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Showing posts from September, 2013

She Said, He Said

She Said He said Why the two got different responses? The girl pictured as a cute devoted type, whilst the boy is getting tagged with weird tag. A boy with responsible thought would not be considered normal. They say that on olden days women would get menstruation at the age 13 to 15. Nowadays getting shorter to 10 and 12 -- thanks to Colonel Sanders and Uncle Ronald. That hormonal shift may made the culture think that girls grew wiser at the early age. So, this type of thinking is actually normal. Boys would be pictured as cubs playing around before leaving nest. They would dive into the world taking turfs and trying to be alpha. That's why they do stupid things. To experiment their inner self, which would in the end made them wiser. What the main character do here is totally different from what we, the culture, think about boys. Boys should be silly and full of hormones. They would be a great example of idiots. Well, at least that the culture woul...