain di luar pembahasan. (tetap saja, sih, politik) Nilai ...

Ruby 1.8.7 Compability Issue

The symptom: There is a problem accessing some parts of my Redmine installation. Apperantly, there is an incompatibility issues with ruby 1.8.7, that's why Redmine suggest Rails 2.0.2, ruby 1.8.7.  Oh, well... Veni, vidi, vici! On the browser: Document Error 500. On the ruby environment (after activating debug symbol), the culprit: ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `length' for # ) on line #2 of app/views/documents/_document.rhtml The Answer: Add the following line into $APPS_ROOT/config/environment.rb at the end of it: module ActionView   module Helpers   module TextHelper   def truncate(text, length = 30, truncate_string = "...")   if text.nil? then return end   l = length - truncate_string.chars.to_a.size   (text.chars.to_a.size > length ? text.chars.to_a[0...l].join + truncate_string : text).to_s   end   end   end end And restart any webserver you are using (fcgi, mongrel, etc) and hope to God! Voila! Thanks to a post by ...

Just Found Out A Gem

OpenMeetings: Based on OpenLazlo and Big5. It is built on Java 5+. The best thing is it has Moodle plugin. Sweet! To lazy people (hey, Larry sez it's a virtue) whom do not RTFM, OpenMeetings is a video conference tools with whiteboard, chat, and document sharing capability.

In Here I Am

INHERENT, DIKTI's project of connecting universities in Indonesia. Start out as a single project but now part of Jardiknas (Jaringan Pendidikan Nasional, or National Education Network ). In my personal view, I as other employee of Indonesian universities, lack of understanding of what it is and its benefit. Yeah, it's been a while the program running. So, what's the big deal? Internet never been a better place if not many of universities in USA joining their network together. Many technologies also arise from the Internet and those freely available to download are products from those universities. Yes, it's not the official universities, but creation from individuals. But, the network is there to support them. INHERENT should take that path. Indeed, it has the hive of taking the liberty of synchronizing all mirror across universities and enabling them to be downloaded. It also has been a platform for teleconference and IP Telephony. What's the problem then? It has ...

How To Effectively Download Addons

This is the form of addons:$ID Download it in Kambing :$ID or:$ID For instance, you may want to download ScribeFire Blog Editor 3.1.4, the coolest feature available now at Addons. The address is: Download it from: Cool, eh? Well, for the rest of the world, maybe not. But, to every Indonesian that fakir International B/W may found it amusing. Many gems are hidden in Kambing. (not intentionally, well, we just mirror those damn awesome stuffs).

It's Not Just It's Just!

When you plugging a new function to an organization-wide system, no matter how dead simple it is, you still need a long assesment to point failures that may break or poisoining the system. PERIOD! An enterprise system, which integrates many including those that mission criticals. Ensure that: 1. That function doesn't introduce new bug! 2. That function doesn't play with system security! 3. That function is sanitized properly! 4. That function is according to organizational consensus! (coding standards, directory schemes, etc) and ultimately: 5. MAKE DAMN SURE THAT FUNCTION IS WELL DOCUMENTED!

Higher Calling

Some recent events made have made my nasionality desecrated into some lowest level. Never I had doubt about this country that I used to love so much. There are two things that revolved in my head: Pornography Bill. This bill alter some province and many people objection. How arrogantly they take this bill and not take account many factions. Is this country a country of one religion, one race, nor one culture! DAMN IT! How could they so easy endangered this nation. Amrozy cs. was regarded as bunch of terorists. But, what I saw and heard in the media was different. They were regarded as heroes. WTF? What happened just made me thought that this country maybe had me not as a citizen but a stranger. These few years I'm living on fear that someday there would come a day where my church would be shutted and burnt to the ground. I'm not delutional, because they had the attempt few years ago but failed. You see, it is so hard to build a church here. We need some amount of documents that...

How To Install Love

If you want to have experimental version and have the source, do: # tar xvfj love-0.9.98.tar.bz2 # cd love-0.9.98 # cat ../understanding-her.patch | patch -Np1 or # cat ../understanding-him.patch | patch -Np1 # ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var/lib && make # sudo make install Yes, we don't have to search for it and it already packaged by some distros. You may only: # apt-get install love or # emerge love or # yum love But, package manager doesn't have the ability to resolve dependency problem. Be aware that you cannot install it just like that. Sometimes, there are conflicting packages that cannot be installed with love. For instance, a version of libfamily-1.4.3 is conflicting with love-0.9.x because it has the dependency of 0.8.x version. We can just try to install 0.9.x series of love, but it is risky and sometimes can lead the system unrendered. Besides, the 0.9.x is an experimental version. Many have reported the success of installing...

Ada Yang Lebih Rumit?

Hmm... kenapa, sih, kalo mo dapet makanan yang enak perlu usaha ekstra. Bikin bumbu mesti pas, trus cara masaknya bermacam-macam. Duh, perut lapar.... Kenapa gak: # ./configure && make && make install Masak bisa gak yah seperti itu?

Bahasa Indonesia

Kecenderungan para tokoh mencampur Bahasa Indonesia dengan bahasa asing adalah sebuah kecenderungan yang perlu diwaspadai. Apalagi, jika memang tokoh itu adalah seorang tokoh nasional, maka hal tersebut tidaklah dapat dipahami sebagai suatu sikap yang tepat. Tidak bisa tidak, seorang tokoh nasional seharusnya menjadi panutan dalam menegakkan satu dari tiga anasir pemersatu bangsa ini. Dari hasil analisis pribadi saya, perilaku membahasaasingkan sebuah makna adalah cenderung hanya untuk bergaya. Coba Anda perhatikan setiap wawancara dengan politikus, pasti mereka sebisa mungkin menggunakan istilah asing untuk menunjukkan kecakapan mereka. Tetapi, seringkali penyebutan istilah-istilah tersebut salah tempat dan justru menunjukkan mereka hanya canggih dalam berkata. Mengapa harus menggunakan istilah asing? Mengapa tidak mulai dengan mengoinisasi istilah tersebut dalam Bahasa Indonesia? Ada dua hal yang menyebabkan keberatan saya atas penggunaan istilah asing daripada padanan tepatnya yang ...

A Pain

Can someone be called in pain when one not in a hurt, nor being repressed, nor being healed? Can it called a pain when you soul shiver yet your body perfectly stood? Can someone in pain when you watch the person stood on every trials and fought on every battle? Can I be in pain?


Suatu hari, si JP (bukan nama sebenarnya) didaulat untuk membeli kue ulang tahun dari uang patungan untuk si X oleh rekan-rekannya. JP adalah seorang yang tidak suka pergi ke toko, jadi dia bertanya-tanya untuk membeli kue tersebut di mana. Sampai akhirnya terbersitlah pengalamannya yang lalu di mana ada seseorang yang bisa membuat kue yang sangat enak. Ah, si Y ini orangnya ramah dan baik hati, pikir si JP. Kemudian, JP berusaha menghubungi si Y. Tentunya, si Y yang baik mau mendengarkan JP yang bersahabat. Inilah klimaksnya: Y: "Kuenya buat sapa emangnya?" JP: "Kuenya buat ultahnya si X" Seketika itu juga, raut wajah Y berubah dan menatap tajam ke JP.... *PLAK* *jengjengjeng! *Terlihat raut wajah JP yang terkejut takut* *jengjengjeng! *Terlihat raut wajah Y yang terbelalak marah* *jengjengjeng! *Terlihat raut wajah JP yang terkejut takut * *jengjengjeng! *Terlihat raut wajah Y yang terbelalak marah* *jengjengjeng! *Terlihat raut wajah JP yang terkejut takut * *jen...

Solving Problem

There are three ways of solving a delicate problem in a band of people: 1. Go away and left the band. 2. Become a savior for the band. 3. Become enemy of the band. Number one is not an option. Number two is, well, tiring and troublesome. Hmm... number three is interesting...

A New Dawn

Yes, we can. Yup, that's the Barrack Obama's slogan on presidential election. He won on last night vote. But, what's good it can to us? The word "Yes, we can" utterly describing positivism. It is there to express the formidable strenght of one's determination. Just want to say, what you say is what affects yourlife. Talk positive, think positive, do positive. It is the right thing to do.


# sudo apt-get install mailman ==> Install mailman # sudo newlist [LIST] ==> Creates new list # sudo rmlist -a [LIST] ==> Remove a list + purging data # sudo rmlist [LIST] ==> Remove a list but keep data. # sudo sync_members [OPTIONS] -f [TEXT FILE CONSISTS OF EMAILS] [LIST] ==> Synchronize data.

Ah... Kayaknya gw gak jadi murung. :D Gw tunggu kabar mereka. Mudah2an berhasil. Kalo gak, well -2 ke stat Patriotism gw.

Random Talk: How to Fight SPAM

Who would thought that the world's largest communication (Internet) today would filled up with so many screw information known as spam? Back in the early days, we are all just sending mail to talk each other directly with plain mailx or biff command. All are trusted even some may play pranks on others, but it can be handle with social manner. Well, thanks to the mob of ignorant people that using the unsecure OSes, many finds sending these bulks are a great deal which making the old days over. Btw, there are four terms that describe different kind of messages delivered: HAM. Ham means a valid (legitimate) email message and pass the scan. SPAM. Spam is the bulk we want to throw to the waste. False Positive. False Positive is a valid (legitimate) message that being marked as spam. False Negative. False negative is a spam that get away and went thought our email successfully. There are ways to fight SPAM: Bayesian . This is the oldest method, to see relevancy between messages and c...


Gw baru sempet blogwalking dan gw baca: --- DELETED VERSI NGAMUK --- EDITAN VERSI TENANG: Yang pasti, gw seperti Adji berterima kasih kepada Angkatan 2000. Mabim 2002 memberikan sebuah nilai tentang rekonsiliasi dan penerimaan perbedaan pandangan -- sesuatu yang bangsa ini perlukan. Ada sejarah panjang mengenai perjuangan pendewasaan pemikiran dan penghilangan diskriminasi. Anak itu tidak tahu mengenai perjuangan redefinisi PMB. Dulu PMB merupakan singkatan dari Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru , tetapi diperjuangkan menjadi Penyambutan Mahasiswa Baru . Dulu jaket panda hanya boleh dimiliki oleh anak Fasilkom yang sudah lulus PMB (PSAU, Mabim, dan MK). Bahkan, yang berhak mengikuti lembaga-lembaga dan kepanitiaan adalah orang-orang yang lulus PMB. Seandainya itu terjadi, takkan ada DebConf I dan DebConf 2 serta acara-acara lainnya di mana ada orang-orang yang *sangat* berpotensi untuk itu. Anak itu tidak tahu bahwa angkatan di... 3.x

Congrats to OOo developers on releasing OOo 3. The load time is drastically cut down and files from proprietary word processing can be opened with less hassle (font more consistent). Now I'm defaulting to OOo 3. (Before the default is IBM Lotus Symphony BETA2) Get it while hot:

Ada Udang Di Balik Peyek

Orang tertawa bukan berarti gak ada masalah. Pernahkah bertanya kepada orang yang ignorance, how far the person's being hurt? Have you ever hug an easy going person for the person emptiness? No wonder no one can enter the heart.

cat /dev/urandom

Well, today I want to talked about music. Been from Pondok Pujian and bought 4 CDs: Delirious?, BDA, Leeland, and a local band GMB. Yes, they are Christian bands because I want to balance earthly things with heavenly. These days I've been living in a stressful live and realise how far I could go down. (You plurkish evil....) XD Aside from the bad joke above, I plugged my ears to listen to Delirious? band. This band is my fave band of all. They play groovy music and I love it how Martin could use some words to encourage all the audience, well those hit me also. Btw, The CD+DVD combo is entitled Now is The Time, Live at // Willow Creek and have a nice atmosphere. But, compared with Hillsongs' United with Delirious?, the scenes don't stand out well. Still, I love how they bring the show, especially the text. One not thought, after I watched Delirious on DVD, I accidentally watched Sheila on 7 on TV (twas BRI Kasih, iirc). Their new song is very similar and I thought maybe She...

To Plurk Or Not To Plurk

Arrgh... the temptation is so high. No, I will not plurk. I will not.... I will... I... NO! Stop it! Stop it! Don't invite me, you plurkish demon! I shall not tempted nor fallen for the plurkish side. Help, resistence is going down rapidly. "Hehehe.. you said once you would not join Friendster, but you decided to join in 2005. Why await? Your plurk poin shall go up if you join now" STOP! STOP, you evil mind.... I shall not falter! "Resistence is futile! Wahahaha, there is a plurkish side on each of us and yours also...." NO! I think I have better things to do! "Embrace the plurkness..." NOOooo.... (to be continued in Empire Strikes Back)

Chattering Blah

Just been from M, H, and A apartment playing Troof alnite. It's fun to have my skill tested. The only thing that I regret, A and H have no strength to play. Fortunately, I have my young padawans as opponents, or I may say used to be padawans, they have become the dark knight. It's fun to fight them. They have the compatibility between them, so it's hard to fight them without consentration. OMG, gw ud racunin anak orang, what have I done?

Info on Kerjaan

Just for my sake of information, explicit content! Parental Advisory. Squid: Using COSS as filesystem, a big file effective for serial reading. Ext2 is way to go as underlying filesystem. Don't need a journalling system on cache. ( Recompile to use tcmalloc, google's implementation of malloc. This would reduce cpu load. Actually, this is good for all. ( Using Squid3 implementation. Mail: Using ASSP instead of SpamAssasin. Or, we can use both. ASSP is per domain, SA is per user. Effective, maybe. Postfix vs. Exim4, many would recommend Exim4. But, I'm not so sure about that RHEL 3, Fedora 5, Redhat 9 have broken Perl. DNSRBL, SPF, DKIM apperantly have been implemented in ASSP, good for that. Yes, we still experimenting.

Series on My Watchlist

Yatta! Heroes aired again on NBC. The story is getting complex and more brutal. Hiro is my fave and always be. Peter is like, well, hmm.. the most advancing character, from a cry baby little bro to... I don't know anymore.... Of course, the poker face Noah, one of my fave (Hiro and Noah) is my fave. Gonna wait to the next ed. Macross Frontier getting to the final moment and I wish for the bitter end, not a pop end. Geez, Macross have a suck ending. But, don't worry, after BANDAI screw the plot of the early episodes just for creating new toy. Yeah, screw badly, I mean, those robot never even have the ability to fly in the first place. Just a generation then it could fly and alter several G of air pressure and have those fancy effect like Gundam. Anyway, Code Geass session 2 have good ending. Kamen Rider Kiva as usual comes with fancy stuff and not so well. Are the Japan film industries have fallen into Pop culture? I expect great sorrow from Kamen Rider, but just a few bling-bli...

Tolak RUU Pornografi

Pernyataan Resmi: Saya sebagai warga negara Republik Indonesia menolak keberadaan RUU Pornografi dan meminta DPR menarik RUU yang tidak produktif ini. Uneg-uneg gw: Ya, ampun, masih aja dibahas RUU Pornografi. Nih, beberapa alasan keberatan gw: #1 UU ini mendiskriminasi perempuan sebagai pihak yang menimbulkan kejahatan Jadi, perempuan itu tidak berhak mengenakan pakaian yang dia pakai, mengenakan kosmetik yang dia sukai, dll. Baca TEMPO edisi 25 Sept - 5 Okt 2008 pp.38-39 #2 UU ini menampik keberadaan Republik Indonesia sebagai satu negara yang *multikultural* Keberadaan UU ini dapat membuat klaim bagi sekelompok agama "mayoritas" untuk memaksakan kebudayaan Arab kepada budaya Indonesia. Dengan demikian, kebudayaan daerah sebagai aset budaya nasional mati. #3 UU ini tidak berdasar kepada hitam di atas putih Pornografi adalah hal yang abu-abu. Apakah Sinden-sinden di Jawa dan para penari Papua dapat dikatakan pornografi? Apa bedanya antara Tank-top dengan Kemben? Ibu-ibu bera...


Anyone who adding my EMAIL and subscribe it to a mailing list is an a* (pardon for my lang). Yeah, you! Spiritual&religion at Y! mailing list is a pain in the a*. I wasn't subscribe for it nor I know of its existence. This is an act of spamming. The mailing list itself from what I skimmed full of debate between Christian and Moslem. BAH! NONE, I said NONE, Christian or Moslem, can prove their religion scientifically. So, all would be an act of believe. Here's the list of why: All of their books are not legitimate: no literature, self-proving, and it has no reference to other works other than The Author Himself. The claims are (hardly) not reproducible by other. The Author have no previous track record to justify, to have legitimate justification of past work, or to have background education. The Author never registered in any science group or whatsoever to have collegues testify of His work or to have peer review. The Author never published the work other than to special in...

Religious Belief vs Universal Belief

Got an interesting link from Ubuntu planet. [1] It's about two different churches with different path. To take a short, there was a church that glares on the poster because of his outfit (blue jeans, long hair, and t-shirt) when he comes to the church. The church have people wearing formal outfit and with "good" look. The other one, on the contrary, is a church with 60 people and having non-formal wearing. Even the pastor use the same outfit as the poster. They both embrace the Bible. Yet, they differ in social life. Why the both of the church have different views? The short answer is because of different experience of the church leaders. Many, even in Indonesia, churches have comes with tight culture and holds traditional values that their founder have planted. The leaders of that church usually get their views from the dogmatic revelation of the previous leaders. The thinking doesn't evolve, no, they even don't dare to cross the line of values that the previous ...


Waaaa... BuBar 2002 itu kemaren yah? Gw kira minggu depan. Waaaa... gw bawa pulang laptop buat ngerjain tulisan di rumah, tapi lupa bawa adaptornya. Duh! Kenapa sih laptop berbeda2 adaptornya? Mana gak bisa minjem lagi. :(( Waaaa... gw bawa pulang hape tapi lupa bawa charger. Waaaa... Ini kenapaaaaa..... Waaaa... bokap gw ud maen sinetron ngasih sinyalemen kerinduan momong cucu. Waaaa... waaaa... waaa... titik tiga kali artinya eliptik, melanjutkan pengucapan suatu suku kata. Ah, gw mo S2 aja biar ada alesan. :D

Nanowar (Of The Steel)

They are bunch of people from Italy that gather making worthless group with worthless music and taking almost all of my worthless time listening to them. Hahaha.... Seriously, they sing parodied progressive rock songs. They ultimately give jokes about Rhapsody and such. When Rhapsody change their name with Rhapsody of Fire, they change their name also to become Nanowar of Steel. Three of their songs: Metal Lalala To Kill The Dragon Outtrue Seriously, they all are talented to waste my time listening to them. WATCH OUT!

RE: Re: Jay jay

No! I am not homeless, and yes, I have came in invitation of one of your roommate. Your place is the nearest place from Mang Kabayan and I need to bomb and take a real shower. Yes, I am in deep sorry for letting two of your friends embracing the dark side of Seven Scope. Hmm...

RPI 2008

RPI atau Retreat Pekabaran Injil baru saja dilaksanakan di Fasilkom UI. Yang saya salut dari kepengurusan kali ini adalah semangat mereka dan perjuangan yang luar biasa. 60 orang peserta di antaranya adalah 22 dari 29 teman-teman 2008 Fasilkom mau mengikuti acara ini. LUAR BIASA! Mengingat kesulitan yang dialami oleh panitia yang luar biasa. Luar biasa? Yup. Mereka mendapatkan wisma ini ketika 1 bulan sebelum hari H. Lalu, 1 minggu sebelum hari H, mereka defisit >10an juta. Hehehe... panitia berdoa, berpuasa, dan mencari dana luar biasa kalang kabut. Tapi, Tuhan penuhkan. Sungguh pengalaman yang luar biasa dan gw salut, deh. Lalu, ternyata ada permasalahan lagi yang mengganjal. Ada peraturan UI yang melarang membawa Maba untuk dibawa keluar kampus. Yup, akibat peraturan ini Kuksa Fasilkom batal mengadakan Weekend dan *hampir* saja RPI juga terancam batal. Sekali lagi, Tuhan sungguh bekerja luar biasa. Kendati harus dengan surat pernyataan dari masing2 Maba, acara RPI kali ini diikut...

Just FYI These are what happen when you are working half-heartedly. These are what happen if you want to have corruptions. So, next time when you work for yourself, just think that YOU too hold responsible for those. Hehehe... Joker was right. GREED CAN HARM PEOPLE. Secara pribadi gw juga turut berdukacita atas ini.


A man on a government agency was in charge of a long-term (about 20 years) contract to a vendor. He was in a pinch when he disagreed on a term in the contract that would create a potential damage to this country. The negotiators then tried to bribe him. He refused to accept any numbers they mentioned. Frustrated by his strong refusal, one of the negotiator came and asked him: Sir, tell me what is your price? The man angered to the max, he then answered: Dear, Sir, I would agree with you if you can give me higher price than the blood of Jesus that spilled on Calvary. --- Who/what is your God? ~theStoryIsReal

How to Run KDE4 With OSS4

If you have sound problem with OSS4 in KDE4 on Debian related system. First, make sure you enable GStreamer backend of Phonon. At the time of writing, the XINE backend have different version with less updated with the phonon itself. So, I think it don't have updated content. # sudo apt-get install phonon-backend-gstreamer In Debian Experimental, you don't have to do this because it's installed by default. If you have done, do this: Add a "export PHONON_GST_AUDIOSINK=oss4sink" line in your /etc/profile Rename into something else to disable it. #sudo mv /usr/lib/oss/lib/ /usr/lib/oss/lib/ && ldconfig Works like a charm in my KDE 4.1.1.

KDE 4.1 Is Back In Business

Debian Experimental just update their KDE 4 series with KDE 4.1.1. What's the different? Well, the kwin4 have no glitches anymore, yay! No need to use compiz anymore which is sadly having no KDE4 window decorator compiled in Debian. Another pleasant present is Amarok 2 Beta made it into Experimental. The only showstopper of KDE4 being perfect is some essential applications like Amarok 2 (beta) and Kopete don't have HTTP Proxy handling. Or, do I miss something? Well, if someone tell me how to do the transparent proxy, please help. I have googled it but can't have the exact way of doing so.

Pak Bobby Jadi Komisaris Telkom

Pak Bobby udeh mau jadi komisaris Telkom, tinggal dilantik. Selamatlah. Mudah-mudahan Pak Bobby masih bisa menyempetin diri ngajar di Fasilkom. Salah satu dosen yang bagus dan langka di bidang perangkat keras. Beliau juga orang riset, jadi, yah, mudah-mudahan menjadi satu kekuatan di Telkom. [Update] Ternyata ud ada di Iluni12. hehehe.... basbang yah? [1]

First Man Landing on Moon

[DISCLAIMER] Got this from a forwarded email, I have a difficulty to trace the source. But, if this is a copyrighted material, you may please tell me then I may act accordingly. The first trace of the document is from [1]. Anyway, I put this to you as is, with removal of the mail provider. [END OF DISCLAIMER] === Benarkah Neil Amstrong telah benar-benar menginjakkan kakinya dibulan d en gan selamat baru-baru ini telah terungkap fakta yang mengejutkan tentang keaslian foto di NASA . Inilah bukti barunya .... Inilah yang dunia lihat tentang foto tersebut. Tetapi sadarkah anda ada bayangan yang tertutup dalam foto tersebut ?????????... Sekarang mari kita lihat foto sebenarnya .............!!!! ! === Made my day. :D Anyway, I have new interesting insight, Blogger have the ability to copy and paste the picture. By default, blogger put the image in the first line of the entry. I usually use Edit Html and move the picture below. Today, I've learned that you can put the same functiona...

Just Another Comment

Baru baca blognya si Ramot. [1] Bagus benerlah pagi-pagi ud bikin orang sentimentil. Duh, mata gw kelilipan. Jadi inget postingan lama. [2] Dari berbagai kesempatan gw menemukan bahwa ada satu nilai yang ditanamkan di adat Batak. Di dalam keluarga Batak, anak itu harta yang paling berharga. Itu sebabnya, ada suatu pameo yang mengatakan sampai jual rumah dan tinggal di kolong jembatan pun asal anak bisa sekolah tidak apa-apa. Makanya, seganas apa pun orang Batak, datangin aja bokap atau ibunya, pasti dia langsung sungkem. :D [1] [2]

A Honest Heart For God

Koo Chung -- Better Be You [1] The dirt in this place has filled my eyes And I can't see, no I can't see a thing Perhaps this next step will take me home Or for all I know, lead me to certain death Pretty Sunday, wooden pews Word of God, healing for my soul Friday night, rusty park bench Laughter and addictions for my pain Cause I don't know who's winning this tug of war But it better be You, it better be You For heaven's sake, my heart's about to rip in two So it better be You, it better be You Sometimes I don't know why You would fight Take battle scars and waste Your angels on me Cause when you ask me if I love You In all I do, at best I say "I don't know"* Tonight I pray, tonight I cry For kindred souls, souls that have starved like mine And so I sing, and so I shout So we might give and sing our hearts out to You! Cause I don't know who's winning this tug of war So let it be You, let it be You For heaven's sake, my heart's ...

A Guilty Pleasure

Hehehe... I like Dream Theater, Spheric Universe, Circus Maximus, and any kind of that. I love Epica, especially "The Last Crusade" song. I also love Queen, they are the best. The thing I love the most from a song is the way they played their instruments. They don't just play the song, they let us feel the song. Oh, and they are good players. I like Breaking Benjamin, Kyo "Le Chemin", and songs like that. I don't like House Music and Dance Dangdut (I do like dangdut, but not every dangdut) or any songs that played without skill. I don't like "copy and paste" music. You know, like some Hip Hop song which borrow their beat from another song. That's totally uncool. Or, songs with pop pattern - songs that you can feel that the song is like artificial, not a song through original songwriting. But, I ke gep lagi dengerin BCL. Hahaha.... Emang, sih, gw lagi demen lagunya BCL. Ahahaha... what a guilty pleasure. What's your guilty pleasure songs...