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Showing posts from January, 2008

Horror Show (Welcome)

Ever wonder what's more terrifying than the "Cannibal Holocaust"? It even more disrupting than watching "The Saw". It gives the chill to the bones more than the "Psycho". More than any of those, this is real. People have been living without knowing that they have a right to be happy. Yes, utterly, this is the kind of creepy notion of life. Everyone deserve to be happy but still they are not to be found to using that right. Are you one of them? What? You don't know that you have a right to be happy? Well, if you read this blog entry, please stop a while and smile to yourself. You deserve it!

PEAR WSDL Forbidden Word

Never use "merchant" as it may breaks you and put you into a hard life of debugging already-firm-nothing-to-do-cause-it-is-a-fine code. Well, we have a code for it, try to debug it and nothing happens. Suddenly, out of despair we decided to change our beloved API into another name. It runs smoothly now without any change. Now, we are set. This is another X-Files case for programming.

Kimagure Orange Road

What a nice comic. Romantic, yet not cheeky, full of deep thought especially for those two timers out there. Is he a jerk or is he just trying to be a hero for both? Well, not all of them are a jerk, though most of them are.... Nonetheless, there are sides of every story. You know that I don't like romantic stories but this want is what I would call a classic, must read!

Keadaan Kantor

Aaarrrrgh... gw stres! Kenapa anak2 pada minta lagu "Aku Mau" dari Once. Itu pengkadalan kelas atas dari kaum laki-laki. Sebagai pembalasan, gw pasang "Madu dan Racun" berbagai versi. 1. Arie Wibowo --> Pop 2. Hetty koes Endang --> Keroncong 3. Bill & Brod --> Pop 4. Betharia Sonata --> Dangdut 5. Kristal --> JRock 6. Khalifah --> Progressive Rock 7. 3nity --> Pop R&B Inilah lagu yang benar.

What A Nice Statement!

Liat dari sini , gw agak miris dengernya. Siapakah yang menyatakan dot edu itu tidak nasionalis? Bukankah membanggakan bila UI(dot)EDU dimiliki oleh Universitas Indonesia, bukan oleh University of Illinois, University of India, atau universitas lainnya. Mengapakah sebagian orang gak bisa melihat sisi yang bagus dari banyak hal? Ini kayak waktu Nadine jadi Miss Indonesia dan ikutan Miss World. Gw rasa protes keras di Indonesia juga yang menyebabkan dia menjadi sangat tertekan dan grogi sampai salah ngomong begitu. Seharusnya kita semua memberikan dukungan karena dia membawa harum Indonesia. Apalagi, dia sempat membuat kagum juri utama dan berpeluang untuk menang. Kayak ormas yg mengaku-ngaku atas nama agama memboikot Mc.D yang notabene memberikan lapangan kerja lebih banyak bagi semua orang. Apakah mereka ingin negara ini seperti Iran, memberikan retorika tetapi ekonomi semakin hancur? Rakyat mungkin senang pada awalnya dengan retorika. Akan tetapi, kebutuhan pokok akan membuat mereka...

The Power of Configuration

host:[CENSORED] | time:09:24 AM | jobs:0 | user:root ~> /etc/init.d/postgresql start ERROR: PostgreSQL postmaster did not start because of an unknown reason. PostgreSQL's init script (/etc/init.d/postgresql) attempted to start the postmaster, however, this failed because of an unknown reason. This should not happen and is a serious problem. Please examine the situation (please take a look at the log files). If you know the reason why it failed and, then please file a bug report to Debian (unless the reason is something obvious like a full disk). And what may be the unknown reason? At the line 26 of /etc/postgresql/postgresql.conf just lie the culprit: debug_level = 0 Wow, this could lead to another internet black out and some system down and we all go to home without getting paid but sued. Having it after upgrading Sarge to recent version. *Kabooor*

The World Will See

The world have been devastated in its state for these few years. US decision to go on war have turns yet another misleading interpretation. US, as one of the large country suffer from a great delusion called terrorism. Suffocating from the 9/11, US tried to find an answer but failed to do so with better understanding. Many believes that Bush administration is a mess. But sadly as I watched on TBN, some pastors make their sermon to make majority support on Bush. With their misinterpretation of Bible, they make a vague message that Bush is on the religious war over injustice and struggle for peace in the world. Yes, they are right about injustice in the Middle East and how people over there could easily converted into suicide bombers for vague reasons. Yes, they have extreme social gap there. But, no, you could not use force to change their culture. You could not barge in to them and be a hero. They will never understand that. There is great tool for this which called diplomacy which US ...

Imaginasi Liar Pahlawan Pembela Kebenaran

Pahlawan pembela kebenaran zaman sekarang itu pasti memiliki gadget yang bisa dijual. Misalnya dalam film Transformer, Autobots dan Decepticons dipilih yang bisa menjadi mainan yang bisa dijual. Bahkan, tokohnya ditransformasi untuk memenuhi bentuk sesuai produsen kendaraan bermotor: General Motor. Di Jepang, komersialisasi tak kalah juga. Misalkan saja Kamenrider, dari yang murni kekuatan diri, berubah memakai Kartu untuk henshin (berubah). Terakhir, mereka menggunakan gagdet . Digimon, Yu Gi Oh, dan bahkan Pikachu didesain untuk bisa dipasarkan. Bagaimanakah nasib pahlawan-pahlawan lama? Bagaimana cara mereka bisa menghidupi diri? Secara, gitu, mereka harus membayar ganti rugi untuk setiap kerusakan yang terjadi. Nah, inilah sebagian yang dapat ditangkap oleh imaginasi liar. Saint Seiya Tokoh yang dipilih untuk menjadi maskot iklan adalah Ksatria Emas Aries. Tokoh ini cocok menjadi pemeran iklan Sangobion. Secara, setiap jubah ksatria membutuhkan 1/3 dari volume darah manusia untu...