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Showing posts from September, 2008

Tolak RUU Pornografi

Pernyataan Resmi: Saya sebagai warga negara Republik Indonesia menolak keberadaan RUU Pornografi dan meminta DPR menarik RUU yang tidak produktif ini. Uneg-uneg gw: Ya, ampun, masih aja dibahas RUU Pornografi. Nih, beberapa alasan keberatan gw: #1 UU ini mendiskriminasi perempuan sebagai pihak yang menimbulkan kejahatan Jadi, perempuan itu tidak berhak mengenakan pakaian yang dia pakai, mengenakan kosmetik yang dia sukai, dll. Baca TEMPO edisi 25 Sept - 5 Okt 2008 pp.38-39 #2 UU ini menampik keberadaan Republik Indonesia sebagai satu negara yang *multikultural* Keberadaan UU ini dapat membuat klaim bagi sekelompok agama "mayoritas" untuk memaksakan kebudayaan Arab kepada budaya Indonesia. Dengan demikian, kebudayaan daerah sebagai aset budaya nasional mati. #3 UU ini tidak berdasar kepada hitam di atas putih Pornografi adalah hal yang abu-abu. Apakah Sinden-sinden di Jawa dan para penari Papua dapat dikatakan pornografi? Apa bedanya antara Tank-top dengan Kemben? Ibu-ibu bera...


Anyone who adding my EMAIL and subscribe it to a mailing list is an a* (pardon for my lang). Yeah, you! Spiritual&religion at Y! mailing list is a pain in the a*. I wasn't subscribe for it nor I know of its existence. This is an act of spamming. The mailing list itself from what I skimmed full of debate between Christian and Moslem. BAH! NONE, I said NONE, Christian or Moslem, can prove their religion scientifically. So, all would be an act of believe. Here's the list of why: All of their books are not legitimate: no literature, self-proving, and it has no reference to other works other than The Author Himself. The claims are (hardly) not reproducible by other. The Author have no previous track record to justify, to have legitimate justification of past work, or to have background education. The Author never registered in any science group or whatsoever to have collegues testify of His work or to have peer review. The Author never published the work other than to special in...

Religious Belief vs Universal Belief

Got an interesting link from Ubuntu planet. [1] It's about two different churches with different path. To take a short, there was a church that glares on the poster because of his outfit (blue jeans, long hair, and t-shirt) when he comes to the church. The church have people wearing formal outfit and with "good" look. The other one, on the contrary, is a church with 60 people and having non-formal wearing. Even the pastor use the same outfit as the poster. They both embrace the Bible. Yet, they differ in social life. Why the both of the church have different views? The short answer is because of different experience of the church leaders. Many, even in Indonesia, churches have comes with tight culture and holds traditional values that their founder have planted. The leaders of that church usually get their views from the dogmatic revelation of the previous leaders. The thinking doesn't evolve, no, they even don't dare to cross the line of values that the previous ...


Waaaa... BuBar 2002 itu kemaren yah? Gw kira minggu depan. Waaaa... gw bawa pulang laptop buat ngerjain tulisan di rumah, tapi lupa bawa adaptornya. Duh! Kenapa sih laptop berbeda2 adaptornya? Mana gak bisa minjem lagi. :(( Waaaa... gw bawa pulang hape tapi lupa bawa charger. Waaaa... Ini kenapaaaaa..... Waaaa... bokap gw ud maen sinetron ngasih sinyalemen kerinduan momong cucu. Waaaa... waaaa... waaa... titik tiga kali artinya eliptik, melanjutkan pengucapan suatu suku kata. Ah, gw mo S2 aja biar ada alesan. :D

Nanowar (Of The Steel)

They are bunch of people from Italy that gather making worthless group with worthless music and taking almost all of my worthless time listening to them. Hahaha.... Seriously, they sing parodied progressive rock songs. They ultimately give jokes about Rhapsody and such. When Rhapsody change their name with Rhapsody of Fire, they change their name also to become Nanowar of Steel. Three of their songs: Metal Lalala To Kill The Dragon Outtrue Seriously, they all are talented to waste my time listening to them. WATCH OUT!

RE: Re: Jay jay

No! I am not homeless, and yes, I have came in invitation of one of your roommate. Your place is the nearest place from Mang Kabayan and I need to bomb and take a real shower. Yes, I am in deep sorry for letting two of your friends embracing the dark side of Seven Scope. Hmm...

RPI 2008

RPI atau Retreat Pekabaran Injil baru saja dilaksanakan di Fasilkom UI. Yang saya salut dari kepengurusan kali ini adalah semangat mereka dan perjuangan yang luar biasa. 60 orang peserta di antaranya adalah 22 dari 29 teman-teman 2008 Fasilkom mau mengikuti acara ini. LUAR BIASA! Mengingat kesulitan yang dialami oleh panitia yang luar biasa. Luar biasa? Yup. Mereka mendapatkan wisma ini ketika 1 bulan sebelum hari H. Lalu, 1 minggu sebelum hari H, mereka defisit >10an juta. Hehehe... panitia berdoa, berpuasa, dan mencari dana luar biasa kalang kabut. Tapi, Tuhan penuhkan. Sungguh pengalaman yang luar biasa dan gw salut, deh. Lalu, ternyata ada permasalahan lagi yang mengganjal. Ada peraturan UI yang melarang membawa Maba untuk dibawa keluar kampus. Yup, akibat peraturan ini Kuksa Fasilkom batal mengadakan Weekend dan *hampir* saja RPI juga terancam batal. Sekali lagi, Tuhan sungguh bekerja luar biasa. Kendati harus dengan surat pernyataan dari masing2 Maba, acara RPI kali ini diikut...

Just FYI These are what happen when you are working half-heartedly. These are what happen if you want to have corruptions. So, next time when you work for yourself, just think that YOU too hold responsible for those. Hehehe... Joker was right. GREED CAN HARM PEOPLE. Secara pribadi gw juga turut berdukacita atas ini.


A man on a government agency was in charge of a long-term (about 20 years) contract to a vendor. He was in a pinch when he disagreed on a term in the contract that would create a potential damage to this country. The negotiators then tried to bribe him. He refused to accept any numbers they mentioned. Frustrated by his strong refusal, one of the negotiator came and asked him: Sir, tell me what is your price? The man angered to the max, he then answered: Dear, Sir, I would agree with you if you can give me higher price than the blood of Jesus that spilled on Calvary. --- Who/what is your God? ~theStoryIsReal

How to Run KDE4 With OSS4

If you have sound problem with OSS4 in KDE4 on Debian related system. First, make sure you enable GStreamer backend of Phonon. At the time of writing, the XINE backend have different version with less updated with the phonon itself. So, I think it don't have updated content. # sudo apt-get install phonon-backend-gstreamer In Debian Experimental, you don't have to do this because it's installed by default. If you have done, do this: Add a "export PHONON_GST_AUDIOSINK=oss4sink" line in your /etc/profile Rename into something else to disable it. #sudo mv /usr/lib/oss/lib/ /usr/lib/oss/lib/ && ldconfig Works like a charm in my KDE 4.1.1.

KDE 4.1 Is Back In Business

Debian Experimental just update their KDE 4 series with KDE 4.1.1. What's the different? Well, the kwin4 have no glitches anymore, yay! No need to use compiz anymore which is sadly having no KDE4 window decorator compiled in Debian. Another pleasant present is Amarok 2 Beta made it into Experimental. The only showstopper of KDE4 being perfect is some essential applications like Amarok 2 (beta) and Kopete don't have HTTP Proxy handling. Or, do I miss something? Well, if someone tell me how to do the transparent proxy, please help. I have googled it but can't have the exact way of doing so.

Pak Bobby Jadi Komisaris Telkom

Pak Bobby udeh mau jadi komisaris Telkom, tinggal dilantik. Selamatlah. Mudah-mudahan Pak Bobby masih bisa menyempetin diri ngajar di Fasilkom. Salah satu dosen yang bagus dan langka di bidang perangkat keras. Beliau juga orang riset, jadi, yah, mudah-mudahan menjadi satu kekuatan di Telkom. [Update] Ternyata ud ada di Iluni12. hehehe.... basbang yah? [1]

First Man Landing on Moon

[DISCLAIMER] Got this from a forwarded email, I have a difficulty to trace the source. But, if this is a copyrighted material, you may please tell me then I may act accordingly. The first trace of the document is from [1]. Anyway, I put this to you as is, with removal of the mail provider. [END OF DISCLAIMER] === Benarkah Neil Amstrong telah benar-benar menginjakkan kakinya dibulan d en gan selamat baru-baru ini telah terungkap fakta yang mengejutkan tentang keaslian foto di NASA . Inilah bukti barunya .... Inilah yang dunia lihat tentang foto tersebut. Tetapi sadarkah anda ada bayangan yang tertutup dalam foto tersebut ?????????... Sekarang mari kita lihat foto sebenarnya .............!!!! ! === Made my day. :D Anyway, I have new interesting insight, Blogger have the ability to copy and paste the picture. By default, blogger put the image in the first line of the entry. I usually use Edit Html and move the picture below. Today, I've learned that you can put the same functiona...

Just Another Comment

Baru baca blognya si Ramot. [1] Bagus benerlah pagi-pagi ud bikin orang sentimentil. Duh, mata gw kelilipan. Jadi inget postingan lama. [2] Dari berbagai kesempatan gw menemukan bahwa ada satu nilai yang ditanamkan di adat Batak. Di dalam keluarga Batak, anak itu harta yang paling berharga. Itu sebabnya, ada suatu pameo yang mengatakan sampai jual rumah dan tinggal di kolong jembatan pun asal anak bisa sekolah tidak apa-apa. Makanya, seganas apa pun orang Batak, datangin aja bokap atau ibunya, pasti dia langsung sungkem. :D [1] [2]