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Showing posts from March, 2006


At old times, when comes to pick a mate, the Primbons always says choose the bibit bebet bobot. It means, choose the mate according to the track record and the social status. At present, equality become common, the criteria changed to be much more simple: Choose the right one for your heart. At not so long, if you are a religious one, beside the present condition, term that must be met is added: Choose the same faith. At last, when people get more "creative", the rule is added and the criteria for today are growing into three simple thing (priority based): 1. Different gender (non-transsexual). 2. Choose the same faith. 3. Choose the right one for your heart. What's next?

The Future

Sometimes, I just want to let go people go with their stuff. The heck with them! Coz how many times I tried to tell them, not even they reconsidered the excuse. The future is open source. Many s/w developers are trying to rebuild their business process based on that. Now, new concepts about information technology arise. I wish, our country can be one of the pioneers. But, they are satisfied with today. They are satisfied with the unlawful act that thaught among them. As I said to them, using propietary softwares is campaigning the people to use illegal softwares. Why? Indonesian is a community based people. Without strong will of a community nor a condition where life is at stake, they will not be motivated nor moved to do the right thing. If many of the IT professionals in Indonesia using props, then, non-geeks will continued using those because they are taught so. Worse, the IT pro even advertised bad things about free/open source (FOSS) projects. They think, why would you risk your ...

Wanted: Spam or A Spammer

Hello, out there. If you a spammer or know some spam, would you like to send request to spam to this address: I'm really looking forward to see spams entering that mail, I really mean it! I'm positively actively seriously wanted that so bad. I'm writing this entry with full of concious under no influence of alcohol nor drugs. Look, I can count to 10: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. So, please I beg you, send me spams to that address.

Think Before You Decide: Against Anti-Porn Draft

I still don't understand what the parliament wants with current draft. Why they pushing their opinion so much. Can't someone from law school teach them how to create law or understand what a law must have. A law must have: A basis that describing each term and conditions where the law forbids. No fuzzy term nor misleading shall in the text. Each of the sentence are well-described. Because law is evolving from norm and norm are growing from community consensus, then the law must have been there in the society before it become formal. Law is to defend people from deviation of a person/small group where the person/group override the people sake. From the three, we can conclude the mistake of the Anti-Porn Draft: It has no exact definition about the two subjects, pornograpy and adultry. Listen to this, by current definition, I can sue Angelina Jolie even when she dressed up like ninja because her sensual lips. Some organisation can take the law as the reason to burn many karaoke or...

Not For Reading

# export CFLAGS=CPPFLAGS="-O3 -march=i486 -mtune=athlon-4 -msse" # ./configure --prefix=/opt/XXX --sysconfdir=/etc/XXX --localstatedir=/var/lib/XXX # make # sudo make install # zcat something_to_patch.patch.gz | patch -Np1 # cat >> new_file.txt > Write something > Write anything > EOF # ./ # . # sh # ls -alR | less # ssh -X -l fasilkom # ssh -X fasilkom@ # sed s/breezy/dapper/ /etc/apt/sources.list > sources.list # clear > /etc/issue # cat > /etc/motd > Selamat datang di sistem operasi yang diinstall oleh Bang Ganteng Pisan Euy. > Sistem ini dibangun atas kerangka kerja GNU dengan kernel Linux. > Enjoy. > EOF # ln -s /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/icons/default/index.theme \ > /usr/share/theme/default/index.theme # echo "Aduh, gw bosan kurang kerjaan, nih."

I'm not sure

I'm not sure if I would get married. I'm not sure if I can get rich. Even if I do, I'm not sure if I'll ever be happy. I'm not sure to have a closemate. I'm not sure if I must entrust my life to someone. Even if I don't, I'm not sure if I'll ever satisfied with myself. Some cling to their devotion. Some strive to rationality. I'm not sure if all of them can define what life is. Certainty is uncertainty. ~IfI'mHappyWithMyState, ~WhyBotherToChange?


Aduh, gw ngerasa pw banget di lab sp gw. Suasananya sungguh mendukung gw yang pengen serius ini. Gw kayaknya bakalan minta izin sama Pak Ucok buat bawa kasur sehingga bisa selesaikan dok KP yang masih terbengkalai. GW BENERAN NIH SERIUSNYA... OSH!!!

Vindicated :: Dashboard Confessional

I know in each one of us have a guilty feeling, at least in me. About something, about someone. That some is either significance or not, change the way we think, feel, and enjoy. The guilt is craving the heart with wounds. The imperfect human need to be vindicated. This imperfect human is listening to the Vindicated sung by Dashboard Confessional. song liric. ~IAmNotAnEmoFan ~ButIEnjoyGoodMusic