Pope Francis speaks about Charlie Hebdo case. And then, people start bashing Pope Francis and accusing him as the proponent of the terrorist act. For them, it is alright to bash a religion because it is only a religion. But, as Voltaire, one of the thinker from France said: To learn who rules over you, simply learn who you are not allowed to criticize. This freedom of speech is a double standard. Maurice Sinet, a veteran writer at Charlie got fired because he wrote about anti-semitic article . Apparently you can bully some people but not the other one, especially the one percent. Many people argue about this, but let me ask you a question: Did the article kill someone? Did anyone get hurt physically? But, no, that is bla... bla... bla... this and bla... bla... bla... that different. Same old sheep comment. Parroting what the media told them. Both are hurtful. One for Islamic culture and one for the Jewish community. You can't defend one and tossing the other. That...
A place where I don't know what I said.