I am the most updated mind installed on my brain. It still devel version though it is sometime usable.
Changelog MyMindz 2.1.0:
- Added new theme Anthusiast
- Fix broken symlink _heart called by tragedy()
- Fix malloc() leaks in trust()
- Fix trust_friend().
- Fix missing function depend_on_God(*)
- Partially fix missing function remedy()
- Fix non-static context keeping up in struct _heart where it still contain a lost of a dear friend. Though this is still a workaround.
- Undocumented lost of a function to happiness()
- Lost symlink of static smile.
- Missing function of desire(). Workaround is to undo the function desire() where the version 1.x.x still the best. The orig function was dismissed in 2.0.0-alpha1. We are working to get it right again by asking the former dev. The other option is to rewrite the function from scratch.
Changelog MyMindz 2.1.0:
- Added new theme Anthusiast
- Fix broken symlink _heart called by tragedy()
- Fix malloc() leaks in trust()
- Fix trust_friend().
- Fix missing function depend_on_God(*)
- Partially fix missing function remedy()
- Fix non-static context keeping up in struct _heart where it still contain a lost of a dear friend. Though this is still a workaround.
- Undocumented lost of a function to happiness()
- Lost symlink of static smile.
- Missing function of desire(). Workaround is to undo the function desire() where the version 1.x.x still the best. The orig function was dismissed in 2.0.0-alpha1. We are working to get it right again by asking the former dev. The other option is to rewrite the function from scratch.
bahkan urusan kemanusiaan pun kau ibaratkan dengan source code C. JP oh JP...