MyMindz 2.1.0 released

I am the most updated mind installed on my brain. It still devel version though it is sometime usable.

Changelog MyMindz 2.1.0:
- Added new theme Anthusiast
- Fix broken symlink _heart called by tragedy()
- Fix malloc() leaks in trust()
- Fix trust_friend().
- Fix missing function depend_on_God(*)
- Partially fix missing function remedy()
- Fix non-static context keeping up in struct _heart where it still contain a lost of a dear friend. Though this is still a workaround.

- Undocumented lost of a function to happiness()
- Lost symlink of static smile.
- Missing function of desire(). Workaround is to undo the function desire() where the version 1.x.x still the best. The orig function was dismissed in 2.0.0-alpha1. We are working to get it right again by asking the former dev. The other option is to rewrite the function from scratch.



  1. Anonymous11:33 PM

    bahkan urusan kemanusiaan pun kau ibaratkan dengan source code C. JP oh JP...


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