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Showing posts from December, 2008

Browser Incompatible?

I'm using Galeon here and it based on the Mozilla technology (Gecko). It should render any Mozilla capable websites. Apparently, Yahoo! Mail playing smart by not detecting my browser as one of her compliant browser. Ouch! Galeon is based on the Gecko. So, you know that it should be functioning well on Yahoo! Mail system. For browser based detection, why not checking by calling any ECMA's Javascript version specific functions? Or, if you want a concise, why not calling all the functional call that your script runs and depend on? Well, as any rant out there (pissing someone mode on), I'm just saying: Don't use YUI, just use jQuery.

What They Are Lacking

This post is a rant, so please don't read if you dislike ranting. :D The original idea of education is supposed to be challenging people to achieve new knowledge.  The goal of education institution are providing an environment where those people can be challenged well and having the necessary materials for them available. The materials should not be in the complete shave, it may be raws, and at some points it making the person improvised. Am I right? When challenged well, a person can develop their imagination into many recurring steps and building knowledge over it to overcome common obsticles and infer new one. The person build knowledge blocks and from the existing blocks, another block is created. The beauty of education is the process of founding the right formula to have that process of creation. The reason of formal education is to provide the right formula for such thinking process. That's why formal education endorsed inductive reasoning. The basic of this inductive re...

Taking Back Console

Having tired of the bling-bling and the mouse? Just wanna the good ol' days? Or, you just like me, need the eye-friendly green and black? Oh, yeah, for you whom just left out in a console with no gui to play with. You need to go to your terminal. Pretty BASH You can make a pretty BASH and make your console a powerful one. Don't forget to put these on the .bashrc (debian users default is on, root not): . /etc/bash_completion Create a pretty BASH from *nix-style: export black="\[\033[0;38;5;0m\]" export red="\[\033[0;38;5;1m\]" export green="\[\033[0;38;5;2m\]" export yellow="\[\03...

Hello Amarok

Sorry for the delay of making this post. I've found in my synaptic (configured for Debian Experimental), we have Amarok 2.0. Yay! In my conclusion, I'm amazed how Amarok guys (and gals) provide drastic measure against bug. I guess they splat juices on bugs. :D In Amarok 2 beta2, the annoying bug is stability. Well, now I have a stable Amarok 2.0. Crao! Here's the list of change in my experience: Alpha2: Pretty, abandoned to JuK (which I abandoned with my vast collection of over the years of albums). Crashed when using dynamic mode.  Beta1: Pretty, sometimes crashed on dynamic mode. Rebuilt takes amount of times. Lost all my album pics. Shakier grouping than the alpha, made some songs ungroup. Beta2: Pretty, stable on dynamic mode, Error when I don't connected into the Internet. 2.0: Pretty and damn rock solid! Well, it's just work for me. What is my setup? Debian Unstable/Experimental KDE 4 from Experimental Storage: NFS, local harddisk Services: Last.FM (couldn...

Peta Politik 2009

Hmm... bingung mau milih apa, tapi coba analisis sebentarlah. [PDI-P] Nilai plus dari PDI-P adalah dia menjunjung pluralisme , salah satu partai yang walk out saat pengambilan keputusan UU Pornografi. Mengapa itu penting? Kesenjangan pembangunan antara pulau Jawa dan luar pulau Jawa itu sangat tinggi. Beberapa ketidakpuasan di daerah bukannya dikomunikasikan malah dihiraukan dengan arogansi. Bangsa ini butuh konsolidasi, rekonsiliasi, dan restrukturisasi di daerah. Seperti sebuah postingan, [lupa-red.:P] orang takkan merantau ke pulau Jawa apabila di daerahnya maju. Contoh nyata kesenjangan adalah pemadaman bergilir oleh PLN. Mengapa PLN bisa lolos dengan perlakuan semena-mena seperti demikian? Karena PLN memonopoli listrik! Karena tidak ada entitas bisnis yang kuat dan berpengaruh untuk mengajukan class action /tuntutan. Jadi, "sah-sah" saja jika daerah di Pulau Jawa dianggap tidak cukup potensial. Yah, ini hal yang lain di luar pembahasan. (tetap saja, sih, politik) Nilai ...

Ruby 1.8.7 Compability Issue

The symptom: There is a problem accessing some parts of my Redmine installation. Apperantly, there is an incompatibility issues with ruby 1.8.7, that's why Redmine suggest Rails 2.0.2, ruby 1.8.7.  Oh, well... Veni, vidi, vici! On the browser: Document Error 500. On the ruby environment (after activating debug symbol), the culprit: ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `length' for # ) on line #2 of app/views/documents/_document.rhtml The Answer: Add the following line into $APPS_ROOT/config/environment.rb at the end of it: module ActionView   module Helpers   module TextHelper   def truncate(text, length = 30, truncate_string = "...")   if text.nil? then return end   l = length - truncate_string.chars.to_a.size   (text.chars.to_a.size > length ? text.chars.to_a[0...l].join + truncate_string : text).to_s   end   end   end end And restart any webserver you are using (fcgi, mongrel, etc) and hope to God! Voila! Thanks to a post by ...

Just Found Out A Gem

OpenMeetings: Based on OpenLazlo and Big5. It is built on Java 5+. The best thing is it has Moodle plugin. Sweet! To lazy people (hey, Larry sez it's a virtue) whom do not RTFM, OpenMeetings is a video conference tools with whiteboard, chat, and document sharing capability.

In Here I Am

INHERENT, DIKTI's project of connecting universities in Indonesia. Start out as a single project but now part of Jardiknas (Jaringan Pendidikan Nasional, or National Education Network ). In my personal view, I as other employee of Indonesian universities, lack of understanding of what it is and its benefit. Yeah, it's been a while the program running. So, what's the big deal? Internet never been a better place if not many of universities in USA joining their network together. Many technologies also arise from the Internet and those freely available to download are products from those universities. Yes, it's not the official universities, but creation from individuals. But, the network is there to support them. INHERENT should take that path. Indeed, it has the hive of taking the liberty of synchronizing all mirror across universities and enabling them to be downloaded. It also has been a platform for teleconference and IP Telephony. What's the problem then? It has ...

How To Effectively Download Addons

This is the form of addons:$ID Download it in Kambing :$ID or:$ID For instance, you may want to download ScribeFire Blog Editor 3.1.4, the coolest feature available now at Addons. The address is: Download it from: Cool, eh? Well, for the rest of the world, maybe not. But, to every Indonesian that fakir International B/W may found it amusing. Many gems are hidden in Kambing. (not intentionally, well, we just mirror those damn awesome stuffs).

It's Not Just It's Just!

When you plugging a new function to an organization-wide system, no matter how dead simple it is, you still need a long assesment to point failures that may break or poisoining the system. PERIOD! An enterprise system, which integrates many including those that mission criticals. Ensure that: 1. That function doesn't introduce new bug! 2. That function doesn't play with system security! 3. That function is sanitized properly! 4. That function is according to organizational consensus! (coding standards, directory schemes, etc) and ultimately: 5. MAKE DAMN SURE THAT FUNCTION IS WELL DOCUMENTED!