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Showing posts from November, 2007

Install Java, Debian Way

# sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk Change jdk with plugins or jre to install Firefox plugins or just the plain Java Runtime Environment. Then, choose the preferred Java (not GNU's Java but SUN's Java), they all GPLed. # sudo update-java

Gak Tahu Judulnya Apa (Unknown Title)

Duh, hujan di luar sana dan kami bengong saja. We have walking around the Orchad road, yah, secara Lucky Hotel ada di ujung dan SMU (Singapore Management University), place where we are battling our APICTA presentation, ada di ujung jalan. DUH, gw masih kepikiran sama juri yang tadi. ADSKAJLDKWJLAKJWDLWOID{ @IE: *tarik napas, lepas napas...* Anyway, Ntar malem Edward bakalan ntaktir, yay.... :P Mo beli apa yah? Kayaknya di Indonesia sama aja. Lagian, di sini banyak banget orang Indonesia. Bedanya emang, kalo di sini koneksi internet 512 Kbps *GRATIS*. Yeah, read my lips: GRATIS. Tetap saja ada orang2 yang berani ngerokok di depan umum, yah satu-satu, sih. Trus, tetep aja ada orang yang nyebrang sebelum lampu mati, walaupun mereka tetap nyebrang di tempat penyebrangan. Kita yang masih baru, belum berani, sih. Btw, gw hari Minggu kemaren nanya sama seorang sekuriti, trus dia gak bisa jawab. Emang, sih, kayaknya gw salah nanya. Gw nanya di mana ada local church, trus dia tentu aja gak tau...

On APICTA (finale)

We have finished our presentation. One last question of the Vietnam judge really bugs me off. He asked us about the security right after the bell ringing. I surely didn't get the point. Which part of security? The webservice? Yeah, we have answered it using SSL. The applet application? Yeah, we have answered it using PIN on the Card. But, I think at the last moment he conclude that we have no security over the communication. Hmm.. WTF? Ow, he means the communication between the card and the terminal. Sh*t! We forgot to mention about the External Authentication, which GP 2.1.1 standard can do. Anyone on the smart card industry would know that. Each smart card has its own mechanism to do authentication and our product is by far using the newest Javacard solution using CPG 2.04 key derivation. Hopefully, he see the last slide of the note. I'm very confused, because whenever Adin, Dimas, and I try to rehearse, I am the one that falling to too many technical terms. I guess that what...

Justification Cost (Computer vs Women)

How do you justify a relationship? Well, if you want a good investment, you could have rigid calculation of things. Too many people harshly invest their time and money not gaining anything from it. Here's the big picture of having a women and a computer. #1 Relationship With a computer, you could extends your relationship, be it having an anynomous relationship or maybe extending your network without a comitment. With a women, you must cut some of your relations, especially with other women. Anywhere you go, you must kinda like putting a big banner warning: SOLD. Of course that would be different if you have the ability to mask yourself. But, it even you in that player. #2 Gathering With a computer, you could hang out all nite partying with all boys camp, share any Tokyo Hot collections, or just tweak the computer your computer. You cannot tweak your women that easily if it goes with women. Even, you are scheduled to have "setor muka" sessions every precious Saturday wher...

Carrefour Must Know This

According Kompas in "Pelanduk Berjuang Melawan Gajah" , traditional market people have loosing their rights in the courthouse in a trial against P.D. Pasar Jaya, the contractor, and them. At first, the sellers protesting against the new kiosk price which is not so good. According to the seller, the real value of the new kiosk only Rp 3.10 million while they sell it at the cost of Rp16 -Rp60 million. Now, the worst part is, according to the story, Carrefour will also inhabited the place within the same building. So, this would make the seller collapse, because they sell the same thing. What concern me is that they are the victims of heavy fire back in the August 2005. They are trying to build their precious living back again. How could they fight against a multinational company with great IT system and vast infrastructure? It is a hard living. They must face the "unofficial" fee and gangsters that often ask retributions from them. And now, if this is true, they must ...

Strenghtening Your Code

Okay, I think I will stop the emotional entry, three consecutive is a more than enough evidence to prove that we, "immortals", do have feeling. XD Many projects I have seen had been screwed up with various bugs and flaw. This especially got to do with the not so well designed applications. Further investigation even make it severe! Some part were even taken from example codes tempered with their own code and creating delicious Italian food, spaghetti. There is nothing wrong with example code. But you should ask yourself, have their code written with good behavior? Many vendors written their code just to make the code readable by common people so people would see the big picture of how to use their library. When it comes to real world, there are more base condition to make. I am a commoner with Java in hand, so there are some potentially misleading features of C/C++ that were not in Java, such as memory management, pointers, low levels, and many more that Java programmer would...


After attending the INAICTA, Indonesia ICT Award, I am a little upset. Yeah, I know I shouldn't, we have just been selected to become one of the grand finalists. But, still... I wish people would have Frequently Asked Question about research and development: - Cool, how do you develop that? - Can I have reference of your works? - Hmm.. the technology, can this implemented on x stuff? - I have a great idea, bla.. bla.. bla.., what do you think? - If I'm trying to develop another project, what should I do? - What problem could be solved by this? - What is the future of the project? Yet, those become Frequently [Never] Asked Question. What's wrong with you people? Why I'm suddenly feel ashamed to be an Indonesian? Isn't research about the long term investation? I know that few of them were invitation to work with us. But, why not a single quote I heard about the research? Why people always asking us about the money stuff? Am I wrong, or most of the people can't us...

My Father

I've just watched Hana Kimi, a Jap film about Japanese girl cover up as a student in all boy's high school. Well, the drama just fine but the one thing impressed me is the scenes about Kano's father. True, men's always hide his feeling. It seems forbidden for a men show his passionate love towards anything including his beloved. Have you ever had your father said that he loved you? Well... I haven't heard that, yet and I just kinda figured it out that many of us not. Fathers seems acting like they are strong and mysterious us the family. It's just like a common notion that a man must not built his affection toward things, expecting everything working with cold blooded head called stubbornness. As a men, I'm also facing problem like that. It's not a sincere matter to see a men cried. But, I know, we also can have a broken heart as women do. But, it's unwritten law that we, men, must stubbornly carry all those wounds as a trait. We call them leadershi...

Update ClamAV in Dapper

Anyone who still use Dapper as their backend server should realize that the engine is not updated. If you use Etch or Sarge, you are benefited from the Debian Volatile project. Anyway, I have follow the guide from Suares & co with slight modification. Well, here's what mainly we do: Download and extract the source from ClamAV site . Do command: # ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc/clamav --enable-dns-fix --enable-readdir_r --enable-bigstack # make; make install Restart all daemon: # /etc/init.d/clamav-daemon restart # /etc/init.d/clamav-freshclam restart Check logfiles and run freshclam to update. Btw, don't forget to install GMP, BZip2, ZLib devel library before you compile ClamAV. GMP for signature. BZip2 for support. ZLib is mandatory.

UDEV Naming Rule

UDEV have naming rule in /etc/udev/rules.d/ Name it like in based on kernel name, or based on sysfs entry. Ain't it neat? Hmm.. care to name /dev/sdN to /dev/my-disk-N?

Linux Mount Point

Every time GNU/Linux mount a filesystem, the fstab-like configuration is written in /etc/mtab. So, if you have any disk and you don't know how to mount it, let the GNOME/KDE automatically mount it and to make it permanent, you just grep the /etc/mtab and put it in /etc/fstab.

Delivering To Your User

What is the best RCP technology? Is it Adobe Flex , JavaFX , openlaszlo , or maybe heavy stuffs like Netbeans framework or maybe Eclipse framework? Yeah, there are some cool stuffs out there, but I don't like to put any server constraints or limited to an OS. The above are all good to go. Btw, what is the good response? Well, I may say the one that can make your user happy. So, choose whatever that could make you dancing, especially in theming you apps. Appealing is a must nowadays, even if your apps suck!

A NP-Problem Case

If a girl having a birthday and you have been warned before that you MUST congratulate her at least at her birthday. But, yesterday is D-Day and you haven't said a thing, even worst you don't even know about yesterday. Today is the day where she will held her birthday party. The only way out is to surprise her with present said anything to cover up things. Now, the problem goes with the present. What is the right present for her?

Oh, No....

I wish not to say goodbye to Con Kolivas. His idea of making linux desktop more responsive is so great. I know I am far too late to say this. He's been out since July... :( I've been there since the beginning 2.4 kernel patch release and very satisfied with his patch. There are many patches out there, but I know his is the one that I would not miss. Ah, how I miss the: # bzcat patch-ckN.bz2 | patch -Np1 # make clean # make menuconfig # make # make install # make modules_install Or just make-kpkg magic.

Agama Itu Hak Pribadi

Sodara2, kalo kita mau maen salah2an agama, seluruh agama di dunia akan ada cacatnya. Kenapa? Karena kebanyakan agama yang kita anut itu telah berlangsung lebih dari 1000 tahun yang lalu, di mana waktu tersebut cukup untuk mengikis benda2 artifak penting sebagai bukti. Setiap agama pasti dianggap aneh oleh orang yang tidak memeluknya, bahkan cenderung untuk dicela. Wajar aja, soalnya ini sama seperti seseorang memandang anak jalanan. Bagi orang yang melihat sambil lalu pasti mencela dan menganggap mereka sampah. Tetapi, bagi yang mau terjun di dalamnya, akan ditemukan simpati atas kerasnya hidup mereka dan cenderung untuk mau menolong dan mengayomi. Saya percaya kepada Yesus Kristus karena saya merasakan sukacita, damai sejahtera, dan kecukupan di dalam Kekristenan. Saya membayangkan diri saya akan kehilangan yang sangat apabila saya di luar Kristus. Maka, ketika subyektivitas itu sudah ada di dalam saya, saya akan menganggap yang lain itu sebagai sesuatu yang salah. Maka, secara keilm...


SOA [READ: So What?] is the best next thing for something that should be simple becoming complex. Starting with the JAX-RPC becoming obsolete, today's Java webservice has move to JAX WS 2.x. The implication? My PHP's NuSOAP WSDL cannot be integrated with Netbeans. Oh,well, I still have AXIS 1.4. Thanks for the developers, I can just generate the client with WSDL2Java. I wish Netbeans have the plugin for AXIS, just like Eclipse did. Hmm... I think I am not ready for 100% Netbeans convert. :P