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Showing posts from January, 2006

U Think U R Right, Don't You?

Tidakkah Anda sebagai penerus bangsa di bidang IT merasa berdosa menganjurkan orang2 menggunakan s/w bajakan? Anda mungkin merasa tidak menganjurkan orang2 utk menggunakannya. Tetapi, bayangkanlah seandainya orang-orang yang di bidang IT saja mengatakan GNU/Linux itu susah, bagaimana orang awam mau mencobanya? Anda mengatakan saya tidak menggunakan s/w bajakan. S/W komersil yang saya gunakan adalah s/w asli. Coba bayangkan, Anda sedang berada di suatu negara miskin di Afrika, katakanlah Uganda. Anda memakan kue Black Forest di tengah-tengah rakyat Uganda. Keesokan harinya, toko-toko kue dan makanan dijarah habis dan terjadi riot di tengah2 kota. Anda katakan bahwa Anda tidak terlibat. Tetapi, alasan utama dari penduduk mengadakan pemberontakan adalah karena mereka tak tahan kelaparan karena melihat *seseorang* memakan Black Forest. Mereka menolak untuk memakan ransum yang telah disediakan oleh UNDP untuk mereka. Padahal, kadar gizi ransum itu cukup tinggi dan memadai untuk pertumbuhan....

Which Is Me.

Eka, my associate, was very displeased when he saw Lab 1103 dominated by blue screen (W****s X*). His sadness was because we actually put an effort to make GNU/Linux system ran smoothly. We have already installed many eye candy and other enhancements to make the GNU/Linux system a better Desktop solution (or may be the best?). We installed the latest development version of Linux which is Ubuntu Dapper Drake. We have done some tweak and made the distro stunned us (very amazing imo). But, is there something wrong with that system? The past of GNU/Linux which is crafted by the hands of computer hackers have made it more secure than the commercial system. Of course, drawbacks are put into account in it. Many part of the system are lack of documentation, more over, the system itself is very hard to installed. Many people are not convenient about the manual mounting system, the uncomfort directory system, and bla.. bla.. bla.. life goes on. Well, that's the past! The nowaday of GNU/Linux...

I Will Finish My Internship

Ugh, I've got myself come home late. I see my fave vegetable served at the table. I ate that with fried catfish. Voila! In the morning I've got stomache, diarrhea, just got myself to the toilet over and over again. In the end, I didn't do my internship report which is must be submitted at Monday.... *SIGH* Today, I still feel the ache. I'm still weak. Oh my God help me, please! Moral of the story: Never eat the vegetable, especially when it's with santan, when you come home late. ;-(

Desktop Experience: Bug Fix

Because of the modularization of 7.0, you must make directory named default in directory " /usr/share/icons ". You can copy " index.theme " from " /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/icons/ default" into that directory. So, you may enjoy the default mouse theme. For compability, you could just make a symlink. This is the way it is: # sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/icons/default # ln -s /usr/X11/lib/X11/icons/default/index.theme /usr/share/icons/default Now, you can enjoy your new cursor. The default install still use the old fashion to install default setting. For nVidia, besides TNT2, all gfx card from nVidia should use nvidia-glx not the legacy one. The info in the given link is rather false. Now, I get myself addictive into KDE because of their kcompmgr. I can configure my menu, panel, and apps to have shadow and cool fade animation. I admit defeat on gnome. *sigh* I hope those boys and gals at metacity can implement better. Now, I must admit that I'm a KDE user. ...

Desktop Experience: Give it a try

My new shining Dapper (K|X)Ubuntu (Development Version) gives me a thrill of excitement. It really cut out the loading time of Gnome and KDE. It really faster than the previous release ( Breezy). How to get the thrill? Simple: Install Breezy, there are a lot of them in my campuss (thx to Debconf 2). You may grab one in the helpdesk.:) I used one from InfoLINUX . Install it on your PC, or you may install it after you did #2. Find someone's PC, like in the Lab OS (ask Iang , Jeab , or Eka ) and use one of the computer there (use my research box if you like). Bring your HD and install it on the given computer. I asked Ramot to use a computer from Ristek . Put your HD in that computer and boot to your Ubuntu. Set your network configuration, by set your IP, Gateway, Netmask, and your DNS. Ask for someone because this is crucial info, I will not give them here in the Net. Either by using Kontrol Panel, Gnome network, or by become a porn star, you can set them out. Edit your...

First Post Intended

This is the first post of 2006. I'm glad we've managed ourselves in the past year. I hope we still around and keep kickin' some ass. Yeah, what on earth I'm blabling about. This post is just for pleasure, don't read the next if you wish. You only wasting your time. Time, what an absurd measurement to say to loose your time. Time just a contantly increasing linear function. Everyone that I know have the same function which is f(x) = x; where x is (0..UNLIM). So, why mention loosing time? Heck, nothing is lost here. If you playing around and not get serious, then you might ended up as an ordinary person. Why bother? why regret that? Even if you take your life seriously, you suffer a lot to become a champ. Many pain exist and in the end the result is constantly the same. People work for food and feed to do work. How foolish we are, feels gotta get more by working hard but in the end loosing much. At the last, it will become zero again and here we are at the starting po...