The Way We Search

Once upon a time, there was a happy single man. He was graduated from a famous university, having a fun job, and favorable among his family. But the family realized something and came to asked this man. JP (not a true name), the poor man, faced the question with his deeper knowledge.

Family: Are you still single?
JP: Yes, and I'm perfectly fine with it.

Family: Why don't you find a girlfriend?
JP: ...

Family: Are you unable to find a girl?
JP: Hmm.. what do you mean?

Family: Let us find you a girlfriend, how 'bout that?
JP: Alright, alright, I can find one. In fact, let me search one right now.

JP: There you have:
Results 1 - 10 of about 96,800,000 for girlfriend [definition]. (0.34 seconds

-- google search.


  1. kalo umur masih kepala 2 santai aja jep, tunggu kalo udah kepala 3 aja


  2. Anonymous5:03 PM

    kok gw yakin itu bukan nama samaran yah? hehehe.... :p

  3. Anonymous5:53 PM

    ya nama samaran toh, fe. nama belanda gitu, jan peter.

  4. buy an ibm x12329u842v series, powered by ubuntu herdy heron, to your home, while shouting "papa! mama! i bring you my girlfriend!!!"

    they won't bother you anymore xD

  5. @all:
    Ud gw bilang itu bukan nama sebenarnya dan gw bukan orang gak normal, cuman beda aja perspektifnya.

    Ah gak perlu, tongkrongan gw IBM xSeries di kampus ud bagus, coy. buat server WoW juga bisa.. :P


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