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Showing posts from September, 2007


I still wondering about a thing. I still don't really get it. Why today's Indonesia Christian band groups known as True Worshipper, with Sidney Mohede as lead singer (like Darlene of Hillsong's), sing their song with low key. And I more surprised, in a Jakarta youth Christian meeting, they played the song also in low key. As they were introduced as one of MMI's student, I think they know better that the key is low. But, as I asked the guitarist, they intended doing so as the lead singer/music director/worship leader/whatever you would call a person that in charge of the way the songs sung. Enlighten me, please. CMIIW. I still in search and I don't think this blog entry is to mock or anything that disgrace them. I salute any of them who give their talents to God. But, isn't it now is the time where people always play where they could sing the voice in high pitch? All of every single pop song nowadays are introduced with Tenor or Sopran voices. Look, from the cryi...

Setting Up Your Locale in Debian-based System

I usually install Debian GNU/Linux system by using bootstrapping. The reason is for flexibility and the need to tunning with less time. [Believe me, seems bootstrapping more faster than network install] To set the locale that I want to use, I usually set this: # dpkg-reconfigure locales I usually prefer ID_id.utf8 . It is Indonesian and using UTF-8 format. Btw, why Jakarta uses WIT (Waktu Indonesia Timur/Eastern Indonesia Time) not WIB (Waktu Indonesia Barat/Western Indonesia Time)? Is it the the same reason with assuming my connection is from Ujung Pandang? ------- Edit: Hahaha... seems like I'm the one that not RTFM. WIT is not Waktu Indonesia Timur, but Western Indonesian Time as enlightened by anonymous reader. Hmm... I think I need another round up of LFS . Anyway, thx for the enlightenment.

Why They Say RTFM (Help in Debian)

Newbie in Debian mailing list is like a lamb waiting to be butchered. The one of the reason is because the new user is not search through the mailing list archive. But, there is one more significant reason why Debian folks have the most abusive act towards newbie. The reason is: Debian have the most documentation ever about everything they have ever package. Take a look at /usr/share/doc for example and documentation available. Take a man command to figure the command. Take a info command to (usually) more detailed version. Now, how about automatic configuration? For font configuration, Debian has Defoma for managing font. For application configuration, Debian has dpkg-reconfigure to configure some package. For some needs, Debian also packing small utilities to help people administer their computer. Search them in the repository, using Synaptic, apt-cache search, aptitude, or whatever package manager tool you fond of. Debian also has Debian Policy, a standard for packaging. With tha...

Installing Windows Driver for WiFi Device in Ubuntu Using NDiswrapper

Whoa.. quite long title. Anyway, this trick is given by Rolly Maulana Awangga on ubuntu-id , so the credit goes to him. I'm just archiving it for usage in the future. The point is: 1. Insert your WiFi driver installation CD. 2. Browse into the driver folder. 3. Find driver file (the one with .INF extension) and install it with ndiswrapper. E.g. in gnome-terminal: # sudo ndiswrapper -i namadriver.inf Caveat, there are some driver that already exist in kernel but with broken implementation. One of them is Broadcom's bcm43xx. It should be blacklisted. How to blacklist a driver is to add it into /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist This trick is applicable for any distro out there. But, you might adjust the blacklist file because each distro has different flavour. But, hey, that's another story.

Linux File Ownership (Traditional Unix ACL)

Untuk file ownership, di Linux itu ada 2 aplikasi wahid yang mengaturnya: chown dan chmod. chown berguna untuk mengubah kepemilikan file tersebut. Contoh: # chown jp:jp /tmp/file.txt # chown -R /tmp/folder/ chmod berfungsi untuk mengubah kepemilikan. Contoh: # chmod 666 /tmp/text.txt atau # chmod 0666 /tmp/text.txt # chmod 755 /tmp/text.txt atau chmod 0755 /tmp/text.txt Penjelasan Sistem *nix (GNU/Linux, *BSD, etc) memiliki field akses kontrol list tradisional sebagai berikut: - Hak akses untuk owner - Hak akses untuk user dalam satu grup yang sama dengan owner. - Hak akses untuk yang lain. Sebenarnya ada satu lagi yang mendefinisikan tipe file tersebut: dokumen, directory/folder,special device file, sticky file, etc. Tetapi biasanya ini jarang dipakai dan tak perlu dipikirkan oleh pengguna biasa. Untuk keperluan hak akses, suatu field dapat ditentukan hak aksesnya sebagai berikut: - Gak bisa ngapa-ngapain, seluruh bit bernilai 0 ( nilainya 0) - Bisa dieksekusi, ditandai ...

Firefox Campuss Edition

Introducing The Best Thing To Hit Campus Since Ramen Noodles Firefox Campus Edition (FCE) really have a catchy stuff to play with. Well, I just mention the best I do find really helps. StumbleUpon. This plugin *really* helps me find relevant search in google. OMG, I have user ratings now in my google search results. Say bye-bye to junk results. The sad thing is, I only have 3 friends already enlisted. This is why I write this article. Join! FoxyTunes This plugin is the best plugin worthy as Audioscrobler ( Now, each time I blog in blogger in Blogger or post a message in Friendster, a tiny button shows to insert song that played while I write as my signature. Neat. The other plugin is zotero a bookmark manager. Since I use webmail UI to bookmark things, I find this one rather not so useful. But, in case you don't have any bookmark manager, Zotero may find it useful to you, maybe. (I haven't use it).

Why Be A Fool?

Anybody who not sided with open source movement is a fool. But, why exist people who still consider open source is nothing? Anybody using a proper tool named search engine (e.g. GOOGLE) can search almost all information available on the Internet. But, why exist people who keep asking questions in FAQ? Blog is a knowledge tool to convert information from the head. Is there anyone still consider it junk?

Photo Manager in GNU/Linux

In Ubuntu, the default photo manager is F-Spot. But, according to [TOD], the best album manager is jBrout. Well, to give you the big picture, jBrout stores all of your data in IPTC IIM(Information Interchange Model) information of the jpeg picture. IPTC kinda like EXIF data which exists in you jpeg photo. IPTC stores information about tag and stuff, while EXIF is more about the pictograhical info like exposure, intensity, etc. So, when you tag your picture in jBrout, Flickr and any IPTC capable reader would read the comment and tag it rigth away. This is different with others which using their own database. Btw, F-Spot has IPTC in SVN. Digikam (0.9.x) has it. Unfortunately I'm a gnomish, so, I just use the jBrout, which is perfectly fine to me. The thing to settle is how am I suppose to make it integrate nicely with gnome. Well, for the time being, I'm very happy. :) To Debian/Ubuntu user, use this: deb binary/ REFERENCE: [TOD] Todd. 2006...

What's New (News Update)

Indonesia vs Malaysia Dispute Another mess in the deep water and seems like there are people trying to fish to create instability. The victim has accepted the apology, the government have receive official apology. So why bother? Instability only creates another mess. We are neighboring countries, there will be a great turmoil would happens and further people would get hurt. If you say patriotic, nationalism, etc, I would say those are bullsh*t! If you are patriotic, you would bow completely on law. You would cherish it and with all cost have it all obeyed. This country is a law country (or at least that was taught to me). If this country doesn't have a law, then this country is irrelevant. Now, tell me, who's the more patriotic? Highway Fare Increasing I wish this would only affecting the personal transportation and not for public transportation. Gosh, there are too many of people living in American dream. Consuming oil, tarnishing the earth, and without conscious polluting the...