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Showing posts from July, 2007

Where This Nation Goes?

There are two powerful elements that make a nation formidable, one is nationalism and second is the education. Nationalism is born out of the love and the feeling of belonging to a nation. Those desire a dream of a strong concept of an organization of people called a country. How can people be fond of their nation when they are treated not equal? The West Hindia Administration once have made clusters of people. The first class is the Europeans, the second class is the comers (Indians, Chinese, etc), and the last, the Sudra, the Inlander. This is right at the time, West Hindia was one of Netherland's colony. They have the right to be wrong. They have the politic of "Divide et Impera", divide the country in order to conquest/rule properly. But, why our government, starting with Soekarno and sadly until now, making the same mistake? I don't like my fellow countrymen have to have crippled rights. Let's think about it! Although they may only have been here by six to se...

Sejarah Pertanyaan Penting

Sebelum seseorang menikah, ada pertanyaan serius yang ditanyakan kepada pasangannya. Berikut bentuk-bentuk pertanyaannya yang berubah seiring waktu. Tahun 70an ke bawah: "Kamu dari keluarga baik-baik, kan?" Tahun 80an: "Kamu masih perjaka/perawan, kan?" Tahun 90an: "Kamu tidak kena AIDS, kan?" Tahun 2000an ke atas: "Kamu bukan trans, kan?" -- Adam and Steve met in paradise.

Planet of Hiruk Pikuk

Once upon a time, there was a planet called Hiruk Pikuk. The planet is full of inhabitants. Many of them live in high density places. The most common words (as if it was in their own bible) for them: "F*ck off" "MYOB" "Don't touch me" "Hey, that's mine" "Don't you dare..." "Sh*t, I don't have time for this!" But, the most popular word is, the unspoken word. Gestures of silence. Now, the planet have forbidden language that it seems like they were awful, those are: "Thank you" "After you" "How do you do?" "It's a nice day" "Thanks God I'm alive" Are you live in there?

Keep The Pace

In my interview yesterday, the interviewer asked of what is the barrier of the ICT in University of Indonesia . I simply answered that we lacked of human resource concerning the fast growth of technology. But, we tried to cover the vast area with current human resource. Well, because of the interview was by phone, I felt like not so well explaining the thing by phone. I forgot to mention it wasn't because of our ICT staffs was lack of technology sense so that I claimed we are quite behind from the actual ICT technology. It was because we are always trying in the front of anyone so we are adept to the current technology. But, let me ask you something. Have you notice that is a mirror of many great open softwares ? Yes, we already have this beast since 2001 and we have great applications sitting and hiding there. We are the proud official mirror of Eclipse , yes the one that have tiny link in the right page. We are also maintain Mozilla Firefox and its technology ...

What Do You Know About It?

What do you know about faith? Sometimes it bothers me when people try to judge others from their point of view. Well, I know I do too, but, that's not something that should be accustomed to. For those who force their believe over right divinity, I challenge you, did you ever face God? Have you ever done any miracle? Have you ever went to heaven and hell? Is the concept of God really even exists? Is there a place call hell? There is none that can be done to justify any scriptures 100% original or true. This is because almost all major religion today came in ancient time more than 1000 years, so no real witness. Any escavation would seems insufficient because of the deteriotating evidences over time. We can only have pieces. You cannot prove God through science. These are the reason why scientific community tend to ban God from community: God works have no scientific ground as base theory. We can only see the end result without ever knowing where it comes from. The paper God wrote ha...

The Value of Oneself

How people would value themselves? How people would value others? There are many ways to describe how people are valued but all of those values falls into the grace of the one that valued. Those values sometimes may vary and falls into judgement and subjectivity. Nevertheless, value is something that detemines actions against the valued which under concequence can bring destructive result or something good. Now, how do you value your life? In my first year, I learn that in Statistics we have three types of values. But, because of my degrading of knowledge, I can only provide two types of values which is, I think, really matters on this scope of writing. The first type of value is NOMINAL . This type of value is the type of value that falls into the grace of concencus. The real example of this type of value is the value that written in your money, e.g. Rp 50,00 or Rp 1000,00. The next good example is the grade of your school lesson. They would grade you from scale 0 to 10, 0 to 4, or j...

Inspiring Word

Never explain yourself to anyone. Because the person who likes you doesn't need it, and the person who dislikes you won't believe it. -- 1 of wallpaper from

Tak Ada Maksud

Berapa banyak orang, yang karena kekesalannya yang mencapai titik kulminasi, yang sebenarnya ingin mendapatkan perhatian yang lebih, yang berharap agar dia mengerti akan kepedulian yang ditunjukkan, yang berharap bahwa sebenarnya dalam kebingungan, dan yang sebenarnya berusaha meluruskan kesalahpahaman, berkata melebihi yang sebenarnya tidak ia maksudkan? Inilah yang disebut salah kata. Maafkanlah mereka yang telah salah kata kepadamu. Sebab engkau tahu, bahwa sesungguhnya mereka hanya sedang memperhatikanmu tanpa tahu apa yang mereka sedang katakan. Maafkanlah mereka untuk berusaha berada di duniamu, untuk menjangkaumu dan mengatakan bahwa kau tidak sendirian.