DetikInet[1] wrote about a village mistakenly described as a bad village in Wikipedia. Well, it can be done. Wikipedia is a public area where every people can write their finding in Wikipedia. Even, you can abuse Wikipedia by putting your name in it like some people I know that makes UI banned temporary from Wikipedia. Anyway, because of the public attribute it has, Wikipedia will never can be acclaimed as a rightful source for citing in an academic writing.[2] Conclusion: Wikipedia will not a valid source for scientific writting. Another great story from Iluni12, PS3 is now considered for Grid Computing. [3] As we all know, it is not as good as Wii and its new innovative gameplay. Some says that PS3 compability for other OSes making it having reduced tax in EU because of its registration as a computing device, not an entertainment box. [?] Anyways, its revolutionary Cell processor tag it as a great computing power. [4] Hmm... considering next time to buy a PS3, not a PC and have it du...