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Showing posts from June, 2006

Linux and Internet Radio

Can Linux play internet radio? Sure it can. (That's what the Net advertise) But, I'm currently using linux's modern player: Amarok. No sound and it sucks! (Freeze!) I googling a while, and found streamtuner . Still no luck, though I have inserted my proxy server, and it just opened XMMS and nothing happened. And then, I found that a man bragging about his mplayer playing his internet radio. Then, I opened my Yakuake (cool console, addictive one) and type: # export http_proxy=XXXXX # export HTTP_PROXY=$http_proxy # gmplayer And I inserted a url from Voila! It rocks! Btw, this is sucks. Why a modern linux player such as Amarok failed to play internet radio just right out of the box? Are they trying to mimic M*******t just making good UI and lost functionality? Why on earth a ten years technology (that should be rusty enough) such as XMMS and MPlayer are the only answers to play such technology? Ah, the misjudge me! The proxy server is not set that's why Am...

May The Source Be With You!

Greets, Comrades! Sometimes we want to mess up with compilling stuff from source. It's a good thing that unices projects (now all/almost FOSS) use the three magic steps: ./configure && make && make install But, today order is different from the past. More of us are package-dependent people (yeah, long live package). Now, how could we install those sources without breaking out our precious package-based system? Behold! Here comes: checkinstall Here's how to in Dapper: 1. Install checkinstall, for porn stars use this command (everyone else use synaptic ;-P): # sudo apt-get install checkinstall 2. Install development files (header files) needed for your apps. These packages usually using "-dev" suffix (e.g. gtk-2.0-dev). Now, how to figure out any dependency? - Read the author web. - Read files in apps source directory, I usually read 2 files: README and INSTALL. - Find it on mbah Google . Btw, don't forget to install build-essentials pac...

How to improve your computer

Clean all fans and your cards (especially the joints). Put off your graphic card fan out. Put off one of your cpu fan. Put four cotton buds in each corner in screw hole. After the buds are in place, put the fan in the bottom of your cpu, below the gpu headsink. Voila! Your computer is ready and served. Credits: Amphie, rast, jpmrblood

RUU APP dan Kehancuran Indonesia

Mengapa RUU yang telah: menyalahi Prosedur, karena telah melanggar UU No 10/2004 tentang Tata Cara Pembentukan Undang-undang; bertentangan dengan hukum lain yang sederajat maupun yang lebih tinggi, misalnya UUD 1945 pasal 32; bertabrakan/terduplikasi dengan UU lain yang telah ada, karena ada fungsi-fungsi yang sebenarnya sudah ada di UU yang lain, misalnya Badan Sensor Nasional vs Badan Anti Pornografi & Pornoaksi; masih ingin disahkan? Definisi sesat dan maksiat adalah definisi yang relatif. Bagi saya sebagai seorang Kristen, orang-orang non Kristen adalah sesat. Demikian pula pandangan orang beragama lain terhadap saya. Tidak ada kebenaran yang absolut kecuali kebenaran dalam pikiran. Itulah sebabnya, sebagai seorang Nasionalis, saya menganggap semua WNI sebagai saudara sebangsa dan setanah air walau pun berbeda SARA. Pandangan yang salah adalah mengenai definisi mayoritas. Tidak pernah suatu agama menjadi mayoritas di dunia ini. Mengapa? Sebagai contoh, orang-orang Jawa menganu...