There are two powerful elements that make a nation formidable, one is nationalism and second is the education. Nationalism is born out of the love and the feeling of belonging to a nation. Those desire a dream of a strong concept of an organization of people called a country. How can people be fond of their nation when they are treated not equal? The West Hindia Administration once have made clusters of people. The first class is the Europeans, the second class is the comers (Indians, Chinese, etc), and the last, the Sudra, the Inlander. This is right at the time, West Hindia was one of Netherland's colony. They have the right to be wrong. They have the politic of "Divide et Impera", divide the country in order to conquest/rule properly. But, why our government, starting with Soekarno and sadly until now, making the same mistake? I don't like my fellow countrymen have to have crippled rights. Let's think about it! Although they may only have been here by six to se...
A place where I don't know what I said.