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Showing posts from September, 2011

Preserving [SMTH]

A friend of mine tweeted that Indonesia's biggest flaw is the lack of preservation. There are two stories involve in this: The suicide bombing in Solo and a broken water park facility. The Solo bombing should make few leaders here and there resign, if they were that respectable. But, I can see that players are playing their pieces. I can only sighting for them.... Of course if I talk about religion, you would laugh and you people would told me to screw. But, this is Indonesia. A land with many factions and people. There will be time when people have enough and revolution will come. I don't like it, you won't either. New players will emerge and we are still in the chessboard. I hate these detours. Every time we have a big case, there would be another case rising to cover the old one. And this is kind of lame. Just like a medicine; every time you put the dose, the effectiveness is getting down. Until the day we are resistant. Hopefully, we are infected by Slank virus at...

Question of Life 2: Free Will VS. Predestination

One of many favorite question of life is the question about "where is God when [INSERT BAD THING HAPPENS HERE]". C.S. Lewis made an interesting view from his faith as a Christian in "Problem of Pain". I recommend to have the book in English, though. The Indonesian version is quite jigsawed. The topic about bad things led people into believing few: some become skeptic, some seek asylum and some deny thinking. All with one pattern, trying to escape from the confusion. We desperately need to answer this to have a soothing lives. I myself trying to answer this within my own knowledge. Note that I based my approach from my Christian view, which may differ than you are. I don't want to be a smart ass nor becoming like those philosophers that don't touch the earth anymore. But, I think the question needs to be answered so that we can go on with our lives and maximize them. Unfortunately, not many people like to discuss this topic. I found people in universit...

Question of Life

A cousin of my friend was asking me about life, the meaning of life for me. The goal of life. And my expected achievement of life. It seemed he was bugged when I answered about my profession, "I am just a regular administration worker at UI". He said, we are not just some regular. We have things that can be done. We have the power. Etc... etc... all the goodies of urban positivism thinking. Then, I told him that I just want to have a happy life. And then he asked, "what is happiness means to you?" I answered, "When every day I wake up and can be thankful. That's my resolve." He wasn't satisfied with my answer and told me that's an abstract way of answer. What's so abstract to be able to say "Thank you, Lord, for things today?" on every day? To be honest, I respect his way of life; of how he have determination; of how he know how to achieve his dreams; and especially of how he teach his son. That's why, I don't ...

Are We Through It Yet?

It has been 10 years since the twin towers collapsed. The shadow still haunt us. The pain is still there. I wish the world would learn to let go of the past and try to reach each other. I know it's a stupid wish. But, something stupid drives innovation. May it also drives peace.


I am very disappointed by the government on a particular thing. They give remission to corruptors. What? I don't care about the injustice, because non of it was there when they were punished. They weren't punished severedly. They only got average of 5 years sentence. Their wealth not even got taken from them. What justice is there when they robbed Indonesia and then they got light execution? So light that even a remission could get them free. Democrat is on my least vote candidate! I'll vote other or I rather not vote at all. I am very disappointed. I am sorry that I voted SBY. I wish I wasn't. I thought he was great back there by selecting Budiono. ;((

The Media Isn't Always Right

I was just blogwalking and found out about my friend infuriated by the comment of an UNICEF about Indonesia. According to my other friend's comment, the information about Indonesia is being talked as a poor country. Hmm... this is a great topic as a blog post. Yes, Indonesia is a pitiful country. Many non-mainlands are not being well-maintained, especially those that in borderline. As a matter of fact, almost all of the infrastructures were built during East Indian colonial time. For example, the gas pipe in Palembang and Jakarta railroad. We too have issues of decision makers are filled with selfish people that would only get their own communities. This resulting in many unbalanced development building, minorities bullying, and so on. The injustice are very distinctive that few areas are beginning questioning their loyalty to the republic. What interesting enough is, our people are of great people. Many would made innitiatives without authority's backing up. Many would ...

Just Some Random Thought Captured.

Untold History I've seen people tweeted or put their status welcoming "September Ceria". While we are aware that there is a song by Vina Panduwinata with the said title, there is actually an Indonesian gay gathering located at Solo called that. [1] Which one they would refer to? This side of the Indonesian face is often hidden in the name of spiritual haegemony. I don't think this deserve public attention because of people often driven by anger would put this kind of activity away. But, by denying this part of our nation face, we are encouraging uninformed generation. An uninformed generation is something that would make us terrible. They would lose their heritage and making hateful movements based on biased informations. This is what happens to us. For example, people would curse New Order (Orde Baru) for Indonesia's downfall. They would spit on general behavior of public services. This put all of New Order's idealism into downfall also. One import...