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Showing posts from 2014

The Embodiment Beauty

Taylor Swift is the embodiment of an ideal Country music girl. White snow smooth skin, sexy red lips and a thin body. Yes, a thin body, not so much fat on her breast and butt. Not until recent year of early 90s, the world dominated with the love of thin body of a white chick. In fact, Cosmo said it better. That statement made Sir Mix-A-Lot wrote a song, Baby Got Back, to oppose that sentiment. And now the role reversed. A flat-chested girl got shamed for her own body. Thus, these advertisements of fake body parts. White girls want to be brown and brown girls want to be white. You just have to hate yourself on whatever you are. Sluurrrpp... Ah, the taste of consumerism.

I Hate Marvel Civil War Storyline In Comic

See this snippets from The Amazing Spiderman: [1] The snippets on [1] made it clear: Stan Lee made Spidey have a strong believe in Privacy. The comic strips show how Spidey even have to face charges because of his anonymity. The accuser even made many accusation to other entities for political attacks. A fan-art/art I've found in the 90's illustrated Spiderman standing in front of Peter Parker tomb. I don't know if that was originally from comic book or fan-made, 90's are a long time ago. That art mesmerized me and introduced me to the importance of privacy. In late nineties, I was joined to a program hold by an NGO. So, at that time I know how crucial a privacy was (and still is) to humanity. I'm not exaggerating! Humanity would fall to big financial organizations if people could not voice their fears in anonymity. Whistleblowers around the world would not dare to come up. We would not see any suppression ge...

Biblical Beauty Workshop 2: Wonder Women

Biblical Beauty Workshop 2: Wonder Woman  Lighthouse Youth GPHI (@LYouthGPHI), my Church, open up a new workshop for empowering women, the second. Throughout the speakers, everyone will be blessed with knowledge of God, make up tips and self-esteems as beautiful God's ambassador. If you have time, please come at: Saturday, 27 September 2014 12.30 - 18.30 WIT (GMT+7) GPHI Pondok Kelapa Jalan Lembah Pinang Raya Blok I1/17 Pondok Kelapa  - Duren Sawit Jakarta Timur 13450 Speakers Citra Scholastika - Singer Khati Cai - International Make Up Artist Mara Badudu - JPCC Woman Pastor Michele E. Surjaputra - Owner of Bonchon Chicken Investment Student: Rp 20.000,00 Others: Rp 25.000,00 Contact Person Tintin (081314365838) Desi (081282999280)

Chivalry vs Feminism

Throughout these years I constantly making experiment about how our society perceive about the societal changes. The overhaul of sexist strata and the privilege reformations follow. Note that every change could be perceived as progress or detrimental to the society. The foremost subject that I run is about the opposite of manliness perceived by the oldies vs modern women. The modern era allow women go out from the kitchen into the office. They can have career and enjoy the privilege that men were exclusively had in years. And, can men also do the reverse? Can men also enjoy the privilege of what women do in the past? Can men move from office into the kitchen? And the answer on this era is: NO. While women could reverse their role, men are not allowed to do the same in this society. Society will punish you when a man tries to do that. They will put a healthy man who chose to be at home dad as an irresponsible not-a-man person. If a woman's worth could be rewritten, why not...

God and ET

Ken Ham slams NASA for its research in Extraterrestrial Life (ET). Finally, I can write something on this blog!   I want to comment about this issue long time ago, but I didn't have a time to write. Luckily, now I can. There is this tendency of people trying to clash Science with Religion in common, especially with Christianity. They made it so well that it feels like there is nothing coherent being a man of God and scientifically right. I'm itch to write about how these claims are wrong in Christianity. To make this short, let's talk about how we should see something that unwritten in the Bible. This time I'm trying to not talk about data, subsets and other mathematical terms. Let's take an analogy for better explanation. Take one simple example: did God governs what palate should available to us? Yes, the Bible restrict some of the dietary . Interestingly, there are confronting thought on some of them . There were people whom really cherrished Mosaic la...


This geeky title is what I should describe about what really happened these days. Especially when a party using religion to gain attention. They would done anything without consent but a calculated victory in politics. In Linux kernel there are few Job Queue algorithm. A Job Queue algorithm is a method to decide which Job will be done in the CPU. So, that method decides which Job that waiting in line should be executed first, e.g. PRIO_FIFO (First In First Out). In the world of power, there are two Job Queue amongst others: PRIO_POLITICS and PRIO_RELIGION. These two algorithms seems define their own workflow differently. One thing we can dissect from both algorithm is there is a fundamental difference between PRIO_POLITICS and PRIO_RELIGION that is how mighty is God depicted. "God is Almighty and He is able to do." That's the one thing that differentiate the algorithm. In PRIO_RELIGION, God is depicted as an Entity that so capable of doing things including protect...

I Stand On The Right Side

Many of you may know that this is the year of Indonesian Presidential campaign. There are two president-vice candidates to select: Prabowo Subianto (Prabowo) - Hatta Rajasa Joko Widodo (Jokowi) - Jusuf Kalla (JK) Indonesian Presidential Election 2014 is the most engaging election so far. So much engaging that many people unfriending each other on Facebook. It happens also to many of my friends. The Reason of Reluctant I've been reluctant on choosing which side I would prefer to stand. This Indonesian election made so much drama involved. I saw flaws on both sides and I think that I would passed this election time. Human Right Issue First of all, there is a washing hands scheme happening. The military, or a faction of it, trying to relish one of the two most wanted Human Right criminals: Prabowo and Wiranto . While the other stands on his own, the later go to the other side camp. In the end, one of them will be released from their criminality, forgiven by politi...

My Latest DIsappointment

FIFA was known for original and catchy OST for each of their World Cup series. Now, we have this trashy song by Pitbull. Why trashy? The lyric is not original. The tune is not original. The clip is not original. OK, let's start with the lyric. It's a combination from common song. Not well thought. Watch the clip and you'll get that so many songs was written like that. The tune, oh, gawd, I want to pass this. It's like the Florida song, Whistle. And... Look at the clip, Pitbull sandwitched with two girl, so R&B original! I don't know if that's his signature. If it is, then pardon my lack of knowledge. And look how the clip is checklisted. Look, you must put flags, people playing ball and Brazil... Why not using this Shakira: From the infamous "Ole... ole... ole...." to "Waka Waka" has been a memorable and clever way to show the World Cup. It's so dearest. Even the Scottish 1998 official song Just Don't Come Home T...

Pemurnian Agama

Baru tahu tentang manifesto Gerindra yang berisi Pemurnian Agama. Artinya, siapa saja yang menjadi Pemimpin dapat menggusur orang dengan alasan pemurnian Agama. Agama bisa dijadikan senjata bagi yang berkuasa, dong? Seperti Ayatullah Khomenei menggusur rekan-rekan Revolusi Irannya. Seperti Anwar Ibrahim dipenjarakan dengan tuduhan seksual. Seperti Warga yang memperkosa seorang Wanita yang ketahuan berzinah. Bacaan Lebih Lanjut: Manifesto Perjuangan Partai Gerindra, p. 40. Indonesia: A Violent Culture? Mengapa ide Pemurnian Agama laku di masyarakat? Aku khawatir terhadap suatu masa yang roda kehidupannya dapat menggilas keimanan. Keimanan hanya tinggal pemikiran, yang tidak berbekas dalam perbuatan. Banyak orang baik tapi tak berakal, ada orang berakal tapi tak beriman. Ada lidah fasih tapi berhati lalai, ada yang khusyuk namun sibuk dalam kesendirian. Ada ahli ibadah tapi mewarisi kesombongan iblis. Ada ahli maksiat yang rendah hati bagaikan sufi. Ada yang banyak ...

A Subsidiary Faith

Nowadays people told us that religion is dead, long live science. Is religion itself not a science? How we fathom the relevancy of The Word with today's science? This is a sparsely written mind of mine. About Earth and Escathology We often listen to lectures about how these lives on Earth come to an end. Some people call it Armageddon. There is a branch in theology called Eschatology specifically study about it. In a meanwhile, we could say true to those studies. But, what if project terraforming Mars is being successful and people would not bound to this dying Earth anymore? Could these ancient religions be relatable unto these people? Can Christianity escapes the judgement of faith? About Humanity and Technology Some years ago, people are really going crazy about Dolly the sheep. It was the very first cloned complex living creature. Although it was short-lived, it brought so many questions for the fundamentalists. If this technology was brought upon human, who would b...