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Showing posts from December, 2006

Merry Christmas!

WAW. I could not trust myself, I'm doing stuff that will never come again. I fill all of my Christian friends testimonial. That may would never happen again. It is too long, for every person I must personalize the word. I was online last night until 23.30 just to post half of them and half of them this day. But, I am glad been able to do that. That was a great achievement of mine and it was a very, very rare one. Well, to sum it up, merry Christmas everyone. YOU ARE DEARLY LOVED. Edit: What the heck am I doing here, this is Chistmas and I'm in front a computer. Gah, I must get a life. ;P

Virtualization in Review: XenServer Express

After a long period of time, my baby, semangat45, has been reborn after its long sleep due to the harddisk lost. It can't be helped, I was using a borrowed one. So when the user claimed, I just gave back the harddisk. Okay, enough with chit chat, there is a long way to go and hopefully I'm not getting bored in the writing stuff. Okay, I was looked at and found out that they have made their own virtualization solutions. There was 3: XenExpress, XenEnterprise, and Xen[sumthin, I don't remember quite well]. All was non-free except the XenExpress, so I decided to download the XenExpress. XenExpress is an ISO contains Xen client (for Windoze and GNU/Linux) and an installation of dom0 (the host). I installed the Windoze client and installed the dom0 at my baby. The installation ran well. It installed itself like common installation, quite neat. I'm getting bored here, so here's the screenshot of the : That picture is the windoze client. It is built on Java a...


Hmm... gw baru sadar, ada yang sesuatu yang berbeda. Sekarang semua orang (yang sudah bekerja tentunya) bertambah makmur. Beda banget! Duh, kok sekarang ud ada buntelan di perut. Pegawai PPSI bukanlah pegawai perkantoran sesungguhnya. Omg, orang kantoran asli pasti pake fantofel ama parfum. Gw ud susah ngeles pas ditanya mana pasangannya. Duh... gw ini jojoba, apakah seorang jomblo tidak boleh mempertahankan haknya?

Happy 2

Happiness not related to whatever you have, but it's closely related to what you don't have. Human's basic fact is their needs are continuingly increasing. Almost everyone (if you don't want to be added, so I just use almost) chase something in their lives. That something is a thing that makes them fully and content, which is non existing thing. Now, catch your inner and ask yourself. Why do you want to do what you want to do now? Err.. OK, I'll just straight to the point. I think you could miss the point if I must describe what we need. YOU NEED TO FULLFILL YOUR EXISTANCE . So, in order to do that, you find a great job, hot chick/man, ranks, etc. You want to be acknowledged by people. In that feeling, your ego plays high. You seek out to do something. THE PROBLEM IS not everyone can be satisfied and even some may be a victim to other's ego. The victims, whom has their ego desecrated, begin to desperate. Then, after a long lack of ego fulfillment, they become t...


Happy is something that you are not right now. Why? Lemme ask u, d u feel satisfied? Many things already in your grasp, but why are you moaning? Sometimes it doesn't make sense when you are yelling to someone that incapable to do something beyond the person's ability. Why do you push people? How can you urge people to be happy when you are not? You have knowledge, you have money, your table is never left without a bread. Why are you crying? You have people around you, but you tend to ignore them and try to cactch something beyond everything to please your idealism? How come? You want to get better but you get hurt. Because of what reason do you angry of yourself? Have you forget that there is always somebody that loves you so much. You know what, your problem is that you don't want to be true to yourself. Admit what you're thinking, say it and don't take it into your heart. I know, sometimes it lead to destructive act. That's why you need a friend. If you too sh...

Bandwidth Murah???

dari sini, nih.... temen saya ngedumel soal layanan akses Internet yang (katanya) cepat. Mo Internet cepet dan murah? Bebasin regulasi bandwith buat koneksi jaringan dan perlunak peraturan mengenai implementasi jaringan telekomunikasi di Indonesia. Nanti juga banyak perusahaan yang beneran siap masuk. Jangan sok ngerasa belain perusahaan bangsa, deh. Sejak jaman dulu kita juga ditindas sama tuh perusahaan dengan bandwith yang mahal. Gw ud gak peduli dengan perusahaan negara. Ud cuma bisa dikorup, trus pelayanan mengecewakan. Liat, tuh, P*N, ud 2 stabilizer, 2 mobo + 1 cpu ancur gara2 listrik turun mulu. Masak gw telat bayar gw dituntut tapi alat gw rusak gw gak boleh klaim? Keadilan dari mana itu? Liat aja di rumah gw masa musti pasang 1 stabilizer seharga UPS cuma buat arusnya gak goyang samba??? Ah, gw ngeritik doang bisanya... Abisnya, gw gak tau musti pake apa. Genset ud mahal, trus ntar bikin id cepet abis bahan bakar. Pake kaleng disambungin tali juga gak bisa ditarik ke Medan.....

What Teh????

Dapet dari blog anak 2006 mengenai tren di Fasilkom saat ini: 1. Jaka Sembung bawa malloc , ga nyambung malloc !!! 2. Aduh! Lobet you will nih,, malloc yuk! 3. slatch yg di PSD tiba-tiba bikin gw ke- slatch -et 4. kalo bersin ucapannya " ascii !!!" Nomor 3 itu apa, yah? Iseng membayangkan kalo nomor 2 itu paling enak jawab: Gak ah, ntar takut Segfault, nanti sig errno return gak 0. Yah, sialnya mereka belum se- geek itu. Tinggal tunggu waktunya mereka mengenal Jarkom... -_-' Mungkin istilah yang rada keren buat Jarkom: Buat orang yang gak nyambung/topik terlalu tinggi/rada gak ngikutin: "Lo ngomong di port mana, sih?" "Ud bind belum lo?" Buat orang yang suka miss-call: "Oi, gw ud ping elo" Buat orang yang pengen makan: "Duh, thread gw ud butuh resource nih, lepas mutex yuk." Ato versi ud sama2 ngerti: "Lepas mutex yuk." Hmm.. what else?

What teh????

Got it from my BB on FS, a story of The Police, The Army, and The Intelligent. The Police Department, The Army, and The Intel were boasting of each other strength and claiming of their ability to get any criminal down. So, in order to prove their words, the Government give each of them a test: To catch a white rabbit. The government release the rabbit to the forest and let the three catch it. First the intel. They put inside man over the place asking questions about the white rabbit. After a month of searching, they give a report stating that the white rabbit were never exist and it was a hoax. Then, came the army. They search the forest and after a month of no result they burn the forest and fries every living things inside. So, they manage to find the rabbit roasted dead. Not so effective, so the government play the test to the police: So, the police go to the forest. Two hours later, they come out with a heavily beaten white mice yelling: "YES... YES... I AM THE RABBIT! I AM TH...

That was close...

I have a sister, well not quite a sister, she is my cousin's girlfriend. She is one of the Project Rehab JP. Well, it's a name that I call to a bunch of relatives that tries to get me a REAL girlfriend, not a server nor a computer. She was wandered how come I didn't have any girlfriend. Normally, I guy like me, with good looking face and bunch of skills (*NARCISSISM DETECTED :D*), would have already few girls around. Yesterday in sunday service I brought my Bible and opened it. She was curious, because I usually didn't bring my Bible so often. NOTE: I always bring my Bible, but I've never opened it. I rather like to read the Bible from the people next to me for some personal reason. Viciously she watched over my Bible and asking me how come I bring the Bible this time. Then, she looked into my bookmarks. (S)he: Hey, this is a fine good looking bookmark. Waw, did you have it from a girl? (M)e : Nope, if you see here, it is written that it was from PO FIK UI. Have you...


Concerning my previous post , there are things that I need to clarify. If you have read the last paragraph, you would have read a statement that said I forgave him. That's right folks, I forgave him. The reason I wrote down the whole entry was because I was unable to diminished all of my wrath. In order to totally forgive him, I needed to find a place where I can spilled all of my anger, so that I could totally gave forgiveness. Please, do not think that I will start to hate people. In my book, I will NEVER EVER hate people and if I do, I will never ever let the hatred continues. I will always try to help people in the way that I can according to my capacity. Hatred is the most I hate ! After a while, I even realized that I even needed to apologize. It was my inequity to blame him only. My inadequate social ability was also the culprit of it. It was my mistake that I have not answered him in a language that could be understand. I know now, I have a bad language when trying to exp...

Dodol! Gw gak suka perilaku orang yang seperti ini! Bukannya sudah dikasih tahu di awal kalo tayangan itu memang bukan untuk konsumsi anak-anak. Lagipula, sudah diberi label peringatan untuk tidak melakukannya di rumah. Mengapa pihak WWE masih saja dilemparkan kesalahan? Bukankah seharusnya kita, para ilmuwan dan orang tua, yang harusnya dipersalahkan? Mengapa ilmuwan dipersalahkan? Karena kita tidak memberi pencerahan pada masyarakat dodol ini bahwa adegan kekerasan di televisi dapat mempengaruhi alam bawah sadar manusia sehingga dapat menghasilkan perilaku sosial yang menyimpang (menurut tolak ukur nilai agama). Hal ini merupakan suatu informasi yang penting yang sebenarnya perlu disuarakan kepada masyarakat. Mengapa orang tua dipersalahkan? Yah, siapa suruh anak kecil dibiarkan nonton acara jam 10 malam ke atas? Bukankah pihak televisi sudah...

That's Hurt, You Know...

SHUT UP, YOU TRAITOR! SHUT UP, YOU TRAITOR! SHUT UP, YOU TRAITOR! SHUT UP, YOU TRAITOR! SHUT UP, YOU TRAITOR! SHUT UP, YOU TRAITOR! Well, that was kept resounding in my mind yesterday. I have broke my heart and it was painful. I have betrayed my principal and look what I've got? A wound of my pride. As you all know, I have stated that I will only helps people with FOSS and said go to hell to W*****s users! But, yesterday I have broke my own words to help a friend. But, instead of cooperation, the one that I tried to help asked my integrity. OMG, don't you know the one that I hate the most is when people trying to ask my integrity. That SOHO admin, how dare you insulted my integrity. The story was when a friend call my friend to trouble shoot his network. They've been attacked by virus and it was flooding the network so the network became unusable. Then, it was interesting to help because he is my friend too and I always want to help anybody especially a friend. So, he conn...