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Showing posts from August, 2007

What It Can Do

Faraday was once challenged by a lady about the goodness of studying electromagnetic. At the time, such field was absurd and not so obvious as today. It was an imagination at that time. So, how would it good for a cause? Then, Faraday asked the lady back, "what is the goodness of nurturing a baby. It can't walk, it can't do anything, yet." If you asked me, what is the goodness of an open source project. If you asked me, what is the goodness of struggling. If you asked me, what is the goodness of you. If you asked me, what is the goodness of the inferior. If you asked me, what is the meaning of life. You know the answer, right?

Not Just A Picking Choice

An article " Reasons to stick with Windows Vista and avoid Ubuntu " by Jonathan Schlaffer, one of Vista evangelist, have an interesting point: installing hassle free OS. Installing GNU/Linux Ubuntu system is sometimes not a trivial matter, especially when you want advances which differentiate GNU/Linux from another system. For example, when we try to install a composite manager, we must edit some settings and install non-standard packages. This is different from Vista which we just have to download the necessity and let Vista rocks. This is even far more different from Mac which already built-in. Why 10+ years of GNU/Linux cannot create such descent installer? Why can't we see professional user interface for idiots? Well, there are few things we must consider: Clashing Ideologies GNU/Linux is an OS with clashing ideologies. This is true due to nature that GNU framework (yes, the thing that uses linux kernel and most of your system dependent with) is created to have libera...

Vi Cheat Code

ViM manual: ViM RegEx: ViM Tips: #> Delete all empty lines :g/^$/ d

Teruntuk Para Manusia Yang Mulia

Terinspirasi oleh blog Narpati (a.k.a. Kunderemp Nardjito) . Anda mungkin sudah terbujur kaku di makam yang hanya segelintir orang tahu.Bersama dengan puluhan, ratusan, ribuan, bahkan mungkin berlaksa jasad tak bernama yang keberadaannya tidak lagi diketahui. Namun, apakah Anda tersenyum di atas sana? Apakah Anda dan mereka yang mulia lainnya senantiasa melihat? Apakah Anda puas, wahai belulang tak bernama? Apakah Anda puas ketika dengan bambu runcing Anda rela menghadapi senapan otomatis? Apakah Anda puas terbujur kaku tanpa ada penerus genetis? Apakah Anda puas ketika Anda mati sambil melihat anggota badan berserakan? Mereka bilang generasi patriotik telah lama mati di tangan revolver dan hanya tinggal generasi yang tak tahu terima kasih. Mereka bilang, Indonesia sudah tidak relevan lagi. Bahasa tak lagi dijunjung, Sang Saka tak lagi berkibar dengan megah dipenuhi kebanggaan oleh orang-orang di dalam naunganny, dan si Ibu buta telah diakali neracanya. Mereka bilang tongkat estafet it...


By default root doesn't have Bash Completion. A regular user do. To activate the Bash Completion you just run: # source /etc/bash_completion or # . /etc/bash_completion Bash Completion is a neat feature of today's Bash, a command prompt/command line/shell of GNU. If you type anything in that shell and then you press [TAB] button, it would show all the possible command corresponding to the characters typed. E.g. in a terminal I write: # ed[TAB] it would output: ed edit editcap editdiff editor editres edje_cc edje_decc edje_recc edje_viewer It means I have those applications in the path. The advance of Bash Completion can also provide any parameters available for most of the known program. E.g. I would to know what is the parameter of apt-get: # apt-get [TAB] autoclean check dist-upgrade install source upgrade build-dep clean dselect-upgrade remove update Not onl...

How to Destroy Defunct Process

I have E-17 with bling module enabled. They seems to work perfect, but recently become unstable. Fortunately I have ttyN to switch and kill. But, it seems they always become defuncts. You cannot kill already dead process. It seems they become restless souls wandering... (Spooky..) :P But, you could let them go to heaven by killing their parent. # pstree or # ps afx find any defunct process (don't forget to see their process id) and then kill all the process that not defunct. # kill -9 141411 or # killall -9 enlightenment In my case, wait for few minutes/hours, then it would be cleaned up. Reference:

OCF Non Existing Terminal Trouble!

Hooray for the long dead OCF. Just to delete the non existing card reader in Windows - of course GNU/Linux wouldn't have that kind of problem which makes me unaware of it GRRR... - you must open regedit: Start -> run -> regedit.exe And find those ghost readers in: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Cryptography/Calais/Readers Well, I just unplugged all of my card reader and delete all. Damn! hours of hard debug and the problem is this? Btw, sorry for anyone who ym me today. This is my hectic day, ever! Reference: (Of course, I'm not a plagiarist) Javacard Forum

A Hard Question.

How do you fall in love? Well, you see the goodness, something that makes you want to be with the one. Now, the damn tough question that makes me wonder: What part of the girl that makes you fall in love? It's been many years and I cannot answer this question. If I tried to ask someone else, they have two answers: smiles at me and think I only making joke around and the second one is, well, dunno if this is an answer: "Yah gitu, deh, Pe. Lo pasti bisa rasain." or the kinda answer that only Einstein could know. Well, the problem is, I'm not joking around. It's hard to me to find what part of a woman would interest me. Sure, they have a good face, but that actually wont last long. Becomes 30 and expired. I even feel strange with makeups. And even if you want to know, my skin is more soft than any ordinary woman (Hehehehe...). If you have ever have a, let's say, a high-end gaming PC or a server. It would cost you only 10% of its value to your maintenance cost. ...

Dosen Favorit?

Kalo di Fasilkom, sih, Pak Stef tentunya. Tapi, gw merasa setiap dosen memiliki kekhasannya tersendiri dan gw rasa gak ada dosen yang gak layak. Paling dosen *PEEP* yang gak bisa ngajar. Tapi, gw ada salut juga sama dia. Pas ngajar mata kuliah *PEEP*, gw salut abis. Dia menguasai bahan dan menjelaskan dengan luar biasa. Mungkin, dia dewa untuk satu mata kuliah saja. Istilahnya, kayak di RPG, dia semacam suatu tribe langka dengan trait khusus. Tapi, lucu juga adek gw, mind@adekGue # cat /etc/inittab | grep getty 1:12345:respawn:/bin/getty JP ISI SIAKNG Kok, ngisi IRS kayak bursa saham aja, cepet2an beli dan jual. Akhirnya: mind@jp # dmesg | grep SIAK [OOPS] invalid handler. Gak ngerti ngisinya. mind@jp # sudo rmmod isi_irs mind@jp # sudo apt-get install isi_irs-kernel-module-source Reading package list... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done Package isi_irs-kernel-module-source is not available but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the pack...

Ode to Mas Kumis

Mas Kumis kembali melakukan blunder dalam menerbitkan hasil temuan. Padahal, sesuai dengan kaidah ilmiah, Beliau seharusnya melakukan verifikasi dan memastikan bahwa hasil karya orang lain yang di-quote harus disebut. Trus, akhirnya banyak klaim dari orang-orang yang bikin muka si Mas memerah. Tapi,dari sisi positifnya si Mas telah membuat suatu gebrakan yang luar biasa, mengingatkan akan pentingnya suatu nilai bangsa yang luntur, yakni Lagu Kebangsaan kita. Kita tau tuh video ud nyangsang di YouTube sejak Desember 2006. Tapi, kita baru menontonnya setelah si Mas dgn beraninya menyatakan afiliasi dengan suatu tim yang gak ngerasa. Coba, sejak berapa lama kita sudah tak lagi menyanyikan lagu KEBANGSAAN kita? Sudah berapa lama kita tak lagi menghormati SANG SAKA? Semoga dengan kasus ini kita bisa bercermin untuk belajar akan diri sendiri. PS: Si Mas bole, nih, bikin polemiknya. Gw jadi tersentak waktu melihat para pemuda tersebut berjalan bangga walau topless dan senjata seadanya.

Get Counted

Dear GNU/Linux user, please get yourself counted in this site: This project was created in order to show GNU/Linux users and one of early GNU/Linux Campaign. Enjoy. :)


Watch out for reuse. It creates a great benefit of making an optimal solution, you can cut down resource usage and have decoupling exercised. But, there's time where the nightmare comes which when one of your comrade change the API of one particular component and making more than one of your mission-critical applications. Well done! Congratulation! You have made your organization stop functioning. ;( VERSIONING DOES EXISTS AND IT IS VERY IMPORTANT! -- Reference:

Menjudulkan Postingan

Apakah yang membuat orang ingin membaca suatu wacana? Tentunya sebuah judul yang terpampang. Tulisan yang dibuat menonjol dengan besar huruf dan ketebalan yang lebih dibandingkan dengan tulisan isi ini merupakan sebuah representasi dari tulisan yang terkandung di dalamnya. Apakah sebuah judul? Menurut pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia yang saya dapat, judul adalah sebuah frasa/penggalan kalimat.Contoh dari judul: # Sebuah Pagi yang Cerah # Hancurnya Surau Kami # Harimau Di Tengah-tengah Kucing Garong Nah, kalo kata koran Lampu Merah, judul adalah sebuah kalimat kompleks dan kadang nyaris kayak paragraf yang ngejelasin isinya supaya gak perlu baca semua. # Pulang Gak Dapet Uang, Nemu Bini Selingkuh, Eh, Marah, Bini Dihajar Mati. # Salah Naro Anunya, Si Kakek Malah Bikin Anak, Si Cucu Lapor, Emaknya Naek Pitam dan Si Kakek Mati Digebuk Massa. # Pulang Sekolah Gak Langsung Ke Rumah, Ketemu Gerombolan Pelajar Dari Sekolah Laen, Eh Kejebak Tawuran, Mati, Deh... Sekarang, mana yang benar? Kalau men...