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Showing posts from October, 2006

QEMU Installation Attempt 1.0

Okay, the VMWare Server installation attempt is too suck to report. I can't barely do anything hardcore. It just need to run a script and everything is served. Man! How educating! :) Now, I'm trying to do more challenging stuff: QEMU Installation Attempt! (Yeah, sounds cool...) Still, the platform is that wrecked IBM XSeries 225, with specs: 1. 2 pocessors:Intel Xeon 3,06 GHz with HT. (It reads 4 in GNU/Linux...) B-) 2. 2048 MB memory, with ECC. 3. Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5703X Gigabit Ethernet (rev 02)! (We play Gigs now, no more MBps) B-) 4. Dapper plain install. Prepare Stuff Ok, the needed thing to do is download everything needed. Go to QEMU's web and download: 1. QEMU source (if you hardcore enough) 2. QEMU precompiled i386 build (this is the safest, do this kids!) 3. KQemu source package (for great experience) Prepare Your System Do the installation: # sudo apt-get install bridge-utils linux-headers-`uname -r` build-essential libsdl1.2debian-all checkinsta...


I had enough with XEN! My cpu doesn't have latest VMX instructions, or maybe not activated? My IBM xSeries 225 is to precious to dump. In quest of virtualization, I found this vmware server and I'm running it right now with three guests: WinXP SP2, Debian Sarge, Ubuntu. Infact, I'm typing this from one of my machine. I'm trying to run KQemu. But, if time permits and I'm not lazy enough to try the stuff.

XEN Installation Attempt: REVISITED

OK, the culprit of why I'm not able to sleep is: DIFFERENT MEMORY VENDOR! Yes, that's the cause of instability of my cute box. After the memory released from my cutely little xSeries box, no more error on compiling the kernel. YEAH! Btw, I'm sorry to the people that put SMP and PREEMPT together. You guys rocks.... OK! Now I'm gonna start all over again from a scratch!

XEN Installation Attempt 3.0

Yeah, the Xen installation is done. Now, we have 2 domains. But, is IBM xSeries 225 doesn't have HVM technology? If it does, I'm expecting a WinXP into paravirtualization... :)) Btw, according to , Microsoft is supporting XEN technology. WTF? So, does it means Microsoft wants every supported OS product they have (Win2X, WinXP, Vista, etc) can run GNU/Linux Xen's patched system? Weird... PS: Not really...

XEN Installation Attempt 2.1

With desperado heart, I'm switching my filesystem from reiserfs to ext3. This consideration is because the OpenSUSE 10.2 make the switch too. Maybe, the filesystem is unstable for this kind of use. But, worst than reiserfs, ext3 failed after few seconds in compiling kernel section. In state of hopeless feeling, I install xubuntu-desktop, reboot, and suddenly I realize that I'm making a mistake. What the heck X for? This is a server machine, not a desktop! In state of idiocy, I log into the system, run a terminal and execute top, run a screensaver. Then, a magic happens. The compiler starts working great. It have no more illness. It doesn't have errors anymore. It compiles smoothly. Yay...! Yippeeee...! So, I have an explanation regarding the problem: The machine is too good to be left alone with a big resource hog process. It then felt insulted and have a strike demonstration action by making errors. It needs at least two heavy weight tasks. (Versi Indonesia: Mesinnya nge...

Xen Installation Attempt 2

Still fails. I think this is a hardware issue. I'm trying to compile a kernel from another machine. Hope it'd get an expected result. -- End Of Post-- OK biar postingan ini gag basi, gw tambah common knowledge yang gw ud dapet: MAKEFLAGS --> variabel untuk memberi argumen kepada make, misalnya compiler yang digunakan, optimisasi, dan lain sebagainya.

XEN Installation Attempt

OMG, the time now is 22:22. This already late for me to go home. The cause is because of Xen failed to compile in my box. Btw, I use Dapper as my distro to create a high performance server. When I check in the internet, I find many cpus have Fake SCSI causing GNU/Linux systems to fail. Is it the cause? No way, Jose! My box is ain't that cheap! My box, IBM xSeries 225, is build with *REAL* SCSI Controller on PCI Express. Hmm... is it because Dapper uses GCC 4? Many source code tend to break when compiled because of the strict rules of GCC 4. So, I try to compromise using GCC 3.3 (I think 3.4 should be fine, but it's already done so I stick with GCC 3.3). # export MAKEFLAGS="CC=gcc-3.3" And I modify the cflags for optimation: # export CFLAGS="-march=pentium3 -msse2" OK, the compile seems fine. Wait for few minutes, voila, it stucks! The culprit? After googling and analyzing, I've found out that the culprit is Preemptible! Wtf? Yeah! You... for desktops you...

Masak, sih?

Hmm... gw baru sadar bahwa: 1. Router yang gw geletakin begitu aja dibawah meja dengan RIC-E1 seharga 40 juta dan kalo di perusahaan2 bakal ditaro di rak khusus bukan ditaro kayak kaleng krupuk gitu. 2. Kartu2 yang gw rip dari kompi kosong itu adalah gigabit card yang seharga gaji gw. 3. Kompi2 kosong yang gw oprek2 sekarang ini adalah server2 yang salah satunya bisa buat beli rumah dan beberapa merupakan vendor based. 4. Sangoma yang gw cabut pasang itu gak terdapat di Indonesia Ok, kok, gw jadi serem begini yah?


Duh, isu paling sensitif yang paling males gw hadapi dari dulu sampe sekarang: (FAQ) Q: JP, lo ud punya pacar belum? A: Belum. Q: Tipe lo seperti apa? A (Diplomatis 1): Yah, nanti aja terserah dijodohin ato mungkin entar ketemu. A (Diplomatis 2): Kalo cewek itu bisa GNU/Linux. A (Diplomatis 3): Ceweknya gag malu2in kalo dibawa ke pesta. A (Diplomatis 4): Gw gag tahu, yang pasti gw bukan homok kayak j**b20 ato j*s20. A (Sebenarnya): Gw kurang tertarik dengan hubungan sosial, apalagi yang nyusahin kayak gitu. Kalo emang harus, cewek itu harus bisa nyentuh hati gw yang (menurut bokap dan org2 dekat) kayak robot. Q: Jep, lo mo gag sama cewek itu? A (Diplomatis 1): Ah, gak, ah, dia kayak ... (intinya kelemahan). A (Diplomatis 2): Ah, kasihan dianya. [humble mode] A (Diplomatis 3): Yah, liat bagaimana nanti. [DEFAULT] A (Sebenarnya): .... -_-' Pokoknya gw paling males klo ditanya soal pasangan. Gw ud mual2 gara2 ultimatum bokap gw sampe semester 3. Aaaaaargh... Tapi, kalo mo sadar, emang...

Sangoma A104 on Ubuntu

OK, after I wrestled with this device, I finally admit that this is an AWESOME device. This device supports GNU/Linux and it has the driver open. Btw, Sangoma AFT A104 is a WAN card. Based on the setup, A104 can use T1 or E1. If I'm not mistaking, it support HDLC and encapsulation PPP (oe and atm). In my place, the AFT cards are used for communicating via teleconference. My affair with the card is to connecting one node to another node (back-to-back) connection. Well, after 1 week of struggling, I've found that the cable must be cross over. DOH! So, it ran smoothly now. How to get it run? Just download the driver and prepare the source code of the running kernel. Yes, the AFT's driver installation is too dumb to use the available kernel headers. So, in order to install the driver and utility, you must have the source code compiled. To have the idea of what's going on, I tried to describe how it'd done in Ubuntu box. #1 Preparation Install the needed packages: kerne...


I always keep my blog away from any religious post, not this time. I'm very pissed by some people when they say religion is ridiculous, religion is the source of war, and religion is unscientific. Furthermore, about Christianity they speak loud about impossible things about Trinity. Here is my defense. 0. Religion is the root of war If I say Christian, there would be a total of variation each individual around the globe called themselves Christians. The diversity in religion alone makes the doctrines varied to each person. The doctrines even desecrated with the thought of man. THE THOUGHT OF MAN! That is the cause of war. If you see the religion of the world: Islam, Christian, Budhism, etc, they said that God comes to man to save humanity from violence. Each self-proclaiming as the way to have eternal peace. So, actually no religion offers war to its disciples. But, the leaders are! They are the one that should be fixed. I. There is no God We speak scientifically. Of all the knowl...

Knowledge Extraction

There should be layers in knowledge extraction. The problem with today's KE is they often put the K user into a situation where they are uncomfort to share their implicit K. In example, how many of you hackers out there have tricks that you want to share but failed to show many aspects that you have because you want to have your knowledge systematic? Or, how many of you that write tutorials covers all that you know and share? To sum this, I have a case example to explain each layer. LAYER 0: Crude Information To people in this layer, they should not be limited of how to express their thought. The type of people of this layer can write what ever in their minds. Information in this level should be in form of Q&A (questions and answers). Why? Questions are the basic gate to gain knowlegde. Moreover, questions sometime have hidden informations, such as what the problem occurs e.g. "I'm using X as gfx card, why can't I have MxN resolution?". Answers are the main k...

Celebration 100 Years of Azusa St.

Yeah, that is the title of the ceremony. It was held in last saturday. It was held by all (most?) Pentacostal churches including my church. I was an usher. The show was terrific, so many get healed by miracles. The preacher especially looking for the disable people, but cancers also get healed. What a marvelous day.... The funny thing is the ceremony was held in Gelora Bung Karno (Bung Karno Stadium). What the funny thing? Well, if I recall Indonesian govs wants to prepare the stadium for 2007 Asian Cup, cmiiw. So, the stadium should not be used by any show other than football match. Well, I may be wrong or PSSI are getting dumb to plan anything for atleast 6 months in advance. Ah, I may be thankful for that. What a marvelous day.