A NP-Problem Case

If a girl having a birthday and you have been warned before that you MUST congratulate her at least at her birthday. But, yesterday is D-Day and you haven't said a thing, even worst you don't even know about yesterday. Today is the day where she will held her birthday party. The only way out is to surprise her with present said anything to cover up things. Now, the problem goes with the present.

What is the right present for her?


  1. There's no efficient algorithm to find the right present ...


  2. Yeah, you ended up with per cases, so this is not just NP-Problem, but also a NP-Complete one?

  3. Anonymous1:07 AM

    Ga tau elo lagi nyindir gw...atau ini kebetulan.

    Yang harus elo buktikan sekarang adalah:
    1 apakah ini problem termasuk NP atau bukan.
    2. apakah semua problem bisa direduksi ke problem ini?

    Kalau elo bisa membuktikan nomor 1 dan nomor 2 berarti problem elo NP-Completeness.

    Selamat membuktikan.

    Hint...coba pake diformulasikan dengan turing mesin, lebih mudah kok :P


  4. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Dasar anak pasilkom! Mo nanya bli hadiah tuk cewek aja pake analogi NP Problem -.-;

    Beliin buku ajah kalo dia demen baca. Kalo anaknya romantis, kasih tiket reservasi makan malam berdua sama elu, as simple as that :P

  5. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Kayaknya gue dulu beberapa kali melupakan ultahnya Lis, gak pernah jadi masalah tuh.. Well.. memang ngambek sih.. tapi paling cuma sebulan ngambeknya, abis itu lupa lagi.

  6. @cardepus:
    Hmm, semua masalah di dunia ini akan selesai jika dia tak ngambek. So, yeah, basically all problem can be reduced to this problem.


    Yee... tapi selama sebulannya ngejalaninnya gimana?


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