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Showing posts from October, 2007

An Extreme Enjoyment of Sport

[WARNING: ACTIONS WRITTEN AT THIS ENTRY IS PERFORMED BY PROS. DO NOT MAKE ANY ATTEMPT TO COPY ANY ACTION PERFORMED IN THIS ENTRY] What is life? What is a colorful life? Many people asked about it themselves, but some take it seriously. It takes courage. It takes risk. Sometimes, it takes life itself. Extreme sport. Some say it is an act of foolishness. To find danger as an ecstasy. To put life as a bet to win supreme satisfaction. Be it a mountain biker, a hiker, or even snorkel around sharks. All of them produce high adrenaline. All of them also create enjoyment of life. Another sport yet to discover is exists among us. It doesn't even mentioned in ESPN, but it has a notorious reputation. It is a sport with adrenalin. Race against time just like parachuting. To risk each second of your life just like a surfer looking for the right tube. All of them are the same. It is a perfection of life. Some even say it is a lure against all perfectionist. Only the different is, when you doing ...

Courier SSL Certificate in Debian

Courier have two protocols that provide email access: POP3 and IMAP. The two protocols provided with SSL connection. Update each of them accordingly. The format is like any form of certificate. If you are ready, you can generate the SSL certificate. Btw, don't forget to move the certificates because the application will not generate any existing certificate. IMAP The configuration: /etc/courier/imapd.cnf The application: mkimapdcert The certificate: /etc/courier/imapd.pem POP3 The configuration: /etc/courier/popd.cnf The application: mkpopdcert The certificate: /etc/courier/popd.pem REFERENCE: Installing and Configuring Courier IMAP.

Vacation Report

Everybody having a good vacation? Well, I do, in the campus! :P Yeah, I know. Gutsy Gibbon is out there. We do already download the gem, but we will wait a bit long to publish it. The oil price is increasing and many people still waste it. We can kiss goodbye soon to that hundreds of millions years in the next distant years to come. The government is in their edge of despair to have the ungrateful people of Indonesia content. Yeah, the Myanmar people still suffer under the regime. Couldn't help it. The regime itself is protected by the China Republic. To them, Myanmar is like Middle East to America. None of the international pressure will be affected. So, kiss goodbye to justice of the killed monks. How would you kill a man without a life? So, I am an immortal....


Today's application have notoriously evolve into a new shape which integrated nicely to the Internet. The word "Web 2.0", they said about the phenomenon, is a buzz word rapidly shaping into the next best thing that would change the way software interact. This type of application is developing and maturing quite fast and many enterprises already implement it. Anyway, what is "Web 2.0"? My friends joke about this quite frantically. Any website out there using the word "Under Construction" is considered as old web or "Web 1.0". But, if the website using sleek design and added the word "BETA" on the banner, it should be considered "Web 2.0". Ahem.... Actually, the "Web 2.0" is like the client server tiers several years ago. The different is, this application is using HTTP protocol as communication protocol and using standard data encapsulation such as XML or JSON for data encapsulation. There are four well known im...

My Desktop

After discover the hidden treasure of cool repositories, my desktop is full of blink-blink: - Adobe Acrobat 8 - Adobe Flash 9 - Compiz Fusion 0.5.5 - Opera 9 But, the most valuable thing goes into my account is the new Oxygen theme for KDE4. I admit, it is the best ever damn sleek theme I'd ever see. It's full of originality. Btw, the desktop is Gnome and the Oxygen theme is from the repo. Well, you could go into the and download it yourself. To get this all, just go to the and download *NixStyle-NG. Then, you could enable hidden repo from there. Or, you could just search them yourself. Well, here are the screenshots:

Prinsip Yang Dipegang

Gw bisa, tapi apakah orang lain bisa? Ini pertanyaan cukup nyeleneh, tapi contoh gampangnya adalah pas bulan puasa, gw makan es krim di tengah jalan siang bolong. Boleh, gak, gw? Menurut lo gimana? Ato gini, pas orang lagi kena bencana banjir, trus rumah gw karena di atas jadi gak kena banjir. Trus, gw tutup gerbang supaya gak dijadiin tempat pengungsian. Boleh, gak, gw? Menurut lo gimana? Itu semua, kan, punya gw semua. Boleh, dong. Gw gak rugiin orang lain, kok. Tahu, gak, membeli sebuah aplikasi komersil sekarang ini adalah sebuah kewajiban bukan sebuah pilihan. Saat ini sebagian besar orang tahunya pake doang. Abis itu, hampir semua orang (termasuk gw kali, yah) ud lupa kalo negara ini adalah negara hukum. Nah, biar tambah sip, orang-orang kebanyakan ud kemakan propaganda. Asyiknya lagi, ada orang2 yang mampu untuk memberikan sebuah pilihan. Orang-orang itu namanya praktisi ICT. Orang-orang ini mampu, namun mereka milih ikut mainstream. Toh, mereka bisa memilih mau ke mana mereka...

Annoying ttf-opensymbol Can't Be installed

This is a problem solving which based on dannieboy79 solution. This problem arise when we tries to upgrade Debian based distro. The log: #> fc-cache /usr/share/fonts: failed to write cache /usr/share/fonts/X11: failed to write cache /usr/share/fonts/X11/Type1: failed to write cache /usr/share/fonts/type1: failed to write cache /usr/local/share/fonts: failed to write cache The problem is because the font cacher refused to access there unless we touch it first. So, the problem is by touching each of the directory. There is a quick fix with command: #> touch /usr/share/fonts or if you want the fast way, use the [DAN07] link. He provide the full review. For my convinience, it said: #> cat cache_fail_folder_list.txt | xargs touch Oh, btw, you do know that we are handling system files here. So don't forget to do all the work as root. :P [DAN07] dannieboy79. Fonts TTF Opensymbol - Failed to write cache.