A friend of mine tweeted that Indonesia's biggest flaw is the lack of preservation. There are two stories involve in this: The suicide bombing in Solo and a broken water park facility. The Solo bombing should make few leaders here and there resign, if they were that respectable. But, I can see that players are playing their pieces. I can only sighting for them.... Of course if I talk about religion, you would laugh and you people would told me to screw. But, this is Indonesia. A land with many factions and people. There will be time when people have enough and revolution will come. I don't like it, you won't either. New players will emerge and we are still in the chessboard. I hate these detours. Every time we have a big case, there would be another case rising to cover the old one. And this is kind of lame. Just like a medicine; every time you put the dose, the effectiveness is getting down. Until the day we are resistant. Hopefully, we are infected by Slank virus at...
A place where I don't know what I said.