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Showing posts from November, 2008

Higher Calling

Some recent events made have made my nasionality desecrated into some lowest level. Never I had doubt about this country that I used to love so much. There are two things that revolved in my head: Pornography Bill. This bill alter some province and many people objection. How arrogantly they take this bill and not take account many factions. Is this country a country of one religion, one race, nor one culture! DAMN IT! How could they so easy endangered this nation. Amrozy cs. was regarded as bunch of terorists. But, what I saw and heard in the media was different. They were regarded as heroes. WTF? What happened just made me thought that this country maybe had me not as a citizen but a stranger. These few years I'm living on fear that someday there would come a day where my church would be shutted and burnt to the ground. I'm not delutional, because they had the attempt few years ago but failed. You see, it is so hard to build a church here. We need some amount of documents that...

How To Install Love

If you want to have experimental version and have the source, do: # tar xvfj love-0.9.98.tar.bz2 # cd love-0.9.98 # cat ../understanding-her.patch | patch -Np1 or # cat ../understanding-him.patch | patch -Np1 # ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var/lib && make # sudo make install Yes, we don't have to search for it and it already packaged by some distros. You may only: # apt-get install love or # emerge love or # yum love But, package manager doesn't have the ability to resolve dependency problem. Be aware that you cannot install it just like that. Sometimes, there are conflicting packages that cannot be installed with love. For instance, a version of libfamily-1.4.3 is conflicting with love-0.9.x because it has the dependency of 0.8.x version. We can just try to install 0.9.x series of love, but it is risky and sometimes can lead the system unrendered. Besides, the 0.9.x is an experimental version. Many have reported the success of installing...

Ada Yang Lebih Rumit?

Hmm... kenapa, sih, kalo mo dapet makanan yang enak perlu usaha ekstra. Bikin bumbu mesti pas, trus cara masaknya bermacam-macam. Duh, perut lapar.... Kenapa gak: # ./configure && make && make install Masak bisa gak yah seperti itu?

Bahasa Indonesia

Kecenderungan para tokoh mencampur Bahasa Indonesia dengan bahasa asing adalah sebuah kecenderungan yang perlu diwaspadai. Apalagi, jika memang tokoh itu adalah seorang tokoh nasional, maka hal tersebut tidaklah dapat dipahami sebagai suatu sikap yang tepat. Tidak bisa tidak, seorang tokoh nasional seharusnya menjadi panutan dalam menegakkan satu dari tiga anasir pemersatu bangsa ini. Dari hasil analisis pribadi saya, perilaku membahasaasingkan sebuah makna adalah cenderung hanya untuk bergaya. Coba Anda perhatikan setiap wawancara dengan politikus, pasti mereka sebisa mungkin menggunakan istilah asing untuk menunjukkan kecakapan mereka. Tetapi, seringkali penyebutan istilah-istilah tersebut salah tempat dan justru menunjukkan mereka hanya canggih dalam berkata. Mengapa harus menggunakan istilah asing? Mengapa tidak mulai dengan mengoinisasi istilah tersebut dalam Bahasa Indonesia? Ada dua hal yang menyebabkan keberatan saya atas penggunaan istilah asing daripada padanan tepatnya yang ...

A Pain

Can someone be called in pain when one not in a hurt, nor being repressed, nor being healed? Can it called a pain when you soul shiver yet your body perfectly stood? Can someone in pain when you watch the person stood on every trials and fought on every battle? Can I be in pain?


Suatu hari, si JP (bukan nama sebenarnya) didaulat untuk membeli kue ulang tahun dari uang patungan untuk si X oleh rekan-rekannya. JP adalah seorang yang tidak suka pergi ke toko, jadi dia bertanya-tanya untuk membeli kue tersebut di mana. Sampai akhirnya terbersitlah pengalamannya yang lalu di mana ada seseorang yang bisa membuat kue yang sangat enak. Ah, si Y ini orangnya ramah dan baik hati, pikir si JP. Kemudian, JP berusaha menghubungi si Y. Tentunya, si Y yang baik mau mendengarkan JP yang bersahabat. Inilah klimaksnya: Y: "Kuenya buat sapa emangnya?" JP: "Kuenya buat ultahnya si X" Seketika itu juga, raut wajah Y berubah dan menatap tajam ke JP.... *PLAK* *jengjengjeng! *Terlihat raut wajah JP yang terkejut takut* *jengjengjeng! *Terlihat raut wajah Y yang terbelalak marah* *jengjengjeng! *Terlihat raut wajah JP yang terkejut takut * *jengjengjeng! *Terlihat raut wajah Y yang terbelalak marah* *jengjengjeng! *Terlihat raut wajah JP yang terkejut takut * *jen...

Solving Problem

There are three ways of solving a delicate problem in a band of people: 1. Go away and left the band. 2. Become a savior for the band. 3. Become enemy of the band. Number one is not an option. Number two is, well, tiring and troublesome. Hmm... number three is interesting...

A New Dawn

Yes, we can. Yup, that's the Barrack Obama's slogan on presidential election. He won on last night vote. But, what's good it can to us? The word "Yes, we can" utterly describing positivism. It is there to express the formidable strenght of one's determination. Just want to say, what you say is what affects yourlife. Talk positive, think positive, do positive. It is the right thing to do.


# sudo apt-get install mailman ==> Install mailman # sudo newlist [LIST] ==> Creates new list # sudo rmlist -a [LIST] ==> Remove a list + purging data # sudo rmlist [LIST] ==> Remove a list but keep data. # sudo sync_members [OPTIONS] -f [TEXT FILE CONSISTS OF EMAILS] [LIST] ==> Synchronize data.

Ah... Kayaknya gw gak jadi murung. :D Gw tunggu kabar mereka. Mudah2an berhasil. Kalo gak, well -2 ke stat Patriotism gw.