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Showing posts from April, 2007

Just a log

Whoa, today is the big switch for SID from etch to lenny. Watch out for dist-upgrade, it WILL remove all of you have installed. The base package has been upgraded, waiting for a few days for maintainers to have the switch to the new GCC.

Funny Things Got Stuck In my mind

Well, here we go: ---- In the back of Good Day Coffee Freeze sachet, there written: Sebaiknya digunakan sebelum / Best before: So, You must steal it from the grocery store for the best use? (Gunakan selagi haram?) ---- Angry Programmer (AP) Someone Sane (SS) AP: ARGH.... WTF!!!! Why don't it runs? The bug doesn't go away! SS: Errr... you're working on the different folder. So, we know the bug? (Insert another brain and press start to continue ) --- Got anything else funny?

Today's Productiveness

Well. Today, I just do: 1. Find infos about Heroes 19 and got it. Thx wikipedia for the spoiler. 2. See interesting posts of case Ngadu Trafik 2007, Nenda 'n friends. Well, many interesting part. But, the biggest part: SOMEONE IS ABUSING TUMA AND INSTEAD OF REPORTING OF IT'S CRACK, HE/SHE USE IT FOR HIS/HER OWN BENEFIT! THAT'S SUCK! TUMA IS THE BACKEND OF KAMBING . A SITE THAT PROVIDES OPENSOURCE ISOS TO ALL THE FOSS COMMUNITY FOR FREE! WHAT THE HECK THAT ATTITUDE IS FOR? Well, Iang is on the way fixing it. Thank, God, we have that person.

What A Programmer should be (IMHO).

I have read in this old blog entry by Endi and get interrested about it. For a sort recaps, the entry was describing a quality programmer should be. It recommended people as a programmer to have: Base knowledge about the underlying operating system (multithreaded etc). Base knowledge about network and the protocols such as http, ftp, smtp, etc. Base knowledge about relational database. Internalization (he said explicitly as unicode, but I guess unicode not just i18n). Computer Languages. Version controlling. Well, those adequate to make you a good programmer for some small need. Well, the truth is, if I ever have the chance to select my own employee for programming, I would say that those are secondary and not that so really important. With my own terms, I will try to say what that really matters to me for someone to be a good programmer: #1: Know How To Documenting Your Piece of Code Sadly, the most important aspect of programming is something that lacking out of those programmers. I...


With the release of Ubuntu Linux Feisty Fawn 7.04 today and just recently released Debian GNU/Linux Etch 4.0, I hope Kambing could survive this day and forth. Aaaaa... (panic mode on). Please be gentle with downloading, rsyincing, and ftping.

The School Saga

Dulu sekolah sebelum masuk perguruan tinggi disebut sebagai SLTA (Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Atas). Kemudian, berganti menjadi SMU (Sekolah Menengah Umum). Pada zaman itu, bayaran masih di bawah Rp50.000,00, bahkan saya ingat masih ada bayaran Rp8.000,00. Sekolah negeri masih terjangkau nyaris oleh semua golongan (tentu saja ada pencilan). Sekarang, zaman sudah berubah, bayaran sekolah negeri sudah di atas Rp100.000,00. Bahkan, untuk sekolah favorit sudah banyak yang dipatok Rp200.000,00. Mungkin itu sebabnya sekarang sekolah sebelum masuk perguruan tinggi disebut sebagai SMA (Sekolah Menengah Atas). :( ~jadiYangEkonomiMenengahKebawahNgapain? ~ngrampokAjaYuk...

What A Day

What a beautiful day today. I have finished watching the whole episodes of Heroes. The one that kept in my heart is the Claire father's sacrifice. OMG, Claire didn't even know what hit her and when she found out about her father, she distrusted him. But, what a father! Although his Claire Bear betrayed him, he still risked his life for her cause. Like what the Haitian said, you could never understand the level of sacrifice. The thing that touched me so much is in the bridge when Claire's father tried to save her though she didn't see that sacrifice. Amazing how parent's love could be. Good news of Kambing, today it doesn't have any rsync error. What a relief! Now, I can concentrate on other things. Well, today is the day to get some research of smartcard specification. Well, CBC, KMC, H-MAC, C-MAC, DES3, INITIALIZE UPDATE, etc, here I come.

Smartcard in Java

Horay! After a long frustration with the long-dead-but-website-still-up-until-now OCF, we have that JPCSC. It just enough to run it in GNU/Linux. Well, today I have to ensure it runs well also in W*****s. Well, after I list my Download directory, it turns out that the JPCSC library have that you-know-who version of the library and I don't remember it was downloaded in my directory. But, it's there and maybe I have downloaded it just for precaution. I seems don't remember, though. Why should I remember blasphemy? :P Oh, well, today I have to have that blaspheme up and running. So, I'm sorry that I've sinned myself filling my google search with the word of M****soft.