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AI VTuber

IMHO, we are at the age where human existence in the virtual world is one of the consciousness. As Jean Baudrillard said, we are now at the age of Hyperreality. I believe vtuber is a part of consciousness of a human behind. Although at this stage, it is part of a role play, a kayfabe by someone.

As mentioned by Zimbardo in Lucifer Effect, roleplaying when done repeatedly becomes part of that person. The roleplaying affects the real world. The persona played by the person behind becomes the part of the person itself. That's why the character becomes someone. There is an "id, ego, and superego" that becomes the character's engine.

How can AI replace that engine?

This part needs to be tackled by AI first. The AI needs to be able to "hallucinate", or generate random factoids, with a consistent manner. Being someone like that, it needs to be fed with the right input. Human beings the super group of sensors is constantly build its knowledge by the input from those sensors and the knowledge/data model that had been fed and studied before.

Human builds that ego on years of input and character growth. That is the thing that AI can't have the privillege. Who can fund an AI that learns things and evolves its model constantly for 18 years before launching?

Human also has a privilege of culture as knowledge set. I haven't see any AI model there. How much computational power for that?

Thanks to the NIH behavior of neural network people, the fancy algorithm will always be using complex computations. I mean, why can't they incorporate the lower cost Zadeh' "Fuzzy Logic"  into the equation? Asian electronics conquered the household electronics using that for years now. 

AFAIK, Mamdani and Sugiono model used for years and they made our washing machine smart with lower cost. Not even with an ARM chipset! Only with a cheap chipset with a fuzzy microprocessor embedded and my washing machine can determine smartly to wash my cheap cotton shirt effectively.

Can you think about that for a second? The fuzzy model incorporated into an AI model. How much wattages and time can be save?Anyway, academic ego will not make this happening soon. This might be a wet dream of mine in my master degree era. LOL.

Microsoft has published its quantum chip. Probably we can have enough computation power in the near future to compensate this ego.

I was walking away in the past from AI because I have a fear of being a part of discrimination tool. But I can see that AI will stay. Our president even makes it as a fourth component of Indonesian DPI. He even uses AI to animate him. 

Until the infrastructure and the model in place, VTuber will always be a part of human personalization. I don't think Neuro-sama will be the same without Vedal. IMHO,  Vedal is the vocaloid-p of vtubing and Neuro-sama is the Miku of vtubing.

Anyway, this is a 3AM rambling of mine. To my Moslem friends, especially neighbors who wake me up and make me randomly think of this:

Happy Ramadhan fasting.

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