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My Take on Risu's career as a Singer


Risu made a tweet addressing some of the jab at her career choices in Hololive. The jab was made by people from VTuber shitposting forum in Facebook. I guess the voices make her a little bit uncomfortable so she made the statement in the Twitter.

The tweet basically said that she wasn't chosen. Also, as we who followed her would know, she is a sandwitch generation. She paid for her family. It shackled her for investing to her career.

I don't want to comment on personal matter as the life of her is her own choices and dilemma. I don't know about her circumstances. I would like to comment from the musical side.

I want to comment on why she wasn't picked from my personal view.

Let's talk about the singing.

Risu chose to have duality on her singing. Although this is a gift, this is not usual in the POP world. Because of that, she did not have a singing guide. She need to learn herself for that.

That's why I understand why Studi Suara felt confused when she suddenly changed her voice from Ayunda to Risu and vice versa. From a pop standard, her voice is not consistent! 

I think she can further made this character hers. In the Alice & U, she can play around with the characters. However, as of now, when she sang and suddenly she changed to other characters suddenly really took me off from the song.

She might need to make a song like a conversation. Or, probably just stick with one voice. Or, she can make a song from low to high. Either ways, I think she need to learn to play her voice to make people comfortable. 

This is as a Pop standpoint in which she was in. If she's striving to her own nische, well, I won't comment and respect her. It would be normal if she isn't known if she is striving to such. 

Let's talk about the direction.

I still feels that Alice&U is up there with Stellar Stelllar. I like others made a very high expectation on Risu because she made an ultimate song for her first song!

In the 1:15 AM, however, many expectations shattered. People said the lyrics are not polished enough. Although I agree with that, I think for me the reason why this song is not that great is because this is a technical song.

If I want to listen to technical songs, I would go to Jazz or Mathrock. For 1:15AM, it should be about her emotions, not her technicals. It really took me out of the song.

Let me tell you, her voice still has that heavy Javanese accent. She also had a bad habit of switching voice characters when singing. But, what makes me think highly of her is that she has the magical ways of expressing feelings. That's her strength.

In Bansanka and in Anganku Anganmu, she really shines. I wish she found a good composer who can compose her a song with emotional weight. Well, I would compose my song for her, but my songs were all about Jesus. She probably need someone else to rewrite the lyrics if I composed a song for her. Lol....

She also need to let go of her strive for making her own lyrics. Let people with good sense of modern sensibility write her the lyrics. I mean, Payung Teduh got their lyrics from hanging out with Culture Science students. There is nothing wrong to have the good lyrics from others. And while at that, she could concentrate to make ultimate lyrics. One day, she can release her own song with her own lyrics.

As for cover, I think her voice in Indonesian song, "Terlanjur Sayang" would be a perfect song for her to practice. For Japanese song, I believe Mr Children's song "Kurumi/くるみ" would be a good song for her. Oh, "Florescence" from Kanon the TV animation is also good for her. 

All in all, I don't want to make her a genre singer. All of those songs that I think perfect for her to learn about her potentials. She needs to hone that treasure of hers. She need to bring that ability to draw emotions out of a song. I think she is best as a prolific and charismatic singer, not just a pop singer. 

I believe God is good. I don't know what her circumstances in life. I don't know if her struggle just a kayfabe. However, I know from her voice she through a lot. Those lessons in life made her emotions and enrich her singing. I believe like those nagging people in the Facebook and Risuners, we really wish her treasures shines. Let the talent behind Risu, shines. Let her singing shines. 


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