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Showing posts from April, 2008

Hmm... Thing.

DetikInet[1] wrote about a village mistakenly described as a bad village in Wikipedia. Well, it can be done. Wikipedia is a public area where every people can write their finding in Wikipedia. Even, you can abuse Wikipedia by putting your name in it like some people I know that makes UI banned temporary from Wikipedia. Anyway, because of the public attribute it has, Wikipedia will never can be acclaimed as a rightful source for citing in an academic writing.[2] Conclusion: Wikipedia will not a valid source for scientific writting. Another great story from Iluni12, PS3 is now considered for Grid Computing. [3] As we all know, it is not as good as Wii and its new innovative gameplay. Some says that PS3 compability for other OSes making it having reduced tax in EU because of its registration as a computing device, not an entertainment box. [?] Anyways, its revolutionary Cell processor tag it as a great computing power. [4] Hmm... considering next time to buy a PS3, not a PC and have it du...


Addicted to Curry chapter 44 has a great quote: Mother: Is it for me? [Getting a bouquet of roses from her child, Rui] Yui: Yes, do you know what day it is? Mother: Today is... Ah October, 10th. Yui's birthday. Mother: Then, why are you giving it to me? Yui: That's because... Today is the day Mom gave birth to me. What a pristine excuse there. Simply, to make my birthday a day to commemorate a day where my mother struggle with death to have me here, breathing alive. People don't live their lives by theirselves.

Great Story From Jobs

Berikut dapat dari email. --------------- Pidato Steve Jobs, CEO Apple Computer dan Studio Animasi Pixar, di acara pelepasan mahasiswa Stanford, 12 Juni 2005. Hari ini akan saya ceritakan tiga kisah dalam hidup saya. Cerita pertama saya. Kisahnya dimulai sebelum saya lahir. Ibu kandung saya adalah mahasiswi belia yang hamil karena "kecelakaan" dan memberikan saya kepada seseorang untuk diadopsi. Dia bertekad bahwa saya harus diadopsi oleh keluarga sarjana, maka saya pun diperjanjikan untuk dipungut anak semenjak lahir oleh seorang pengacara dan istrinya. Sialnya, begitu saya lahir, tiba-tiba mereka berubah pikiran karena ingin bayi perempuan. Maka orang tua saya sekarang, yang ada di daftar urut berikutnya, mendapatkan telepon larut m! alam dari seseorang: "kami punya bayi laki-laki yang batal dipungut; apakah Anda berminat? Mereka menjawab: "Tentu saja." Ibu kandung saya lalu mengetahui bahwa ibu angkat saya tidak pernah lulus kuliah dan ayah angkat saya bah...

Have A Nice Day To Die

Die. A word allegedly provide information about one's being of incapable to exist. Sometimes it is best described as cease to exists. What is the criteria of someone can be described as die? When a close person stab from behind, the wound inflicted lead to die. When you work on a company 24x7 make you lose all your humanity. When you choose to ignore your heart. When you have lost all of your devotion. When you are no longer breath. Are you really alive?

Apakah Upah Kami?

Ini pertanyaan yang sering kali ditanyakan kepada diri saya dan orang lain. Siapakah kami yang saya maksud? Kami, kaum peneliti. Kami tidak akan seglamor kalian yang bekerja di Bank atau pun di perusahaan multinasional. Di saat kalian memiliki rumah di Pondok Indah, mungkin kami hanya punya rumah kontrakan atau rumah sederhana di pinggir kota. Di saat kalian berjuang memperoleh impian hidup, kami berkutat di lab kami masing-masing memikirkan apa yang dapat kami ciptakan. Pencapaian kalian mudah sekali terlihat: rumah yang mentereng, gaji yang besar, dan anak yang dapat disekolahkan ke luar negeri. Apakah hasil kami? Orang-orang di sekitar, bangsa ini, yang mendapatkannya. Kami hanya berpuas dengan melihat ada banyak orang bisa hidup darinya tanpa tahu dari siapa itu berasal. Banyak kaum kami yang lari ke luar negeri, namun sebagian tetap memilih untuk mengabdi bagi Ibunda yang telah membesarkan kami. Pernah ada seorang dari kami yang datang dari Jepang setelah menolak berbagai dana ris...

IGOS Summit 2

IGOS is an Open Source movement in Indonesia. IGOS stands for Indonesia Goes Open Source. This is a national banner where Indonesian government in its limitation trying to keep the pace with the world in Open Source movement. For the rest of the world, every enterprise has gone to its solution. Furthermore, EU has put open standard as requirement of any project. What is the benefit of Open Source? Open source as a movement has bring the world many things. To the education, it brings researches and tools in affordable fashion where innovations never stop. To the industry, it brings open standards which makes more and more product reproducible and have compatibility in a great ways leading into better data exchange. In enterprise world, the open source movement have leverage the standart where vendor lock is almost impossible. This leads into innovation for making cost reduction significantly and also making systems maintainable. Now, forget about the rest of the world. This is about Ind...

Great Movie

Dalkomhan insaeng (A Bitter Sweet Life) (2005) is a great movie. Makes me think of life. Damn, so much I want to describe but my words are like spoken out with nothing left to be said. But, this is the real question about life: Do we like a cocky guy who stood in front of a mirror and with confidence punching the air? Perfection, anyone? Watch the movie and know what I mean.

Update on My Fave Blog

I have been out in the while, but today I've set my eyes on the two of my fave bloggers in UI's blogging site . Hmm.. sounds cheesy. Anyway... They gave two interesting posts. #1 Sitares: More on Enterobacter sakazakii: National Testing, Law Suit! This post is about the bacterium and the false doing of our beloved health ministry about the research. Well, what do you know? Has research be a part of our law? Now, where the government stands about researching? Yeah, we know that government have the research organizations and stuff. But, what I really want to know, WHAT IS THE POLITICAL STAND POINT of our government towards researching? #2 NeoLiberalism 101: God is on Sabbatical leave This is a damn deep thinking.

Another WTF?

Argh... School Rumble kok ceritanya jadi serius begitu dan endingnya sedih banget? Jadi pengen nunggu lanjutannya. Sedih. Kemaren nonton Padamu Negeri dan liat salah satu narasumber yang notabene adalah rektor memberikan pendapat kebanyakan nyampah. Yang gw salut adalah pendapat dari para anggota Jaringan Islam Liberal dan narasumber satu lagi yang bisa memberikan argumen atas pendapat dia. Oh, yah, topiknya tentang film Fitna. Sekarang mo mandi di kampus musti cepet2. Bah! Lama-lama gw pindah kerja juga ini. Ud youtube sempet ditutup trus ada kejadian ini. Gw mo offline untuk pertama kalinya. Bye.

Jadi Renegade

Huahahaha... demi youtube, gw lakukan adalah cari-cari proxy luar. Banyak! Huahahaha.. sampe lo matiin satu2 tuh proxy anon di luar sana, KAMI masih bisa mengakses YOUTUBE! >:) There is no such thing as censorship in Internet, which is against the very foundation of the Internet itself.

Nila Setitik Rusak Susu Sebelanga

Gw benar-benar emosi ini! Satu-satunya hiburan rakyat di tempat gw ( itu gak bisa diakses melalui provider XXX. Secara, gw gak punya tv di sini dan YouTube adalah satu-satunya tempat buat hiburan. Emangnya seperti apakah film Fitna itu? Gw sampe sekarang juga gak niat nonton. Apakah sedemikian tidak berbesar hatinya orang-orang Islam di Indonesia sehingga memblokir SEITAP situs yang memuat Fitna? Padahal, menurut saya, orang Islam itu bukan orang bodoh! Mereka juga tahu mana yang benar dan mana yang tidak. Kalau tidak, sudah lama di Indonesia terjadi perang saudara dan saya tidak akan duduk dalam kantor yang sama dengan mereka dan kami takkan disebut sebagai saudara sebangsa dan setanah air. Siapakah yang memegang kebijakan ICT di Indonesia? Anda tahu, kan, di Internet sekarang ini mendapatkan Warez sudah tidak seperti dulu lagi. Sulit sekali! Lagipula, hukum Anda hanya berlaku untuk domain dan beberapa .com yang hosting di sini. Cara untuk memutuskan hukum Anda adal...


omgwtf #0: Sh*t, I'm catching up a flu. Nice, I don't go into Sunday Service and lying down 2 days. omgwtf #1: OMG, everybody going on NFC and here we are in GP 2.1.1? Again? omgwtf #2: I am catching a flu, but non of the prescription i have contains for it, all of it was antibiotics and stuff....

New Blog Search

I have installed new Google Search AJAX API. If you are using non-Javascript and non-embeddable browser such as lynx/elinks/dillo, the search is in the left toolbar. Now, you can search my blog easily. The script is simple and you can implements yours. Just sign in to Google Search AJAX API and it will generate a key, use the key for accessing the library. Want more? Visit this to sign up (you must have a google account first). See the examples. Dear Lazy web, here's how I did: 1# I go to Layout -> Edit HTML. I add this to the code in head section: [script src='$YOUR_GENERATED_KEY_HERE" type='text/javascript/] [script language='Javascript' type='text/javascript'] // google.load("search", "1"); function OnLoad() { // Create a search control var searchControl = new; // Add in a full set of searchers // site restricted blog search va...

Catching Up, Microsoft?

After the mess taking a rip off out of Mac, Microsoft will try another rip off. The Direct X11 which GNU/Linux had for years, now will be implemented in Windows 7. Inspired from: [1]