We need to educate every ICT person in Indonesia about Usability and Design. Background of my ranting: I am glad that I have NPWP now, which made me a good citizen. The thing is, I don't know what to do with it. My friend said that I should fill SPT. What the heck is that? So, as his recomendation, I went to [PAJAK] to get to know what I should do. There are 2 big flaws that I found about the website: The website uses Flash and lots of images. WTF? Did they think all Indonesian citizen have enough bandwith? Even here in Jakarta we still have people with 14.4 K b ps modem. It uses javascript. Those people expecting all of Indonesian citizen have HD LCDs, quadcores CPUs, and many RAMs to waste? Heck, even here in UI we still have old Pentium up and running with happy IE4/5. It doesn't show crutial information as the name of the website suggests: PAJAK/TAX . As a new tax payer, I don't know how to do and it doesn't have any FAQ about tax payer. [Heck, they don't teac...
A place where I don't know what I said.