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Showing posts from January, 2007

Reason of Indonesia's Stagnancy 2: Recommented

@my: Context terjadi bisa dicari apabila terjadi pengulangan yang sama. Nah, karena tidak ada yang menyebut nama Indonesia dengan benar, maka sistem mempelajarinya bukan Indonesia. Sedangkan mereka yang sudah ada dulu (founding fathers/mothers) menyebut tanah air dengan sebutan Nusantara atau Indonesia. Maka, pengeja yang dipakai oleh malaikat tidak mampu mendeteksi huruf audibel dari gramatika pengucapan doa mereka. Selain itu, sistem pengejaan mana pun berdasarkan konteks harus melalui tahap pengenalan dan pembelajaran ("context learning"). Tentu saja, dalam pembuatan sistem ini dan struktur bahasa, sistem ini mengundang para pendiri negara untuk menetapkan bahasa yang dipakai, yakni berdasarkan EYD. Jadinya, sistem ini canggih dan adil karena sesuai dengan tujuan dan landasan negeri ini. Sistem ini menggunakan sampel mereka yang masuk surga. Catatan sedikit, kebanyakan mereka yang masuk surga adalah generasi di tahun-tahun awal perjuangan. KKN yang merajalela di beberapa ...

4 PC + 1 Used Server = G_G

Yeah rite u bet! Folks, after a long research of why horde database getting such a hard ass. We came up with a solution. Yeah, that's right! The culprit is that bloody technology named Hyperthreading. That's rite folks! Read my lips: HYPERTHREADING IS BAD! ESPECIALLY FOR DATABASE! Okay, that's all. Well, not okay I guess. I would like to explain to you what steps we have made to make Horde totally fast. But, I am getting bored here. So, enjoy your webmail. Btw, there seems a little missing code from former developer (ours) in the apps that need to be fixed. Well, that's another story. Btw, enjoy your webmeal (I mean webmail...).

Reason of Indonesia's Stagnancy

Mengapa Indonesia tidak pernah maju? Berikut penjelasannya. Kebiasaan orang Indonesia selalu menyebut tanah airnya dengan sebutan: "Endonisia", "Endonesa", "Endonesah", "Endonesia" Hal ini juga membuat doa-doa yang dikumandangkan ke surga seakan tidak terjawab. Malaikat-malaikat Tuhan berusaha menjawab doa-doa yang khusuk itu. Pertama-tama, malaikat berusaha mencari di database di mana negara itu: SELECT * FROM "nations" WHERE "nations"."name" like "Endo%" Data pun tidak diketemukan. Kemudian, Malaikat berpikir bahwa database belum commit dan data masih di-cache. Maka Malaikat berusaha mencarinya di LDAP ldapsearch -x cn=Endo dan data tetap tidak diketemukan. Maka, terpaksa surat-surat doa itu di-bounce agar tidak memblok surat yang lain. Karena banyak yang surat yang masuk, maka spambayes menganggap surat-surat untuk kemajuan (seharusnya) Indonesia yang selalu bounce itu dianggap sebagai spam. THE END...??...

Nice thing

Yay, I can blog now. Well, what should I tell you? It's my experience using Horde. It began when our IMP became sucks and unstable. We were using Horde 3.0.1 and the connection is damn slow. Worse, one of our server that served it failed and restarted over and over. Well, I think it was expected from a PC. Yes, we are using PCs to power up the mail. Of course we didn't give ordinary PCs a hike. They are using SCSI drives (well, not all of them). I think it is really normal that today's IMP is suck. Years our implementation could served the university need because non of the current trends exists. But, time went by and many cool things arouse. I think that the culprit was the increasing users of Hotspot UI and today's UI PR running well making the students realize the facility that they already have. Now, many people using webmail and it is increasing fast especially during lunch (yeah guys, when you have a lunch we have to monitor the server). Ah, this is getting out of...

I Believe in God

I believe in God. Because I know the prove of it. When you write a C program, you may compile it flawlessly. And then when you run it: # sh myProgram or C:\> myProgram.exe Then suddenly it gives you: Segmentation Fault With no reason of all. In that case, you may say "only God knows". So, you may surge into the code and you recompiled it again. But, this time you pray. Voila! The program runs perfectly fine. But, today's programming style has made people forget about God. Their profiling tools and those damn good programming language such as Java have give them a lack of faith. The programming just run smoothly and the error code is fine. Nothing magic about it. That's why, these days people no longer believe in God. They have too much control to have their mind surrender to God and consider the gratitude of the well running system to Him. Well, the system running is made of C and the God's speaking language Assembly. You may say that the root programmers are b...


Just reinstalled the Silakip system with AMD 64 pure system. Yesterday it was installed with x86 binary. Btw, both of installation ran well and we're trying to surge it right now. Btw, I last nite I watched that damn good piece of show called X-Man, cmiiw. My fave is the eagle eye guy. Not because of his act, but because of the effect. Well, I kinda like his determination. He has failed but not stop. Wow! His face must be made of concrete and in the end, his act became sharper and sharper. He actually made some girl cried happily ever after. Wow!

Aih Bising

Dear all, Server silakip bener-bener bikin gila. Suaranya kenceng abis, kayak pompa aer, trus kalo baru mulai kayak bajaj distarter. AAaaaaaa.a... kecepatan kipasnya aja gila.

Nice! Songs of Computer Geeks

FYI, non of the following were mine, they were pasted from an email by my friend. IMAGINE by : John Lennon Imagine there's no Windows It's easy if you try No fatal errors or new bugs To kill your hard drives Imagine Mr. Bill Gates Leaving us in peace! Imagine never ending hard disks It isn't hard to do Nothing to del or wipe off And no floppy too Imagine Mr. Bill Gates Sharing all his money You may say I'm a hacker But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And your games will fit in RAM Imagine 1-Giga RAM I wonder if you can No need for left-shifts or setups And no booting again and again Imagine all the systems Working all life-time! You may say I'm a hacker But I'm not the only one Maybe someday I'll be a cracker And then I'll make Windows run..... LET IT BE By : Beatles When I find my code in tons of trouble Friends and colleagues come to me Speaking words of wisdom: Write in C As the dead...

Killer Apps/System

Wow, take a hike in this amazing Terracotta: AMAZING!!! Clustered JVM. WOW! Now I can run Java in my old 256 Megs coz I have clustered it with my 'other' machine Yes, I know, kinda like a server abuser. But, that's the great thing of becoming an admin isn't it? We can abuse our servers coz it's on our hand.. So, hail to us, you imbecile moronic users! We are masters of your realm. Khu.. khu.. khu.. >:)

Just Isenk Adja

Wow, how amazing it is. Eclipse has totally killer platform development. Killer not just that kind of killer but also an assassine of my computer. I've got only 256 MB. So, I think I'm gonna move all of my development into my baby (still remember that shiny xSeries?). But, I think it's a good thing. Anyway, I've tested the BIRT and stuff and seems nice. It was great, so great it burned my computer. I just testing it by creating a report from a table with 12000 or more data. Btw, what is the APDU for using javacard? I know that we need to select the applet, read the ATR, and ... gosh... the rest? How to send the APDU? I know we need an AppletProxy and a class that implement CTListener. But, what's next? I can only found OCF 1.0 tutorial, while I have 1.2. Where the next example goes? Well, I think I should reconsider using Starcos library from G&D. I know it only provide C/C++. That could be alright, I think... Just put the code, some stuff of JNI there and patch...

Happy What??

Thank GOD, because of the Internet connection jam, I can feel the sun and I remember there is Christmas and also a new year to celebrate. I can only imagine that if the Inet up, I may end up in campus and doing nothing but some happy programming (ah.. what a heaven to me). Anyway, happy new year folks. :))