Got this from a forwarded email, I have a difficulty to trace the source. But, if this is a copyrighted material, you may please tell me then I may act accordingly. The first trace of the document is from [1]. Anyway, I put this to you as is, with removal of the mail provider.
Benarkah Neil Amstrong telah benar-benar menginjakkan kakinya dibulan dengan selamat baru-baru ini telah terungkap fakta yang mengejutkan tentang keaslian foto di NASA .
Inilah bukti barunya ....

Inilah yang dunia lihat tentang foto tersebut.
Tetapi sadarkah anda ada bayangan yang tertutup dalam foto tersebut ?????????...
Sekarang mari kita lihat foto sebenarnya.............!!!! !

Made my day. :D
Anyway, I have new interesting insight, Blogger have the ability to copy and paste the picture. By default, blogger put the image in the first line of the entry. I usually use Edit Html and move the picture below. Today, I've learned that you can put the same functionality by using the copy and paste button on your keyboard just like in your daily WYSIWYG text editor. Neat!
[1] http://wayankuluk.multiply.com/photos/album/15/Pak_Slamet_di_Bulan
Got this from a forwarded email, I have a difficulty to trace the source. But, if this is a copyrighted material, you may please tell me then I may act accordingly. The first trace of the document is from [1]. Anyway, I put this to you as is, with removal of the mail provider.
Benarkah Neil Amstrong telah benar-benar menginjakkan kakinya dibulan dengan selamat baru-baru ini telah terungkap fakta yang mengejutkan tentang keaslian foto di NASA .
Inilah bukti barunya ....

Inilah yang dunia lihat tentang foto tersebut.
Tetapi sadarkah anda ada bayangan yang tertutup dalam foto tersebut ?????????...
Sekarang mari kita lihat foto sebenarnya.............!!!! !

Made my day. :D
Anyway, I have new interesting insight, Blogger have the ability to copy and paste the picture. By default, blogger put the image in the first line of the entry. I usually use Edit Html and move the picture below. Today, I've learned that you can put the same functionality by using the copy and paste button on your keyboard just like in your daily WYSIWYG text editor. Neat!
[1] http://wayankuluk.multiply.com/photos/album/15/Pak_Slamet_di_Bulan
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