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Showing posts from May, 2012

My Political Statement

I regret deeply that I have chose SBY as President. This country is on the edge of brokenness and he just take silence, none. Well, it seems Partai Demokrat is in my blacklist. How can Supreme Court is superseded by local authority? GKI Yasmin already being granted from the Supreme Court which is a sign of this country's approval -- including our fellow Moslem brothers and sisters. Why a few radicals could dictate the whole country?

Rightfully Whose?

A post in 9gag, " Story of Palestinian " made a thread with debates over and over. From the post's comments (a lot of them just from a thread!), I found out these stereotypes: Israeli thinks they depend themselves because the Arabs starts the war. Besides, the Palestinian bombing them with rockets. Palestinians thinks that they were oppressed because the Israel. Some Europeans who comment support Palestinians. Some Jews and Palestinian want peace each other. [which is actually the real opinion, I think.] You know why this is a stereotype? Because the hate take the argument one sided and almost all have it. I as a spectator from outside then take a note. Some comments from Isreali debunked the European by telling them, "you ain't live here. You know nothing!" Well, I'm Indonesian and feel the question also for me. Why do I care about this conflict far thousands of Kilometers away? Simple, because they proxy the war here! Each day radical pe...

Things Left Unsaid

What's the best men's biggest source of scar? Their pride which blanket their awkwardness. Being built with high hopes and expectation, something within self-centered consciousness is bleeding. Yet, nobody would recognize it because he too damn proud to show it. Missing someone's birthday. Want to apologize but the event is already in the past. The person's not someone who close enough that it would feel awkward to say sorry to. But, still, the thought of resentment is strong and lingering. Trying to buy a present to someone. Instead of getting compliments, the men getting ill thought from everyone else.  The plan backfired. What can we do? Sometimes we have a self-righteous, but unfortunately, others are not trying to understand. We thought everybody would be like Oshin, obedience to her husband and try to accept the men's decision. Trying to be an honest person. The stake is too high. People would infuse with other idealism. Especially, the persons call...

A dissapointment Indeed

Diablo 3 requires Internet connection just to play single player. ---- Luckily, I was not that impulsive when it was released. Heck, now I don't have a reason to continue to build the almighty PC. Now, what should I do with component that I had already bought?

That Side of The Juror

Why did the chicken cross the street? I found two amusing cases in Indonesia. One is the failed session of academic discussion on UGM because of some NGOs threats . The reason is simple, the speaker is a lesbian. Another one is about Marzuki Alie's speech on UI . He was accused that he was blaming universities, ICMI (Islamic scholars association) and HMI (Islamic students association) for the source of corrupts. The UGM and NGO The first one is actually a real problem of what Indonesia face now. The shifting phase from a melting pot country into fragmented cultures . Since Soeharto regime downfall, many extremists risen. Some says this is an international conspiracy since Indonesia once was the third axis after the West block and the East block. I don't buy this kind of argument, although it might have the possibility. My generation is the result of Soeharto regime. He made us forget of our mother's tongue. Although I'm Batak, I don't know how to fluently ...

Totum Proparte

Fariz RM:"musik Indonesia dulu susah dibuat susah jg dilupakan. Skrg gampang dibuat gampang pula dilupakan" Translation, Indonesian music was hard to make and hard to forget. Today's is easy to be made as well to be forgotten. The My Simplified Response What he meant might be the Indonesian mainstream music.  Because there are lots of Indonesian music out there that aren't that easy. There are genres like Indie, traditionals, experimentals and not forget, my fave, religious. You know why religious song is my fave? There is no way you could sing a religious song with faking the feeling. It resounds in the mixing. It will be revealed whether you just freaking sing it or you go with it. And that is why, my friend, a music. You can't say all Indonesian music suck. And to all of you that produce music, especially you who degenerating Indonesian music: How could you? You were raised with great music and you repay that with presenting crap to this gene...