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Showing posts from March, 2007

They Say It.

They say it was easy to do your stuff in PHP. Well, I have no clue how to do it. This is my (supposed to be a) function: 1. Read a jpeg 2. Convert the quality for $x amount to reduce space. 3. Base64 it 4. Check image size. 4. a. If image size > MAX_LEN then go to step (2) with $x lowered. 4. b. else encode with JSON then send it to client. The objective is to have a BASE64 image with size bound to a certain size. Already in my knowledge: 1. BASE64 en/decoding 2. Webservice and JSON stuff. 3. Convert via ImageMagicK Not in my knowledge rite now: 1. Read/Write a file. 2. File length. Comments are welcome.

Nice Terms

Below are terms that I have learned past few weeks. !ATTENTION! I have those by experiences and by observations. Remember, OBSERVATIONS. No Gossip, please... :P ----- An Admin Admins are the people behinds every companies fortune. They guard you yet they are transparent. A Mild Atheist Someone who knows that God is in control but still doubted The Lord's providential. A True Love True love never have a happy ending. True love never end. A Most Loved One A most loved one is the one that you don't have. Even if you have, you don't have it anymore. A Most Dumbest One A most dumbest one is someone who think so much. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... Is a voice from the cliff. So loud that no one hears.

Acara Reuni, Pra Reuni, dan Buku 40 Tahun PO UI

Hadirilah: PRA-REUNI FAKULTAS PERSEKUTUAN OIKUMENE UNIVERSITAS INDONESIA FKG: 31 Maret 2007, jam 10.00, di gedung FKG-UI lantai 4 FIB: 7 April 2007, jam 13.00, di gedung 9 FIB-UI Psikologi: 14 April 2007, jam 16.00, tempat sedang dalam perencanaan FE: 14 April 2007, jam 16.00-21.00, di Balai Mahasiswa UI-Salemba (dalam konfirmasi) FKM: 14 April 2007, jam 15.00, di Aula FKM-UI FH: 15 April 2007, jam 15.00-19.00, di Aula Djoko Sutono FH-UI FIK: 20 April 2007, pada jam dan tempat Persekutuan Jumat FIK-UI FISIP: 21 April 2007, jam 09.00, di AJB FISIP-UI REUNI & IBADAH PASKAH PERSEKUTUAN OIKUMENE UNIVERSITAS INDONESIA 28 APRIL 2007 15.00-selesai BALAIRUNG KAMPUS UI DEPOK Tema: "Dipilih untuk Menyatakan Terang" (I Petrus 2:1-17) Informasi: Irnanto 0818488761, Frits 081319917822 reuni_poui@yahoo. com Komunitas cyber POUI: Website: Mailing list: oikumene_ui@ yahoogroups. com Friendster: Dukungan dana dapat disampaikan melalui: BCA KCP ...

Review Buku: 40 Tahun PO UI

Persekutuan Oikumene Universitas Indonesia (PO UI) telah melalui perjalanan yang panjang. Sebagai suatu wadah persekutuan kristiani, PO UI telah mengalami transformasi menjadi lebih dari sekedar tempat berkumpul orang-orang yang memiliki kerinduan untuk bersekutu menjadi wadah persekutuan bagi mahasiswa Kristiani. Telah banyak jiwa yang menemukan tempatnya di dalam Kristus dan mengalami kasih Kristus melalui pelayanan PO UI dan merasa diberkati oleh pelayanan PO UI. Namun, PO UI bukanlah suatu organisasi yang berjalan begitu saja. Tantangan yang dialami oleh PO UI ke depan bukanlah tantangan yang dialami 40 tahun lalu. Perubahan zaman dan berbagai permasalahan sosial umat Kristiani membuat PO UI bertransformasi. PO UI menjadi tempat naungan persekutuan bagi seluruh umat Kristiani di Universitas Indonesia menjadi suatu pertanyaan yang krusial mengingat diversitas mahasiswa yang ada di Universitas Indonesia. Perubahan zaman yang menuntut kelulusan yang lebih cepat dan penerimaan PO UI te...

God's Love

Lately I was a busy person (playing WoW and DoTA) whom his devotional life deteriorating. But, I am moved as I were taking part of SMA 91 (91 Highschool) Bible Camp. After that Bible Camp, I remembered this particular song that was made popular by Antonius Hermawan (he just popularized it, not sang it ;P). Text taken from here . Title: So You Would Come. Singer: Hillsong Church. --- Before the world began You were on His mind And every tear you cry Is precious in His eyes Because of His great love He gave His only Son Everything was done So you would come Nothing you can do Could make Him love you more And nothing that you've done Could make Him close the door Because of His great love He gave His only Son Everything was done So you would come Come to the Father Though your gift is small Broken hearts, broken lives He will take them all The power of the Word The power of His blood Everything was done So you would come --- I am amazed by the truthful story of each of senior student....


Thx to anyone who said that 300 is a great movie. It made my expectation high, so high that I was getting disappointment over this film. (I agree with Tino) 1. They bring the great name of Sin City creator of it. And what is the result? The character was developed in an instant, i.e. no chara devel at all! What the heck? The drawing of the character is not strong enough. Leonidas was described as a Godlike person, which should be the drawing of King Xerces. And what was that legend of he killed a beast? Didn't that make him a non lover husband filled with lust and berserk? That was too much. I even laughted (in my mind of course, I promised myself not to spoil the story) when the storyteller told about any single move he would made: "His helmed is to bla.. bla.. bla.." "His armor is too heavy, so he bla.. bla.. bla.." This is like a humorous scene. The stereotype of joke movies where the storytelling goes beyond of that: "His pants is to wetty he want to pe...

DNS Look Up Home

Cara JP menemukan nomor telepon adiknya: 1. Look up nomor adik di buku telepon.     Result --> Data tidak ada! 2. Look up nomor rumah di buku telepon.     Result --> Data sudah tidak valid! (last update -/+ 9 years ago) 3. Look up nomor sodara di buku telepon.     Result --> Data ditemukan! 4. Dial nomor sodara.     Result --> Return nomor rumah. 5. Dial nomor rumah.     Result --> Return nomor telepon adik. 6. Dial nomor adik.     Result --> 90 00 Duh, gimana seandainya gw mesti nelepon temen? (Thx buat temen2 yang jadi DNS.) ;P PS: Tau bikinnya bukan berarti tau cara makenya khan?

Quick Note on Javacard: Episode 2

E AID Scheme AID Scheme: 5 bytes RID + 1 to 11 PIX RID RID Format: N1 | N2 | N3 | N4 | N5 | N6 | N8 | N9 | NA For N1 (the first nibble): 0 .. 9 = Defined in ISO-7812 A = This ID is internationally registered D = This ID is nationally registered F = Not registered to any valid organization (fictious RID) For N2 N3 N4: These nibbles represent the country ID. For N5 .. NA: These nibbles are the ID of the company that holds this AID. PIX PIX is the Proprietary ID assigned by the company. This can be assigned without any restriction but the size. Now, how about that? Of course, you could just use any proprietary implementation of smartcard such as MULTOS. But, as far as I can see, the Sun's Java implementation of the smartcard have moved the card into different perspective. It has its own Security Channels and even beyond, objects not just flat files. Moreover, it is easily programmable (this is arguable because I haven't see another implementation of smartcard). The questions ...

Just Quick Note on Javacard

Just for memorizing, sukur2 ada yg ngerti n ngasih komen. Command APDU install: 80 E6 0C 00 [Package AID len] [Package AID] [Applet AID Len] [Applet AID] [Instance AID Len] [Instance AID] 01 00 00 00 select: 00 A4 04 00 [data e.g. "123456"] 00 Note on data: data is the object. Cmiiw. AID: 5 Bytes RID + 3 Bytes PIX 5 Bytes of AID is assigned by ISO or by a country, which Indonesia not adequate, yet. Note on RID: If based on the rule written by Bank Indonesia, all of banks in Indonesia should have smartcard as their only card by 2009. Now, would they request their own RID? Well, the story of not so prepared of Indonesia.... Even by now they still hasn't decide of the standards (cmiiw). EMV anyone? 5 first Bytes of Applet AID must conform with the Package AID. Javacard is compatible with ISO 7816. Data defined in ISO 7816-4 What the heck the P3 for? Command: CLA | INS | P1 | P2 |LC/Data | LE Response: Data | SW1 | SW2 TODO: Implementing different Security Channel. MiFARE is...

Under Their Nose

Vista claiming itself as the only solution and disables any other compatitors. Errr... The article: and the actual revolter: *ROTFL* :D


Hehehe... gara2 di somasi sama DepX, produsen rokok menarik dukungan terhadap Republik Mimpi. Tapi, anehnya ada BUMN P yang malah jadikan Republik Mimpi sebagai duta listrik. Dunia yang aneh ato cuman perasaan gw? Yang pasti, gw tetep dukung negri kite... hehehe, Merdeka!


Ask not what your country can gives, ask what you can give to your county. -- Kennedy A mere nationalism broadcasted from United State to her children. The mother once again regained her children a big hug. Clapping hands and a burning desire was once again in their path. They owned their mother. Everyone was touched that day. If you asked common Americans about their country, boastings to the fullest would be the answer. How they are agreed that their country is the best country in the world. And how could it be? America is not perfect. They have Bronx and southern region. Not everyone goes to college. They have KKK. Their defenses are not that good, 9/11 proves that. Furthermore, they have taxes. Speaking of taxes, Britain, especially England, as the most high tax in the world have the most dignity to their country. They still have a monarchy and they have hooligans. But, why they love their county so much? Both of Americans and British folks have the same thing that keep their child...

Dreaming WHAT???

Gw baru tahu kalo Depkominfo melakukan somasi terhadap Republik Mimpi. Tadi malam pas gw nonton, gw terkejut. Kok, banyak banget yang datang tadi malam (Minggu, 4 Maret 2007). Aih, ternyata satu-satunya tayangan non-berita yang bermutu ini sedang melancarkan dukungan terhadap acara ini. Gw nonton episode minggu kemaren pas si Menteri Rakyat Miskin (cmiiw) menyindir tentang BLBI minggu kemarin. Ah, masak begitu aja tersinggung pemerintah? Tapi, sejak kemunculan Suharta, Kerajaan Mimpi (A.K. Republik Mimpi) memang gw rasa makin dihalangi. Hehehe... takut dibecandain kali, yah. Terus terang, gw pendukung Gusdur dan kalo misalnya Gusdur gak dijegal pas kemaren pemilu, gw pasti memberikan suara ke dia. Terus terang, acara ini yang justru membuat gw simpati dengan SBY dan JK. Apalagi mereka membuktikan diri kalo mereka mau disentil. Tapi, gara2 somasi ini, gw jadi gak simpatik lagi sama pemerintahan ini. Gw tahu kalo gak dilakukan tebang pilih, maka akan banyak dana di Indonesia yang lari ke...


How is it feel to be a human? Trembling each day without a notice from other, yet hiding in a hill of pride. Loosing self each day seems like a definition of self. Looting in a twilight of heart, finding self concious in a mechanism of destruction. Blinded, but walking as if there is a road a head. Man got to be a tiger to tame a kitten. Hurting inside yet insists on role playing. Roaring the name yet forgotten the game. Resulting loses of a war just for a win of a battle. Pride is the cause, is it? Or... May it something that deep inside? The struggle for existence? You play your dice well, but you have to loose your bet. Remember the game and knows the well, yet forget how to win. What is a winning end for you have lost a lot? Who are you, anyway?