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Showing posts from January, 2009

Seriously, Guys...

We need to educate every ICT person in Indonesia about Usability and Design. Background of my ranting: I am glad that I have NPWP now, which made me a good citizen. The thing is, I don't know what to do with it. My friend said that I should fill SPT. What the heck is that? So, as his recomendation, I went to [PAJAK] to get to know what I should do. There are 2 big flaws that I found about the website: The website uses Flash and lots of images. WTF? Did they think all Indonesian citizen have enough bandwith? Even here in Jakarta we still have people with 14.4 K b ps modem. It uses javascript. Those people expecting all of Indonesian citizen have HD LCDs, quadcores CPUs, and many RAMs to waste? Heck, even here in UI we still have old Pentium up and running with happy IE4/5. It doesn't show crutial information as the name of the website suggests: PAJAK/TAX . As a new tax payer, I don't know how to do and it doesn't have any FAQ about tax payer. [Heck, they don't teac...

One Way To Spell

What is a human life form? What is the very sense of human basic needs? No. I will not begin it with any philosophy stuff nor try to say reasons nor to analyze things. I don't think any of that thing will nail on the purpose. I just think the thing is you are worn out . Why? Simply because of your trying to self fulfill yourself without knowing what is actually that you really need. Stop right now and look around. I will not say that your life is beautiful for sometimes you may now in a pinch. I will not say that you are the type of people who endures for there are times that you may loose to your anger. I will not say there are people who cares for you for there are many bitching around. All I have in mind is to tell you that: YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE HAPPY How to choose that? ... [MALES NULIS MODE ON] to be continued... ~moMaenL4D

Partai "/dev/null"

Bergabunglah bersama saya di partai "/dev/null" dengan program kerja: 1. Tidak melakukan apa-apa. 2. Tidak mencalonkan siapa-siapa. 3. Tidak bersuara apa-apa. Kami lebih representatif daripada legislator lainnya. Paling tidak, dari awal kami sudah bilang "echo $ASPIRASI >> /dev/null" tidak mengefek apa-apa. Janji kami adalah kami tidak melakukan apa-apa, termasuk membuang uang negara dengan jalan-jalan ke daerah atau ke luar negeri atas nama dinas. Kami merepresentasikan kaum yang memilih untuk tidak memilih tetapi karena berbagai alasan, alasan agama misalnya atau isu nasionalisme, dipaksa harus memilih, maka pilihlah kami. Partai "/dev/null", partai yang merepresentasikan ketidakpercayaan publik kepada semua politisi (oposisi dan pemerintah).

Kapok Kena DBD

Beberapa temen rencananya mo besuk gw di rumah, eh ternyata gw ud nongol di UI. Yah, gpp, niat mereka untuk mengunjungi gw di rumah itu seharusnya tercapai. Secara gitu loh, di statistik lama gw menetap di suatu tempat, emang lebih banyakan gw di UI dibandingkan gw di rumah orang tua gw. Jadi, bisa disimpulkan rumah gw adalah di mana bumi dipijak, langit dijunjung, dan nama UI di sebut, itulah rumah gw. Heheh.. kemunculan gw ke kantor juga adalah karena kesotoyan gw atas kondisi kesehatan gw. Gw pikir gw ud sehat ternyata.... Rencananya mo ikutan wisudaan adek gw yang lolos jadi wisudawan FE. Sampe Balairung eh, gw malah mo muntah-muntah mabok perjalananan. Yasu, disuruh istirahat di kantor ehm.. rumah. Sebenernya dokternya juga kayak ragu-ragu gitu sih. Bokap juga bilang tunggu 2 atau 3 hari lagi. Tapi emang gw yang ngebet pengen pulang. Well, gonna be a lengthy post but I just want to express why... Pertama-tama gw bersyukur kalo gw adalah karyawan UI dan ternyata mereka memikirkan...

Yet Another Postingan Nyampah

Huah, gw baru nonton Ucok AK A di TVRI dan sebelumnya nonton God Bless di Kick Andy minggu kemaren. Sepertinya aroma CGT memanggil kembali jiwa seni, mana nih Jombi??? Ah, untung ada The PePeSIkan. Anyway, sungguh menyedihkan kondisi kita sekarang, tragis bener lagu-lagu jaman sekarang kebanting sama lagu-lagu dulu. Eh, beneran, gw ngerasa standar musik kita menurun. Lagunya sama semua nadanya dan gak ada jiwa di musiknya. GEBLEK! Bahkan akhir-akhir ini gw mulai mempertimbangkan Sheila On 7? OMGWTF? Dulu ada Padi, Alf Band/Nugie, Slank, Dewa 19, dan segudang anak Indie yang bikin SO7 kayak band anak kemaren sore. Bahkan Cabe Rawit! Dan sekarang adanya ST12 dkk yang kalo nyanyi live di Klik dan acara penipuan lainnya dengan lipsync dan sama semua polanya? Jijay Bajay! Eh, emang SO7 meningkat secara vokalisasi dan permainan musiknya. Mereka terpengaruh musik Brit. Tapi gak separah Nidji dan J-Rock yang, oh, well, so Cold Play dan Laruku banget. Lagu baru Bang Oma juga norak, gitu-gitu a...

Blogger In Silence

Been infected by dengue , I can't go anywhere. Just, keep in bed and taking my blood examined everyday (damn, my hand just like a drug user). Well, before I'm getting passed out, here a link: It's a great post by a Jewish DD (Debian Developer). Truly, many more like him and middle east will be at peace and we stop hating Jewish or Hamash or whatever-you-can-hate-of. From that post, you can see that many of the things that happen in this world are truly beyond simple matters. It is complicated by beliefs that installed from the childhood of man (and woman). Imagine if you are a zionist and everyday your parents, neighbours would call "To Jerusalem" to you. Imagine if you are a Palestinian who live under the hood and your leader always telling you that Isreali take away your land. So, the point taken to... I know that each sides have been hurted, and religions just screw things up. ...

Installing Debian On ACER Altos 1200

Fiuh... one machine conquered! I will not discuss about the fiddling, struggling, and meddling parts (hmm... maybe just a 'little'), but let's take a look what's the insight. I've got a funky machine, ACER Altos 1200 with the following specs: - Memory 1536 MB - RAID Controller AccelleRAID 362 - 6 SCSI [8,8,8,8,34,34] in RAIDs (1+0, 1). - 2 Proc Pentium III This thing made any debian based Installer (Etch and Hardy) failed to boot, rebooted with no reason. The machine didn't even bother to recognize OpenSolaris CD. At first, I was thinking it was because of the VGA (Mach64) didn't do well. So, I did the "vga=771" option which resulted without luck. I even put off ACPI with "acpi=0ff", "noacpi", and "nolapic" combinations. The problem was reproducible with different CDs and distros, so it was highly that this wasn't a CD problem. Knoppix also could boot although with a glitch about sometimes it only had one penguin...

Miss Few Things

Hmm.. blogging while deadline. Yep, there's nothing than the ol' way of ditching responsibility with blogging. Stress! Why do we have representative in Senayan when they aren't? For the sake of few, they like to pissing off. Never have been in my life I've struggle with the idea of Indonesia. I have been the type of person who love this country so much that I endure to do anything what I think is best for this country. I have never felt not belong in this country. Those *tard, they can only have sex and bling-bling just like rappers. Hammas don't admit Israel independence. Hammas rocketing Israel for two consecutive weeks, Israel angry and strikes back. Hammas only have militia attacking from civilian area, so how Israel suppose to fight back? Fattah is the real deal, but they don't win the election. After Yasser passed away, they don't have enough ground as majority and often have different view with Hammas, so they can only watch and lobbying. Why can'...