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Showing posts from February, 2008


Debian 4.0 is updated at 17 Februari 2008. Admins of Etch, update your chicks. KDE4 is updated in 4.0.1, available by activating experimental (deb experimental main contrib non-us). To install it, you must install each package one by one because APT by default never chooses experimental package. Horde Groupware Webmail Edition is up to 1.0.5. DIMP (Dynamic IMP) is only available at Horde 3.2 which still in RC2. Waiting for Web 2.0 support in webmail client because Roundcube doesn't go anywhere. UI Blogging system is using Drupal 6.0, right now only available to be used by staffs and in its beta. I hope students can also use it once it becomes stable.

What A Silly Ability

Someone told me that most of his customer asked him about how to refresh their desktop. So, they are like in deep sh*t using Gnome which have no "right-click and refresh" ability. That's why he prefer KDE than Gnome. Anyway, what is the use of refresh desktop? It's a silly ability of W*ndows with no use. I mean, if your computer is jammed, there would be no change to get the desktop refreshed.  Maybe one may argue that it would be needed if something would be applied into the desktop but would not be applied until the next update drawing. But that's insane! Even W*ndows would already applying its setting once you click Apply or OK. So, enlighten me! Is there any function of desktop refresh than just a suggestion that the system is alright?

FAQ (Not Again)

Yeah, I'm still single and I'M HAPPY WITH THAT. No, thanks. My status is what's best right now. Yes, she is fine, will be found with a good man. Yeah, she is lovely. Btw, I have a friend gorgeous for her. So, let us be a match maker. I'm not gay. No, I'm not also a bi sex. Arghh... why do us immortal must be questioned? Okay, I'm open just.. immortality fine with me. Okay, stop.

Stop Bashing

Dear basher friend, Please stop using Ahmed Deedat arguments. They were ancient old and there are a lot of counters out there. You are tempting me to bash back and it's kinda hard to stop that temptation. But, what is it good for bashing other belief? Would it guarantee people to change their fate? All that I know, it would only lead to another hatred and hate is a contra in my belief.

MySQL Tricks

Dumping data to be compatible with PostgreSQL: mysqldump -nt --compatible=ansi,postgresql --complete-insert=TRUE --extended-insert=FALSE --compact --default-character-set=UTF8 -u $DB_USER -p$DB_PASS $DB_NAME $TABLE Reset MySQL Password [DEB]: # invoke-rc.d mysql stop # /usr/bin/mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables & # mysql --user=root mysql mysql> update user set Password=PASSWORD(' new-password-here ') WHERE User='root'; mysql> flush privileges; mysql> quit; # fg Then press Ctrl+C to stop MySQL. # invoke-rc.d mysql start

New Gnome Sound Backend

The long blasted ESD (Enlightened Sound Daemon) have ended its supremacy over GNOME. ESD was the viable sound daemon with bad architecture but considered great over the years. I don't have enough mental power (yeah, it's the laziness) to explain about the ESD, JACKd, ALSA, PulseAudio, etc. But, I have a question: Why use PulseAudio as sound server not JACKd? JACK is famous for its low latency, why not use that? Oh, well. That's what I would like to ask.

Enabling OmniKey RFID

OmniKey 5321 has come with RFID interface. But, it seems failed to be detected in my box (GNU/Linux Debian SID, pcscd 1.4.99). Luckily, OmniKey provide driver for GNU/Linux. So, just untar it into a dir, and install it: # ./install -d /usr/lib/pcsc/ After that, don't forget to recompile pcscd: # apt-get build-dep pcscd # apt-get -b source pcscd # cd pcsc-lite-1.4.99 # ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-debugatr --enable-scf --enable-libusb --enable-extendedapdu --enable-usbdropdir=/usr/lib/pcsc/drivers/ # make && make install Served. Well, it seems Debian don't include extendedapdu or something being messed up in the rule section.

Jurus-jurus Sang Pendeta

Pendeta juga manusia, lelaki yang memiliki hasrat juga. Bagaimanakah caranya untuk dapat hidup memenuhi tuntutan duniawi tanpa keluar dari koridor Alkitab? I. Pendeta juga suka cewek Bagaimana membuktikan kalau dia juga suka cewek? Hal ini dapat dibuktikan ketika Beliau menaiki Kopaja(*) atau Metromini(**). Seperti yang kita ketahui bersama, minibus-minibus ini seringkali mengejar setoran dan mengatur sela dengan berusaha mendahului sesama rekannya. Hal ini mengakibatkan mereka seringkali balapan di jalan raya. Nah, pembuktian terjadi saat minibus yang ditumpangi Pendeta menikung. Saat Pendeta duduk di sebelah seorang nenek tua, om-om, anak kecil, cewek jelek, dan cowok, ia akan memegang bangku yang ada di depannya dan berusaha agar ia tidak terlempar ke samping. Doanya: "Tuhan, tolong aku dalam pencobaan ini. Biarlah aku kuat menanggungnya." Saat Pendeta duduk di sebelah seorang gadis ayu jelita, demikian doanya: "Jadilah kehendak-Mu" seraya menjatuhkan dirinya ke ...

Siapakah yang Bahagia?

Ketika elo memutuskan untuk balas dendam, siapakah yang paling bahagia? Ketika elo pengen liat mantan lo sengsara, siapakah yang paling bahagia? Ketika elo pengen membunuh orang tua lo, siapakah yang paling bahagia? Ketika elo memutuskan untuk nge-dump pacar lo, siapakah yang paling bahagia? Ketika elo memutuskan untuk tidak akan pernah mau memaafkan, siapakah yang paling bahagia?