I also thought to myself, “It is for the sake of people, so God can clearly show them that they are like animals. For the fate of humans and the fate of animals are the same:
As one dies, so dies the other; both have the same breath.
There is no advantage for humans over animals, for both are fleeting.
Both go to the same place, both come from the dust, and to dust both return. -- Ecclesiastes 3:18-20
We know Hammurabi as a king who formulated ancient codex of law. However, did we found out those whom helping him, inspire him?
We know Alexander The Great conquered the land. Did it ever found out who put the sword into the heart of the enemy's general? Who was the one that landed first time on enemy's fort safely?
Nobody knows. Even the kings can only be figures vaguely remembered by their history and myth, not one is their true.
A child is a jewel to the parents. Blessed with love, growing up well. Once becomes married, Mom and Dad is now part of an extended family. On other time, Mom and Dad has no place at this new home.
What's the use for that secondary worktime? What's the use of that one time rushing to hospital waiting patiently to hold a baby? What's the use for that begging so that child can go to that expensive school?
A friend may comes together from a bloodied war. Walk through hell together and back alive. One may live in the memory, but not in the way. Sometimes, they become separated. Each becomes a protagonist in each one's story.
Stories will be there to become reminiscing of the past. None shall judge of the separation. Separation also becomes a story and a reminder and a milestone of what to come.
Past may becomes a helping hand. A grateful heart, a camaraderie, a compassion may sprout from the heart whom has a past. It may grow into the future and becomes a helping hand.
However, past may also becomes... past. No longer relevant as it is a stepping stone and not worth to be remembered. That seed die and never has a chance to become a tree. No fruit there.
Who were the one that raising that flag on the hotel of Surabaya? Who was the last one standing on that war on Bali? Who was that person who build this country?
A sustaining glory may last only in the holy scriptures. Even that depends on how well the religion stays. Even the religion stays, there might be a slight context deviation from the original which in thousands of year becomes a deviation from the original.
What did that god makes such statement? Why that god from that religion let its people to do such barbaric way? Why did you do it?
And then, modern convenient and understanding will be there to become apologetics. They will paint the dark blood stained ground with roses. It will try to sugarcoat that massacre with euphemism and moral story
It stays, but not its truest. It changed. It is easy to swallow, but not the original flavor.
Once red now becomes orange.
Btw, what is glory of men? Becomes successful or becomes a failure, all will be returned to dust and the names stripped out from the annals of history.
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