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Showing posts from June, 2007

7 Habit by Numbers

Berikut ini dapet dari email. Ini BUKAN hasil karya saya. So, credit goes to the original writer. ---------- Bagi yg pernah baca dan belajar 7 habit : Jika, nilai huruf-huruf ini kita anggap sbb: - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M 1 - 2- 3 - 4 -5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9- 10- 11- 12 - 13 - N - O - P - Q - R -- S - T- U - V - W - X - Y - Z 14 - 15- 16- 17- 18 - 19 - 20- 21- 22- 23 -24 - 25- 26 Hitung bareng-bareng: Bahasa Inggris (dipercaya oleh orang America) Kalau kita bekerja dengan modal angka tersebut dibawah, maka hasilnya adalah... - H - A - R - D - W - O - R - K ( kerjakeras ) 8 1 18 4 23 15 18 11 = 98% Only - K - N - O - W - L - E - D - G - E ( pengetahuan ) 11 14 15 23 12 5 4 7 5 = 96% Only - L - O - B - B - Y - I - N - G ( pendekatan ) 12 15 2 2 25 9 14 7 = 86% Only - L - U - C - K ( keberuntungan ) 12 21 3 11 = 47% Only Ternyata ... semua nilai dari usaha-usaha kita diatas nggak bisa mengalahkan yang satu ini: - A - T - T - I - T - U - D - E ( si...

Belajarkah Kita?

Selama ini dunia pendidikan tinggi tidak pernah diuntungkan dari perangkat lunak berlisensi tertutup. Selama ini dunia pendidikan tinggi di Indonesia telah mengajarkan kejahatan kepada mahasiswanya. Pendidikan tinggi di Indonesia telah secara nyata pelanggaran hukum terhadap penggunaan perangkat lunak berlisensi tertutup. Lebih lagi, dunia pendidikan tinggi mengajarkan ketidakpedulian mereka terhadap ekonomi bangsa yang tidak mampu menjangkau perangkat lunak berlisensi tertutup. Mengapa pendidikan tinggi tidak berani mengambil inisiatif untuk mengembangkan perangkat lunak bebas secara penuh seperti seluruh dunia? Coba tanya, berapa banyak mahasiswa Indonesia yang pernah mengenal LATeX? LATeX yang secara defacto telah menjadi standar dalam penulisan karya ilmiah. Apakah kita hanya tahu cara mengutip tanpa menyebutkan sumber? (plagiarisme) Tanyakanlah kepada mahasiswa ilmu komputer, aplikasi apakah yang mengizinkan mereka untuk berinovasi? Tentunya bukan perangkat lunak berlisensi tertu...

Learning From The Best

On 16th June, Mark Shuttleworth, the man behind Canonical and Ubuntu GNU/Linux, made a big post: "No Negotiations with Microsoft in Progress" The post is about he refuses the Microsoft agreement to not sue anyone from any unknown patent infringement. The state is clear, he doesn't agree for signing against anything that unknown. Which is then the deal cannot be justified clearly. Why Mark dares to take the challenge? Reason #1 It would be troublesome for Microsoft if they put patent infringement against Cannonical. If Microsoft ever wins, then most likely Ubuntu and any GNU/Linux systems would be banned from US, but not the rest of the world, e.g. EU. How could this happen? The FOSS people like FSF most likely will bundle their important projects with many patents so that any of their works and derivatives would become useless to any company in the US. This would lock US companies to proprietary alternatives and the IT costs would climb up. Something like good old revenge...

Apa Coba.

Semua orang hanya ada di dalam pikiran. Semua adalah kepalsuan yang diberikan oleh perasa dan pandangan. Tidak ada yang nyata dalam dunia ini, mungkin juga hanyalah pikiran selintas yang hanya terbuang oleh waktu. Waktu, adalah ungkapan bingkai per bingkai sebagai instrumen fungsi yang setiap satuannya berisi nilai yang berbeda dari perubahan yang dalam. Sarkasme adalah makian orang-orang yang sedang berusaha mencari kebenaran yang sejati. Terbawa aliran sungai dan mulai terpukul riak-riak yang semakin banyak dan batu-batu yang membuat rakit kehidupan nyaris tak berdaya di bawanya dalam arah yang seakan acak. Kebingungan adalah suatu kelas Exception yang dilempar oleh fungsi-fungsi yang didefinisikan oleh pikiran manusia. Terkadang tertangkap dan terkadang membuat proses yang sedang berjalan terganggu. Sedangkan kesalahan pada program dapat saja terjadi akibat dari faktor-faktor luar. Aplikasi yang berhenti akibat kekurangan memori atau pun loncatan-loncatan listrik yang tak terduga y...

Total Cost of Ownership of FOSS

Another buzz term comes in my mind, the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). I can simply said it is to describe a cost to have something. You may find its definition in Google. But, the interesting part for me is this is the term we would find in Information Communication Technology (ICT), or some say Information Technology (IT), or we simply say something that computer related. The word was brought into my head few years ago when Microsoft made a FUD claimed FOSS-based solutions were costly. After the claim, several people try to justify it. I remember there were some even offered frameworks to compute TCO. Many methods even invented and fortunately some real experts defend the FOSS. But, seriously, how do you compute a TCO of a software? It even doesn't exists. How do you measure bytes inhibiting computer memory? Interestingly, you can compute it based on the how much other cost reduced and how the gain increased after the use of a software. In other words, TCO of a software is deter...

The History Indonesia Goes Open Source (IGOS) in the eye of JP

IGOS is a buzz term that culminating into many forms here in Indonesia. First, the term was initiated to state an act of the emerging recognition over Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). Later, it was taken into a form of GNU/Linux distribution (distro) based on Fedora, or community edition of Redhat. I remembered between the transformation, the IGOS distro was introduced as Sun Desktop derivative. It was displayed in one of the counter in one of IGOS early show where Microsoft's counter was the popular and the most visited. (Too bad I didn't won the XBOX.:() There are many difficulties that Indonesia facing during the time, including the dual stance of the government toward the use of FOSS. I remembered that Ministry of Communication and Information (Departemen Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika/ Depkominfo) really doing something about the IGOS movement. At the time, they were bond not to the FOSS side. But, they were using an underground move by deploying IGOS for thei...

A Driven Frustration

Have you ever notice that the world is driven into sorrows? Have a look at new songs, they only discuss two things: 1. Sex. 2. Sorrow. (e.g. losses, love betrayal, missing life) The increasing number of those themes have impacted the way we live. If you realize, we have weakened our senses so that we ourselves are driven into a deep frustration or we can say, our sorrow can be easily triggered. Well, we are the instant generation, we are driven instantly into deep frustration. What a fruit of technology. Is it a good thing or a bad thing? There were a saying that just passed in my mind: "The world is changing because of human. But can humanity adapt to its change?"